Saturday, April 19, 2008

Goodpsychiatrist In Chennai Blog


Incubus 16 April 2008 Originally uploaded by
Luzardo. Nothing like

celebrate the double anniversary with a concert. Missed A Certain Shade of Green, but who cares.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Vista Drivers For Sb0480

your letter to us and to others ... Studying for Awakening


Astudillo Pedro Aranda

"Guess good guesser" What is the greatest hypnotist in the world?.
Hypnosis is to stop this and relive the past that we dare not see him awake. Further travel has been paid to the potential we would have had incarnations, reincarnations esfumantes. But also the power of hypnosis is to turn this awareness and become the greatest absurdities. The greatest hypnotist
masses is the way of life so "globalized", encompassing, in a network as vast as the sea and everything that happens in it's normal, "the way things are."
I had the opportunity for training purposes, educational to share concerns about how we are living with various groups: employees, officers, owners of small and medium sized enterprises, teachers and parents. Given the question
clean and direct without any guidance or introduction: How does, how do you feel our world? and whose only requirement is to hear the responses of everyone, without objection or debate, only welcome and are presented in a plenary. This instance to bring out the experiences to the surface takes place in a span of 7 minutes in groups of 3 to four people. While a short time, however expressions as literally bubbling geysers of Geysers: Each group presents a fully autonomous. They conclude that compartírtelas feel necessary.
Deshipnotizarnos or see how are the waters that we sail generate real hope to change our perspectives. Our world changes according to what the eyes see. Let's see dominant experiential perceptions.
"We live in a competitive world, so stressed, so aggressive, so violent, uncertain, as insensible even to himself, nothing amazes me more and more virtual and less real, is cross-communication in the era of the greatest inventions of communication tools, how beneficial technology, but how arrollante, chips moving to humans. And the nest where nutrient concentrate better communication would be the home, each in his room by contacting the macro world of the Internet, TV ... altered climates that relatives often take steps to mental or physical violence, relationships are fearful between parents and children. It is very paradoxical, to say the least, that while cultural walls collapse, myths, recognition of diversity, people feel a cold distance between them. That experience of the mass call to pose nude was a perplexing success by the number of people involved. A flash of human equality, without barriers. However, surveys of human development of the United Nations show that only 5% of Chileans say they trust people. Feelings of loneliness swarm everywhere, for the attention that we should ourselves is cast in multiple occupations, pre - occupation and emergencies. Perhaps they are our subterfuge to escape ourselves. Even more so when our self-esteem is depreciated.
The rapid changes, we make a life in the fast, anxious to lose the rhythm, since "fast food" how to read, learn faster, brief is doubly good, we feel the time "flies by us" it is impossible to stop and reflect, absorb, process, mature, take off the immediacies distances. The working world pressing in light of the goals, achievements, technological culture glorifies the essential motive to reduce costs by an insatiable performance results. Dominant technocracy or ignores their impact within human lives. Who is not pro-life? but, in fact life is not respected, precisely because life has a "logic" that the reason ignored. Are obvious progress in a more comfortable life, but this convenience has dried blood supply to the capacity spirit of creativity, to look beyond our network, that spirit which delights in living where respect by itself, respect for others, to assume the responsibility to fund their own actions. The sense of ownership for one's actions is minimized as we breathe the culture of substitutes: modernity is unthinkable to supply what we lack. There are people who are covered with accessories, which they are essential. This was spirited
knowledge, knowledge is acquired pathological anxiety, and therefore not taught to think, in order to inform displaced to form both in schools and even more in the universities. It is obvious that the knowledge we have ornamental jumps from human genome discoveries to space stations. But, looking at the huge gap between human beings leads us to ask: why knowledge, to this day have not contributed to the enrichment of human relationships?, Why has split the scientific truth of the good? . Good to dignify a society not as individuals but a society of people, taking them to be part of the splendor of the beauty of creation. This question may seem For many people, poetry, pointless reality or utopia only for dreamers. The arrogance of knowledge would be to surrender to global warming, with drinking water shortages in the coming decades. The glare of heaven on earth we are blinded to energy resources. further thinking on clean energy and renewable. Analogous things we have filled or rather aspirations, however, the vast majority of human beings without power goes to work, to study. Flooded by torrents of stimuli. It is still symptomatic of the proliferation of lectures, seminars, courses have occurred, given "to motivate people," to be leaders and managers understand how to infuse soul, enthusiasm in people ....
live to work, because we are more than convinced that to live "decent" mind "we worked almost without pause for more work more income and more progress, more wealth and we all win. Although we acknowledge that consumerism consumes us. Money and success are the idols, and happiness is inconceivable without them. For these lovely trophies will spare no sacrifice. Individuals are only divided between the winners and losers. The failure is unbearable. Position, possession market, its dynamics goes to the concentration of power in all sorts of human activities. The market is an area, the stadium where the "gladiators" proudly salute their Caesars. The market happens to be life itself, we developed the most adrenaline. A goal, a point is a delusion, is to touch the sky. And if we satisfy the needs and to not get bored turn to the evidence of increased risk, the more dangerous more thrilling, but of them we only frenzied spectators. Social icons stand, but as human beings inevitably show the weaknesses of their heels. There are thundering falls, " who to believe, what values \u200b\u200bare worth? . The soul seems to remain empty. We have conquered space but not inner.
These social behavior deteriorate deep psychic life, spiritual people. The high consumption of psychoactive drugs ratify it, especially if we add the most various addictions, feelings of emptiness that pressure to hold on to what we have at hand. There are already seriously ask why people need drugs? . Why do people, who reached the peaks, need drugs?. Quality of life is identified with the improvement or optimization material resources that only reach the skin but not to the human life inside .. . We see
hostages for years. But managed to see her escape with the courage to love yourself and love for their loved ones. This could create liberating strategies. At the other extreme situation, your body may be shackled but his spirit remains free wings. In the words of Neruda: "Life is a fish prepared for bird, fish are entangled because we are steeped and customs, paradigms, systems. So what is left for those who no longer bear the suffocation of a world closed?. It is still suggestive to continue studying if we can change our planet, moving house, fugarnos to the holiday home. The issue is not moving house, the theme is to transform our view, the thing that says S. Exupery. "What is essential is invisible to the eye, you can only see from the heart"
Realizing what our networks, to experience that sense creation itself, which is absurd and therefore his own life participates the concert of all nature. Reversing the paradigms that we have been inoculated, we have penetrated through osmosis, which have separated us from the values \u200b\u200binvolved in life itself. The ability to think and feel for yourself. Increase the sense I belong and that I justify myself, count for myself and not for what you have, turn your eyes to what constitutes us as human beings. It is more likely to find what belongs to me and find it. Like that expression biblical image of Adam to see the woman: "This really is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones." This requires awareness created spaces for reflection, internalisation, to silence the noise of our minds and dive without fear of enigma of himself, split as the roots are always nutrients. Open to dialogue relations transparencies. Mother Nature provides us not only messages but also involved truth, goodness and beauty. In the arms of Mother Nature we all come out of it. Valga, then reconciled with her, after using it disrespectfully. We have wounded pollute our ambitions. But if we love us back our wandering essence.
1 June 2007. pj.aranda @

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Columbus Ships Description Parts


dawn and I can sleep.
depends on the commitments you have, I stand by my own will or against my will.
not need a third alternative: the case of sleepwalking. Today
all calls to be entrepreneurial, ie make my decisions.
The enthusiasm also depend on whether I identify myself, I like that I will perform the task.
Why study? also depend on if I identify with what they are studying. I believe this is the critical point that is often missing.
What really motivates me to study?.
If I wake up my love for knowledge, everything else will come easily.
sense of curiosity magnetizing knowledge.
But, it seems like Antonio Machado said that everyday life is passing, running over time or distant future dream, and then proclaims: "The most important is:
Awakening! ".
Plato in his allegory immortalized argued that while we are in our caves (locked in our paradigms) can not go to see the light of the realities and follow hot on each other, which sleepwalkers walking.
Emperor Hadrian Augustus wrote a glowing assertion:
"The real place of birth is one where we first look with a smart look."
Our Greco Latino cultural cradle called the know "scientia" - science, and commanded:
"Know thyself."
Therefore, in strict logic "science without a subject not object."
The person goes into the nature of things, the view and they also discover their own potential.
"Life is a fish ready to be a bird," dealt P. Neruda.
intelligent winged heart on the matter, transparency: in the hands of the craftsman, scientist, technician, artist, on sport skills, and those expressing words like seeds fertilized human lives.
All train, refine their talents and add to the creative work that went into that "big bang."
In these pages, first what I offer you my experiences and ideas that are incorporated as my blood circulating throughout the text. After listening to the weather
valoric conditions we breathe and we directly affect our performance as a student.
If we disclose personal reflections, the dialoguing, would clear the fog that we plumbed the willingness to study.
The tree requires the quality of land, fertilizer, their environment to strengthen their roots and fruits. Your talents
for developers, you also need to see what's around you, and you can assume, star in your development.
Then you partake of my reflections on what our eyes.
"Seeing is reborn." View to study, study to see.
also for the talks, "as we see, we are. "
I see the color of my glasses, crystals are myself.
I continue to show you that studying is not to please the family, society, even to "get" good grades and disclosed to raise a few tenths (a few tenths marked places!).
the athlete looking to play more board scores, who delivered the game itself, its performance will be minimal.
Our virtuoso pianist Claudio Arrau said that he forgot the audience during their concerts.
is neither more nor less than the activity that allows me to star in my life.
need to breathe to live, (no one can breathe for me, artificial respiration is just so that I regain my autonomy), well, fresh air study is to understand my world, understand the tireless human labor that now allows me to enjoy their progress.
The more you study, plus walk through the world with my own legs, the more I give back what I received. Plant
my intelligence, to forge the will of my soul, my experiences
deepen, enrich my human relationships are for today and tomorrow evergreen nutrients. Go
our deep admiration for people who are lacking of resources have been and are light for their society. It should be recalled
Beethoven whose deafness did not stop in and begins to sublimate their music.
A Stephen Hawkins with his almost total immobility scathing send us a scientist.
From them we learn and many people, is growing and inner wealth, the lifeblood of human existence.
But most interesting is not spectacular, is that whoever you take your reins of your horse. Life is played from moment to moment.
not be subject to the future, get ready "for when I get to be great."
Who can ensure you will live tomorrow or a few hours?. Becoming
starts now and we are subjects of the future and attract the future, we began to live in our veins, in our present.
you leave two chapters with detailed and specific guidelines for how to study, learning to learn, how to assimilate what you learn. Eating
undigested not work, studying internally unprocessed what real study is not to let my learning. We also
transfer my experience when my ex - students studying in computer pioneer: it is essential to agree and take responsibility for a team to study procedures. Learning to complement
, weaving work with others, we wake up the values \u200b\u200bthat our society needs today and for their shortcomings, competition is more prevalent collaboration.
My final pages are my thoughts on what our hands.
The Greeks said that man is intelligent because he has hands or hands because it's smart.
There are few facts of our civilization for which the potential of our hands would wither before the reign of technological mediations and virtual
I wish that these pages will help you build your own tools to erguirte in the world.
But, it is essential to take another step. Our eyes, our spirit is to look beyond our horizons, look beyond the things that we will have obtained.
There are few people who have reached the tops of their aspirations, and then navigate a maze bleak.
Thirst being, our thirst for the spirit is from other waters.
In this wonderful planet we live just a few years compared to thousands upon thousands of centuries that precede us: Be now my awakening to life itself. Participate
consciousness of the universe, its organic harmony is the most rewarding right and duty of everyone.
Our social responsibility and teach each other is commensurate with the nature intimate concert.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Different Eye Colors Color Scholarship

click the image

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hypnosis For Masterbation

Enter our Forum Back to the person Go back to the house? Video

Back the person
Go back to the house?

Back to Part II person
Go back to the house?

Echo 400e Blower For Sale

Our Eyes: Seeing naked Renacer

Chapter Two:

In the previous chapter I gave you different perceptions, situations that affect
more in some than others in our quality of life as a student.
In this chapter I share my writing about what our eyes are for
us, just as an "intermediate" to enter the core chapters:
see the sap of the study and practice to assimilate.


For the ve - vi nas - vir
blood flows to see and vol - see:
Through my eyes I see beyond the horizon and mountains.
For these see-windows can also look inside me.
For them I am born to the deepest tunes.

My body is subjected to the laws of space, time. But my eyes aladan
my being and extend into the augers.
From "a glance" vi-Sitan me heaven, earth,
step re-view hundreds faces. Everything created is offering to my eyes. Our panoramic
we resemble the Creator, seeing everything at once,
watching the game of life: always the same and never equal.
my mirror I confirm that I am the same, but different. Every moment is a gift of life.
I can believe that I live because I spent yesterday morning, but believing is not live.
Real life is found in the here and now, every blink. I reveals its boundless generosity. I see human evolution converging or marginalizing it.
Every moment is a clarion call to hear the heartbeat of life.
My eyes give me autonomy, I see, I who see. I look forward and affixes my responsibility. Clean my glasses, even with my tears. After rain clears and everything seems closer. Clear my eyes and the darkness gives way to me ... As we see, we, and our fruits will say what we saw.
babble eyes soul: Clear the hidden feelings and invisible.
not age as my body. Sow the mind and heart.
And those barred from the light, know that the substance if it is visible for your heart.
In the Rainbow of Life, each pupil is the seed of that puff creator. For these seeds
seers to recreates the cosmos is arranged.
When fired from his body, migrates to the stars shine.

But the decline there is in the eye:
When sucked, dazzled by the virtual mute.
When we look at that camera. We are looking to not fall down and work. We look
letters unread. See for routine blasting. The sunset is seen:
people without dignity, a tree without its truth, see the bread without it,
things without its beauties.
The atrophied eyes look just what you see but, reality
refuses to be eclipsed.
eyes are as beautiful as heaven, but not all shine with gratitude and admiration to have the gift of seeing.
And the sun goes
because "out of sight, heart and mind."

Come and see ...
eyes move your feet. See and be cross. Is it because seeing is open to the horizons?. I remember those looks inviting me to take my first steps. The looks on doors and windows open tunings: how nice to see you, to see them. Skip the "love at first sight."
At the other extreme, the lapidary sentence: "I do not want to see more." And between them, looks pilgrims, wandering ... . The land which the eye moves the universe.
moves in the shuffle of looks, with eyes awake consciousness.
To extricate appeal: "Let's take a high-mindedness."
Climbing the Common Good, go. We return to our source: let us, let us look in the eyes silent, long ... .

is to immerse and emerge View:
If the wonders and mysteries of the sea, earth and human beings live in its depths then I close my eyes and see with all my heart.
We enter the magic of the world
play with the internal currents of the soul. With my own colors redesign reality.
is the only scenario where I am, the script, the protagonist, the director. Dive
to renew, to grow.
Louise Hay says, viewing the falls and prayers for his bowels, he washed his cancer. The reign also symbiosis between cells and vision. Decision
Impossible? :
If the modern world we have within our hands,
what remains to be seen?
long time ago "The Little Prince said, because men have no friends.
it because the friendship is there no roles to play, not make judgments,
not compete?. Only friendship shared visions and experiences.
need silence, not just absence of noise, times without
times to see the realities and their costumes, to deshipnotizarnos.
"We love the evidence, but we show evidence."
The evidence is the source for those who hunger and thirst for truth, justice
. Encounter with the fullness of love lost. Rewarding
rest of the investigator. The evidence is the deployment of all that is displayed by itself as Mother Nature. Transparency dethroned appearances. Dilute the arguments and explanations.
The splendor of the vision: the egg to the light of consciousness
evidence of inextinguishable light.
rounds eyes:
- Her figure haunts us everywhere:
From the eye of the needle to the eye of the sea. Of the bolts to the portholes.
From the eye of the potato to the eagle. Optical fiber to the Trinity. Magic Eye
the blindfold of justice. The clinical eye of the storm.
eyelets dress and undress. Our see-tir
enviste life as presence, dressed in poverty,
of ceremonies, authoritative and transparent dress your outlook on life.
- And in the rounds of situations:
So easy to "see the speck in your neighbor's eye."
Ven-der: what looks good, come-on.
can cost you a pretty penny.
is better than cure pre-view.
Four eyes are better than one.
An enterprise: is not a shared vision?.
A wink is not more noticeable is the key?.
And, for a total delivery: is it blindly?.
Genesis: God
By deploying its creation account in Genesis:
"... And God saw that it was good ...". Her eyes
suns and moon,
"we, too could not give more light to the world?.
give birth the vision to see revival!
From the ocean of your eyes, I also see.
We all are one,
That our universe is a fabric visible and invisible ... This belly
us: we lose sight?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hives From Mosquitoes

September 2007
Astudillo Pedro Aranda

bare life:

always attracts me the magnificence of that knot Original - Energy and Matter - that broke, and moved to the infinite spaces. There was everything. There were all for the flood of life and spirit. Also

born naked into that embrace the sun naked and nude nude energy. But my death, which lay bare the bones of my soul, I proclaimed that life is naked: naked roots in their trees, fruit and fragrance. "The rose is naked or just have that dress?" Neruda asked.

But, there are knots witnessing pain: those of the stomach, throat nodes, heart tight nodules here and there. Feelings are trapped Desencontro, twisted, entangled, balls frozen. They however, wait, wait and wait diluted in a sea in a generous initiative, liberating .... Other nodes grow, grow uncontrollably and choke ...
The more we strive for our costumes, life smiles as we go naked without appearances. We are slowly skims or with disruptions to meet with our essence, from our firmament recreate them since they see beyond the fleeting and the insatiable greed.
full taste in our essences.
The worm is tied, the caterpillar and a butterfly winged. He was tethered to the ground and now visit pollination gardens. Our nudity is

Our sun is a flame to the truth of being, to become who I am. Plain and simple. Nudarse love is developing. Release is de-tangle. Blood, no clots, giving life flows like a river laughing.
mother nature breathing in and out everywhere its own authenticity. His recreations expand the soul. Shame hovers
when Eclipse ourselves or else we run in the eyes invaders. Comment

Genesis that the first parents walked naked. It des-linked and needed to be filled. Strangely, the more we have more we distance ourselves, the more we protect them, more walls and armor, farther from our guts, our essences ... . But life with his bare hands, like water passing and passing round the stones, we are also going smoothing, triggering, developing nudando, undressing.
Ama - Necer is reborn and see us face to face.