Wednesday, September 10, 2008

27th Birthday Invite Sayings


Zarathustra was wrong

Luque, 12 September 2008

First of all, let the corresponding presentations, not all had the pleasure of meeting with Friedrich Nietzsche, much less the prophet Persian (2100/2020 BC approximately), author of the Zend Avesta and creator of the dualistic religion based on the eternal struggle between good (Ahura Mazsda) and evil (Ahrimón), where, finally, after exhausting struggle, triumph good .
Nietzsche had written one of his most ironic and iconoclastic book, entitled "Thus Spoke Zarathustra", which mocks the theologies in vogue and argues that "God is dead" and excuse to speak on this, but that we understand better. Really
dualistic conceptions, ie gods and demons as a counterpart, not native to the monotheistic Jews, or Christianity, much less, of Islam. It is a much older pagan conception of the impotence of man to the designs of certain gods beneficent, benevolent, creators and donors of goods, compared to the misery caused or induced by evil beings trying to bitch at him for not coincide with or the good gods.
The first "devils" are Chinese and Indian origin, which were later exported to Sumer Egypt (Seth or Satha), Babylon and other parts of the Middle East. Clearly, given the human capacity to find blame for their failures in the absence of Baal Z'ebuth (or Beelzebub), it would have to invent it. Then begin in the imagination priestly angels and demons, until now held by real people by the masses.
Christianity perpetuated these traditions to blame the heck out of our misery and our well-being attributed to God, regardless of human failings and suicidal tendencies. Of course the "up" and "down" came to symbolize the houses of God and the archangels rebel-turned-evil demons. The human being, remained innocent of everything, as you can see. The man, a former ape and expulsion from Paradise for violating the terms of the contract of residence, perhaps, was left to the whims of God and the other, enticing and cunning as serpents, according to the atrocious demonological medieval iconography.
The fight between the two entities continued without definition, but in human warfare always the winner had the blessings from above. The defeated objections and its reasons, the stigma of demonization. Now, the Caesars boreal feel anointed of God to wipe out Afghanistan and Iraq and to intervene unilaterally in any country that has oil and the "suspicion" of harboring terrorists or weapons of mass destruction (That is pure coincidence, believe me). Total, God has sufficient means of mass distraction as grouping a gullible masses on good intentions and its emergency oil to democratize the world.
The eternal struggle between "good", effectively identified with sand-colored uniforms or patches to the tone, and "bad", usually without even one and only egged on by despair, still, seamless finish. That is, one must admit that the struggle between good and evil, probably end up in dead heat or is defined by a penalty kick. But it is certain that Zarathustra was wrong. Good and poor, live together and are probably members or rollers in a tragic game of chess. Only, using smart bombs under the guise of chess pieces. Do you believe in demons? Yes?
Me neither.

Lampedusa The Leopard

Luque, 18 September 2008.

remember reading Lampedusa's famous novel, "The Leopard", back in the seventies, but perhaps some conceptual immaturity or lack of information, did not give much more importance than other literary work more or less genial . I had always similar to human history was linear. Chronologically linear and nothing but the narration of facts concatenated without unintended purposes.
also had read Milovan Djilas Curzio Malaparte and then, as well as Viktor Kravchenko and other essayists and novelists, as my interest focused on the human condition and its apparent shift towards high goals, even contradictory. But then the war in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were taking a course outside the canon of Hollywood war movies. In other words, good were being defeated or held at bay by others. The Vietcong, bad as toothache, at least for Hollywood and the Pentagon.
Maybe then the Earl of Lampedusa give me a track that I opened up other ways to direct my mind to the facts. "Something has to change ... so that everything remains the same." Now, in this turbulent era of preemptive wars, terrorism in the letter, misunderstood democracies, minorities uncomfortable and millenarian religious fundamentalists want to reread "The Leopard" to find another track unprecedented and unusual about the facts of history. Unfortunately I lost that I had and I must find another copy out there. Obviously
contemporary events and characters do not meet the "truths" issued by the mass dumbing down public. Anything less makes cretins-including military think, consciously or not to trust the "official" reports or informal rings emanating from the global or local power. After the Cold War, where right or wrong to appease the West and the "iron curtain", it seemed the world was on track to a unilateral tolerance or understanding.
More events after the liquefaction of "real socialism" gave me the pattern that "something had changed so that all remain the same or worse than before." I do not know analysts are saying (or anal ready, also exist, but does not believe in them) about world situation, where suspected socialists turn to the right of god parent and some liberals are a step to the left, or conservatives who wield speeches thought "liberals" to change and very little hold their positions consistently. to Nicolas Sarkozy cradled in the forges of the Gaullist party, proved a monster programmed by the CIA and the British Labour Party became the emperor's lackey Mercadolibre.
Recently, Mar. 8, Sarah Palin appealed to the nonsense to win votes of idiots ( believe that most "moral") in the United States, saying literally: "I can do my part to work very hard to install natural gas pipeline, a project of 30,000 million dollars that will create many jobs for the people of Alaska, and we will have lots of energy, and also pray for that. I think that must be met with the will of God to unite the people and businesses to build these natural gas pipes, so pray for that. " That is, God works for the Caesar and not vice versa. If there is good business, Alaska and national parks can be destroyed without hesitation, while Palin can gut a dinner.
Here in my small country, following the refusal of the Vatican railroad and apostolic nuncios Lugo Devil denying permission colgr habits to be reviewed that position without delay after the victory of April 20. Lederer things, brethren. Even the Pope would rally their flags intolerant if it convinces convenience.
insist I reread that Lampedusa, before they have other "changes" on the planet, perhaps better understand why all the insanity and stupidity collective rigorously maintained over time, despite the changes.
And the most stupid are those who consider themselves enlightened by God to continue to kill without remorse whatsoever to the most defenseless members, from unmanned Predator aircraft with remote control in Washington, DC, saying that "out of sight, out of mind mind. " Machiavelli may not yet dead, because their maxims remain valid even if they changed the princes.

to renegotiate the 'Mita!

Luque, 19 September 2008.

's not such a surprise trip to Brasilia Lugo (actually, the only surprise was that he did in a plane of Air Força Brasileira, for lack of a local) to "renegotiate: the non-negotiable, brought several comments in our environment and security in Brazil, although no note. Lino Oviedo
said that "it was to lose time. " Or at least that was all he could think to say, his intellect but not given. Others deplored the alien environment of air transport as a lack of dignity or something. The more expected results according to the needs "national." That is, more funds to get their hands on them, if you gather some carelessness or relaxation in the controls. In short, it strikes me that, who else, the less I was expecting something, but not much. The brasucas are tough nuts to crack in terms of energy, and all or almost everyone knows it. The lion's share for the Lion and part of sardines to the sardine. Perhaps the maxim Itamaraty diplomat. Charisma Catholic
Lugo does not have much impact on the skillful York Rite Masons who populate the hallways of Itamaraty, or the Scottish Rite and cluttering Alvorada Plaza of the Three Powers. Everyone wants water for its plants and those here are kids chest against these characters. The treaty had a hard time to rapazinhos, in comets, bribes, sinecures and other deals that were made between 1973 and 1977, the foreign ministers, the Stroessner, the Comendatore Debernardi and other local traitors of our Foreign Ministry. They will not letting go just like that, or loosening screws or release megawatts. Rest assured.
Paraguayans do not know yet, but there are strong reasonable $ $ for them to change their minds, little little. One of them is to veto the second bridge, denying its construction, to prevent smuggling verdeamarelo to our supermarkets. Then, create a security zone of two hundred miles along the border with Brazil, returning to the soybean to where they came. Another important reason is to prohibit all trade-for health reasons or otherwise-to and from Brazil, turning our purchases to the southwest, with Argentina and Bolivia, leaving the air at which we refuse to renegotiate and preventing the flow of currency to Brazil. Return is only a matter of kindness, demanding sovereignty and nothing more.
If after that does not balk at his claims, I I Cistercian monk vow of silence, chastity and all. Because our foreign trade with Brazil, $ eans a lot to them, besides eating our forests are left with the fertile soil of eastern Paraguay and made millions of triangulation soybean, as well as coal and can scavenge in our territory without much effort.
But for that required great diplomatic skill and persuasive, but unfortunately we are as alien as land poor. The largest bag we still talking bad and soon. Also, the thing is with Lula, but Amorim. And behind Amorim, a whole industry lobby electricity consumers, and if they say no, is NO. Sure
by 2023 and we have prepared other attachments, to extend the term until 2060 and so we can continue to plague a few decades, perhaps with the trivial case of extending our debt (and interest sided) with Eletrobrás.
That yes, if we have learned the lesson of our two binational hydroelectric "?, That Corpus does not surprise us off guard and pocket accommodating. I think we should be cured of terror on the "solidarity" of our neighbors and brethren. To paraphrase the Mexican dictator Porfirio Diaz, would say: "Poor Paraguay! So far from God and so close to Brazil and Argentina! "

of treaties, agreements and other demons of hell.

Luque, 21 September 2008.
The rumor of the moment, is the renegotiation of the aforementioned Treaty of Itaipu, something that should never be negotiated even from the spurious origin. Not at least in its current format, selling the soul of a nation by the demon of ambition of others. None of the governments then had a legitimate origin, although the Paraguayan tyrant's nostalgic exegetes try to prove otherwise. The government of General Emilio Medici Garrastazu left the womb of the clique military overthrew the democratic government of Jango João Goulart in 1964. As for us, we know too well how it started and how he kept, gag and broadsword in hand, until 1989.
Southern Cone dictatorships, which emerged from the paranoid minds of the Pentagon, the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) and the State Department, then held no legitimacy whatsoever, nor represent their peoples and their nations. Both the people of Brazil as our own, were bystanders. Just their leaders were the evil chess pieces docile Cold War chess, played with remote control from Washington, DC to keep the "enemy of freedom" crushed under military boots. How our people under military occupation in their nations, could be responsible for such large aberrations legal? In any case, to sue Stroessner and clique on the issue.
Stroessner, if the amnesia of his apologists will look again, has been anointed by Dwight Eisenhower as the first champion of anticommunism and darling of the School of the Americas, sinister Academy of torture and repression. Now, after the reversal of the coxswains of Washington, it's time to stand up and demand our rights violated then, including treaties and covenants wicked style Condor. They sold our soul to a foreign devil without consulting us.
Brazil Itamaraty ie, can not, has no right to evade the revision of treaties and covenants arising from illegitimate governments then. Insist that attitude is tantamount to legitimizing the shame and subjection to the powers that led to such exogenous dictatorships. It legalized the murders committed by the generals and AI-5 [1] much criticized by the revisionist intellectuals of Brazil. Is equal to endorse the humiliation of his own people during those years of enforced silence. Tantamount to consent to future tyrants, for reasons of state, neglecting any self-criticism before the lawless plundering of a neighboring nation. Omit saying "sister nation" que prefiero no mentir y llamar a las cosas por su nombre. Nunca podríamos ser hermanos de nuestros victimarios, desde 1864 hasta los días de hoy, aunque la retórica política y diplomática lo exijan.
Si bien existen ciudadanos del Brasil con suficiente voluntad política de renegociar dicho tratado (y hasta podrían ser una mayoría numérica), el perverso aparato llamado Itamaraty niega toda revisión, en nombre de no sé que legitimidad contractual (Pacta sunt servanda). Algo así como que ya vendimos el alma a los infiernos y estamos condenados a las llamas eternas, de acuerdo a la leyenda negra de Fausto. Ese aparato estratégico que produjo semejante aberración, es el que prevalece incluso sobre the President of the Republic, Congress and the Supreme Court of Brazil. A power far beyond the constitutional powers.
But the fact remains that this superpower is determined not to surrender our part, even in the still-distant year 2023, that are now designing and how to follow them to dominate the binational forever. Magalhaes Juracy be writhing with laughter in his grave for our imbecility of yore.
But he and many Paraguayans abject traitors, as Sapena Pastor, Alberto Nogues, Debernardi, Stroessner and others, and are accountable to Beelzebub or whoever. We are still encouraging and insist on justice. The strict and elusive justice that is denied to us only by our obvious weakness.

Wall Street loves the view that socialism!

Luque, 23 September 2008

After the scandalous bankruptcy of speculative companies that made "investments" stock market roulette playing money of small savers, pension funds and their own shareholders contributors, shamelessly seeking support the Federal Reserve to rescue them, just because it is so large that they could bring down the country. Surely those who clamored for tax cuts a los ricos y grandes contribuyentes, al mismo tiempo que Tío Sam cargaba el grueso de los tributos sobre los pobres, son liberales en el peor sentido ideológico; suponiendo que la cleptocracia pudiera tener ideología alguna que no fuera el lucro fácil.

Eran antisocialistas porque proclamaban la libre empresa, el libre comercio y la libre iniciativa para hacer buenos negocios. Pero ahora, tras las escaladas bancarrotas de estas empresas de “inversión”, parece que los liberales están pensándolo mejor y redefiniendo sus postulados de otrora.
La ilustrada columnista Amy Goodman, expresa lo siguiente:
“La crisis financiera en la que se encuentra sumida Estados Unidos produjo que algunos of banks and major insurance companies beseech the government to make a huge outlay of money to get them out of the crisis. The banking industry, financial, investment and insurance, long bitter enemies of taxation, now need money from working-class taxpayers to stay afloat. Taxpayers should be in charge, then. Instead, the rich, the regulators and those to which the regulators have not been able to regularly make decisions behind closed doors, decisions that will weigh on the population for decades. "
continues in his column the prestigious analyst Democracy Now!: "On Tuesday, Reserva Federal y el Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos acordaron una costosa operación de rescate financiero de 85.000 millones de dólares para salvar a la gigante de los seguros AIG (sobre un total de 700.000.000.000 de dólares). Este acontecimiento ocurre justo después de la repentina bancarrota de Lehman Brothers, el banco de inversión de 158 años de antigüedad; la angustiosa venta de Merrill Lynch a Bank of America; el rescate financiero de Fannie Mae y Freddie Mac; la quiebra del banco minorista IndyMac; y la compra de Bear Stearns por parte de JPMorgan Chase, que cuenta con garantía del gobierno federal. Con 103.000 empleados y más de 1 billón de dólares de activo, AIG fue considerada “demasiado big to fail. " According to regulators, a bankruptcy could cause an uncontrolled global financial instability. U.S. taxpayers now own almost 80% of AIG, so, in theory, the controlled sale of AIG will allow these taxpayers to recover their money. "
But this is not so simple. The taxpayers of the United States, such as around the world, sharks are vulnerable to corporate and liberal governments. In addition, the Federal Reserve is just a private company, so alien to the government as Coca Cola or McDonald's and belongs to sixteen international private bankers. The money issue to save speculators will be an issue inorganic unsupported cash inflationary effect and impact on the world wherever there dollarized economies. Incidentally, this is one of the reasons for the steady decline of that currency, despite the operations of "regulation" of our central bank and currency speculation.
is, Americans want financial privatize profits and socialize losses, in plain language. Now it seems that the capitalists are beginning to discover the benefits of socialism, by using taxpayers' money on foot to rescue the financial magnates magicians. Thus, sometimes the naked facts fallacies of those who try (and often successful), shock sell recipes for "lead" to development, without success, of course. Core countries seek to ruin our efforts to force us to sell our raw material price. So easy.
The economic bubble-style liberal, is now a shocking case that will soon be closed and subsequently forgotten by millions of imbeciles who contribute their contributions and savings to grow wildly these giants with feet of clay, euphemistically called "private corporations" . What they omit to say the media of mass distraction is that they are really vicious and no other thing. But now, before the wailing wall of the Capitol, it appears that the capitalists discover that socialism was not as bad as it looked.

the second bridge Stop!

Luque, 25 September 2008.

We have the doors of our new East Troy this Greek to further facilitate the penetration (without petroleum jelly, pre course) of the new breed of frontiersmen. They say that Brazil will fund a bridge at the height of President Franco, only rejecting the rail mode, for reasons of cost and other secrets diplomats prefer to remain in the doublet. Brazil is that we want to sell everything I can produce at a price they set, they pay what they sing the bunda for our electricity, captive of the wicked treaty since 1973.
A long history of plundering, dating back to the start-sac of wealth, furniture and documents after the genocidal war in 1865 to 70-and still refuse even to investigate them, "has given us the pattern of real intentions. The blatant and slow penetration of landowners and timber business in our already impoverished territory has been constant since our "openness to the" back in the sixties. Now think of attacking the head of Paraguay from another bridge, designed to enter than to exit. That is, boycotting will export our products as usual, and Federal Revenue Act funnel through.
We must not slacken now, just when in the side of the scales of Themis our claim to Itaipu. Brazil has no right to continue to penetrate in a small country which is both historically. Even his alleged superiority gives this right to infringe our sovereignty through the Paraná, becoming a sub province, that their intentions are very clear about it and not bother to hide.
Nor should give much credit to finance their deals transmission lines subestática or the right bank, whose costs exceed seven million dollars to be paid by our grandchildren and great grandchildren. Insurance will not pay for Brazil, and it is hoped that the cost of the second bridge is billed us again and our debts and interests with neighboring allow the effects of the Itaipu treaty go far beyond 2023, that usury or the mischief they have not disappeared from their agendas.
We must resist the force of diplomacy and international law at little or no hegemonic intentions masked by our neighbors. There may be a traitor or native sepoy applaud these questionable samples of "friendship" and "cooperation" pero creo que después de las anteriores experiencias con ellos, no debemos chuparnos el dedo y asentir sin contrastar otras posibilidades. Es probable que la amabilidad del “hermano del Este” llegue a obsequiarnos un peine cuando estemos calvos y peladinhos.
La conclusión es que debemos detener los planes del Brasil en relación a la construcción de más puentes de penetración sobre el Paraná. Por lo menos hasta que se avengan buenamente a reconocer nuestros derechos sobre la energía de Itaipú, además de permitir nuestras exportaciones, sin trabas. Si les permitimos hacer cuanto quieran con nuestras fronteras, será mejor que renunciemos a la soberanía y nos hagamos súbditos del sub imperio verdeamarillo forever, kicking the trash our history of resistance. However, before we forget to learn Portuguese and Guarani.

treatment, and other conspiracies.

Luque, October 5, 2008.

Much ink is spilled once again by the treaties and letters of intent signed with Venezuela, whose details will not mention being utterly publicized by the tabloid press that "alert" against "meddling" in Venezuela in our internal affairs, as if no longer had enough interference during the Cold War and the swords of the day, Stroessner Estigarribia, and even during the brief was Rodriguez. Brazil also suffer interference by the military, Menem in Argentina and now because of the "war on terror", that very few remember.
Obviously, all the obvious, that Latin America is putting the pants of the emancipation, in case two centuries of the supposed "independence", with the sound purpose, mistaken or not, stop trying to be the backyard of those we know. Many drain has cost the poor South, the establishment of the hegemony of "big brother", which is still more left to be a brother, giving up the luxury of walling off its entire southern border to keep out the undesirable neighbors.
American intellectuals today and do not worship but to the intelligence long ago put aside the nightmare of the utopian "American Dream" by other more realistic and ethical choices. Nobody with half a brain is a fool thinking that the Democrats are our allies better than the Republicans. Both are being breastfed by the same corporate entities that aspire to our resources and military interference imposed on us, like it or not. Both represent interference, even with guarania rhythm or sound of harp dorarnos pill.
Our countries are being infringed on its sovereignty by shock policies imposed by international usury, with the help of corrupt governments concerned taxes for them to drain our country of the future in exchange for "development aid" and who have lived the years after World War II, we know with apodictic certainty. So why be afraid to change the route?
If an emerging power in South America offers help to promote the culture and intelligence, which is the best help you could want and need, "congratulations. If the barter of food for oil we should, celebrate. It is possible that certain opinions issued jerifaltes priori against Chavez, knowing that we have been plagued with interference almost from the war outside of the Triple Alliance.
Summarizing the situation, those who complain about the "secret" of such treaties and letters of intent, I would say that all treaties signed by our governments were secret ... until long after the coming into force. Remember Itaipu, Mercosur, Yacyretá and many more do not know. This was done between cocks and midnight half sows, and the people have been nothing more than unwelcome guest, endorsing a fait accompli,
I do not think now that the "Bolivarian thought," as adopted by the Southern Cone countries, except Colombia and Peru, is worse than the "Monroe Doctrine."

[1] Acta Institucional No. 5, instrumento “legal” de la represión en Brasil.


Para acceder a las músicas compuestas e interpretadas por Chester Swann
con el Proyecto VOX POPULI, integrado por Noelia Núñez (voz), Lea Rodas (voz).
Horacio Cordeiro (Estudios Adagio), Quique Calabrese (Guitarra, pista 11), Rolo
Chaparro (guitarra, pista 10), Chester Swann (guitarras eléctricas 6 and 12 strings, keyboards, synthesizers and samplers, low electroacústiuco, arrangements,
voice, chorus, composition and final assembly)


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