Monday, June 23, 2008

Lab Eight; Population Genetics And Evolution


Beloved Seed: immensities nest disappear
how to grow?. Amadas
Estate: feed on waste and how we
the aromas and fruit provide?. Beloved
Bears: in polar ice
how warm your blood?. Beloved
Fish: in salty seas
how sweeten their flesh?. Amado
Worm: you crawl and you crawl
what you dream to be reborn into a butterfly?. Amado
Peach: between your flesh and your heart
how chiseled your hard fart?.
Dear Winter: how you get pregnant in the spring?. Desert
Beloved in your face to face with the sky is clear and
all naked
what, how they are born your oasis of freshness and flavor?. Amado

Universe: your strings are so strong and so invisible
rounds as the earth itself.
weave and unravel the eyes, the clouds and the atoms ....
However, all your glory is growing in the breast
of the most profound silence, whether in the bowels
of an egg, is in the bowels of the volcano.
The whispers of the cosmic gratitude
enter the soul, awakens the shadow of the Unseen.

Yes, Life is Manifestation as trees,
always born from the swarms of their roots ...

astudillo Pedro Aranda, November 2005


The Word of God is Invisible
seed in the belly Mary. And

The reborn in the heart of the Father Creator.
His crib is the sun of the new meeting
live as children of one Father, Our. Pedro Aranda astudillo

December 2005

King Crawler Ou Scorpion


Pedro Aranda in September 2007

LA Astudillo NUDE VIDA:

always attracts me the magnificence of that knot Original - Energy and Matter - that broke, and moved toward the infinite spaces. There was everything. There were all for the flood of life and spirit. Also

born naked into that embrace the sun naked and nude nude energy. But my death, which lay bare the bones of my soul, I proclaimed that life is naked: naked roots in their trees, fruit and fragrance. "The rose is naked or just have that dress?" Neruda asked.

But, there are knots witnessing pain: those of the stomach, nodes of the throat, heart tight nodules here and there. Feelings are trapped Desencontro, twisted, tangled, tangles and frozen. They however, wait, wait and wait diluted in a sea in a generous initiative, liberating .... Other nodes grow, grow uncontrollably and choke ...

The more we strive for our costumes, life smiles as we go naked without appearances. We are slowly skims or with disruptions to meet with our essence, from our firmament recreate them since they see beyond the fleeting and the insatiable greed.
taste in our essences fullness.
The worm is tied, the caterpillar and a butterfly winged. He was tethered to the ground and now visit pollination gardens.

Our nudity is our sun is a flame to the truth of being, to become who I am. Plain and simple. Nudarse love is developing. Release is de-tangle. Blood, no clots, giving life flows like a river laughing.
mother nature breathing in and out everywhere its own authenticity. His recreations expand the soul. Shame hovers
when Eclipse ourselves or else we run in the eyes invaders. Comment

Genesis that the first parents walked naked. It des-linked and needed to be filled. Strangely, the more we have more we distance ourselves, the more we protect ourselves, more walls and armor, farther from our guts, our essences .... But life with his bare hands, like water passing and passing round the stones, we are also going smoothing, triggering, developing nudando, undressing.
Ama - Necer is reborn and see us face to face.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Trailer Licensing In Ontario Canada


May 18, 2008. Aranda Pedro Astudillo


ignoring the evidence?.

Human Rights Educational flying. The rights and duties arising from the universal consciousness.

The rule of free market recognizes and encourages anyone who wants the best must be paid. Prima supply and demand, all products must be profitable. Relationships are transactional. For the free market is the motivational source of competition and consumption. However, this competition embodies "the best, the concentration of powers." The market regulates itself, its rules are of convenience, is a modus vivendi expansive.

A well-born nation protects its citizen children of injustice and discrimination. For the mother nation no children of low priority. Configuration, the organization of the state through their governments is to enforce the natural law at all levels of society.

Inequity causes and generates violence. The law therefore excludes stronger democracy, a pack of unknown horizon interests of the common good.

Governments who bought the free market economic and social policies, therefore should make the resources equivalent to the power of the holders of private educational institutions.

The reingienería in education, which is unavoidable and urgent, must be generated from their center of life: the quality of teaching - learning. All law, all educational structure must start from the pedagogical relationship between teacher and student. A training program that prepares children and youth to a world radically different from today, already envisions, and that tomorrow will depend on who has been trained as a people, and have been able to reinvent themselves. Human values \u200b\u200bare called metacognitive today, the backbone of the educational process. More than reason, is the rediscovery of love that can save our country from its deep wounds. Listen

Chile: not conducive to your children compete in mixed races. John Paul II left us beating that "the poor can not wait. " Add that they can not wait for the penguins, their parents and teachers. It hurts us deeply, and also hurts the national soul, the reinvidicar justice, ethics in education is no longer evident.

pj.aranda @

Clocks For The Blind And Deaf

The (dis) agreement

educational Disagreement

Eugenio Severin C.

Masterbeting For Women


EDUCATION: "Trees do not see the forest."


Pre Qualification :

The Culture of development focuses on the optimization of the media with a confusion of purpose. Such optimization preference tends to the comfort, comfort in life, ie "save" the maximum effort of human potential. In education this means: that learning is fleeting because not taught to think, reflect, read and write. Inhibit learning Emergencies time to practice, to mature. In general, students say they have serious difficulties to express what they feel they have learned. "It is proven that the traditional system students retain more than 20% of the knowledge acquired in the 12 years of school."

The purpose of education was sung and proclaimed by the Greek poet Pindar, "To become who I am."

The UNESCO study on education in the world, decades ago, in his book "Learning to be" lays out the evolution of civilization from homo faber to homo sapiens for his challenge to the oven Concors, the man for coexistence.

"Between teaching and learning the most difficult thing is to teach, because teaching is to let learn '(Heidegger). And, learning involves time and space as any seed that begins its growth.

Educational action piece of the action of learning: Learning "is to join things and feel the intimate nature", in practical terms: what things are, how they interrelate and into their processes. Venture is involved, engage and explain the process of learning itself. Recreates all nature and mankind is recreated with them. Motivational source is identified precisely with the value of what things are in themselves. Things like love people for who they are, which is opposed to the habit of seeing only by comparison. Cause the symbiosis between science and consciousness.

basic requirements of learning:

.- spark interest, an imperative: "I know." Only the person spurred by his interest in knowing the relentless pursuit begins to cry "Eureka", I found it. Study is to discover, solve problems.

.- Provide an environment of trust v / s scary weather, disqualifications or motivations focused on the reward or punishment, which are the primary incentives today. We find it almost impossible to think that there is another motivating factor to reward or punishment. The development of spiritual intelligence transcends the rewards. We're just envisioning emotional intelligence as rational pragmatism dominates in a world contained in the factual and the empirical results.

.- Learn to feel, to read on the inside, "use the flashlight to the inside." Open every way to contact with yourself and with things. "Nothing exists in the intellect that was not first sensed first by the senses" (Aristotle).

.- Learn to think, made all the questions, the questions raised in connection with the things produced research, innovation. Intelligence is to deepen, through appearances. The intelligence is deployed to meet the truth, goodness and beauty. Every object of study is to unravel the truth, its alright, its beauty. This triad values \u200b\u200bshould govern reality, vertebrate program content.

.- The role of error, failure to learn: In fact the error, failure is punished from the warnings given to the pains of hell. It is a reaction "against nature." No one learned to walk without falling, tripping, unsuccessful experiences are inextricably linked to the learning process for they tell us "that there is not the thing," practice makes perfect internalized.


Today it seems unquestionable that there is "that measure to improve." The quantity is the pattern of development. How to evaluate based on "notes", not a dogma in education and should be reviewed in depth as it involves inconsistencies with the nature of learning, and especially if we ponder the importance of the quality of learning. The learning itself is a process autorectificador. Any result or conclusion is a milestone in the process.

When studying, working mainly for evaluation, control, inherently distorts the action of learning. If playing more than watching the score board is decentralizing, etc. Implicitly cultivated the habit "The end justifies the means." The sense of frustration becomes aggression installed which is a faithful representation from more subtle attitudes to the more explosive. Study to go up one point, one-tenth or work to merit a promotion, is it not transform myself into an object?. Confusing dramatically between value and price. Precisely the University of Cambridge looked at its "Primary Review" in depth the situation of schools in England and concludes that the requirements of the system are counterproductive. Pressure on students to achieve excellent results, but do not improve the level of learning. The researchers note that the performance standards in language and mathematics of British schoolchildren have been stable since the 50's. The centralization of education in the tests, and finally Rank facilities has forced so unilaterizar the educational objective: to obtain the highest scores and hence its consecration in the market. (Information obtained in the La Tercera, Sunday, February 10, 2008).

learning is to empower what is learned, but this is irreplaceable relationship between educator and learner. Who does not remember the teacher, the teacher who taught him to learn, who did not give me the fish, but taught me to fish?. The educator is the co-star who is learning learning. The Authority, the Author (actor) lies in the relationship with their students. Is my mirror in my learning, so that I give account of my own learning. It is the judge of my performance or who deposited me and I return them knowledge in tests, examinations.

Learning is to express what they learn and communicate: Education is the primal human action of our existence as "all educate ourselves to all for good or evil of our living." It is personal responsibility, collective. Express

learned is to show what it has set, I felt in my view, what I see, what has been assimilated. To communicate is to "common" your learning, with mine, with the educator, that is re - creates.

Everyone grows in all respects by the relationship with others, mutual service, in dialogue with their peers, and thus is able to respond to their vocation, to give and receive.
(Because of the limitations of this article, I extend to provide guidelines for how to study team, methodology applied in my teaching experience and that I edited in my book "Studying with different eyes" 1974).

only if we agree what is the hub of education, its roots, its epicenter, its radial center can provide all the institutional structure of education. I think, for example, companies, institutions that are organized from the customer service, this starting point has forced even invest the organizational pyramid, its organization chart. The

SIMCE gives us guidelines:

.- There is a clear trend of socioeconomic levels correlate with learning.
.- The inequality is structural:

establishments Distribution of students and 4 th grade:
Low: 20,769
Medium Low:
75,321 Medium: 95,138

Medium High:
46,420 High: 18,392

.- There are few compelling Exceptions to this rule: In the poorest sectors of our society there are schools that achieve effective and high mean scores.

.- Pedagogical Academies are sources of learning. Of them can remove the lights necessary for a radical qualitative change. However, the system will "ignore" are aberrantly calls "extra-curricular." (By the way ... the pleasure is in the courts and not in the classroom, in the classes).

.- The technological culture carries the dizzying changes. Have grown accustomed to the immediacy of "click." We offsets to realize their own consequences such as stress, relationships and more aggressive games.

.- Knowledge is at hand in the Internet. The facility to acquire skills in handling is visible in today's children. In the newspaper La Tercera, Sunday, February 10 2008 is an article: "Virtual Education: a global trend that is now in Chile. The U.S. experience is that the students who work at their own pace better results but obviously not socialized.

.- Therefore: Can education be reduced to the instance of accumulating knowledge, not taught to think?. "Pass area, comply with the program." Emerges as a most distressing imperative, in fact that learning relates to what must be given time and space. And likewise the intellectual development is not unrelated to ongoing educational dialogue.

.- The social uncover every day we are showing that people who achieved stardom in the most diverse and transverse fields do not revert to its vulnerabilities?. Knowledge and skills still do not end up sinking in the sea of \u200b\u200bemotion, in the inner feelings of the spirit?.

.- We have already imposed "as law" of live racing on another law of life that takes place in the share, in the dynamics of the co - operation, the "coordination of coordination"?.

.- I understand to be Professor, being professional means profess, testify to what I know with my actions. Could we profess? : Who has time to train people who learn or teach self-esteem would lead us to rediscover nature to be what we really are, beings who live with the meaning of life, namely that education is more than ready for a PSU, is to reflect that we are created in the image and likeness of the Creator "or, in other words, reclaim our essence, our human condition. We set out to conquer space which company more ecstatic!, And how far we are light years to return to human fulfillment?. Does human fulfillment is only reserved for literature, for speeches?. How can we fail to find what belongs to us as children of this land where the sun shines for everyone .... I believe that in instances of the society is in education where more people can start the journey to what we are.


Consider what aspects influence to an incompatibility between teaching and learning ...
2 .- Specify how development can roll. 3 .-
internalization of learning, is verifiable only in the training of skills and knowledge?. 4 .-
Education is seen as "Easter tree" to be added as need arises (justified to be "integral"). Is it possible to train the person so possessing ductility, adapting to different realities?.
5 ..- If the question sets off a search: How to teach learning to ask for a commitment?.
6 .- How to verify that the dialogue is enriched learning and re-created?. 7 ..-
How should the learning itself, regardless of the rewards of external rewards?.
8 .- To highlight the truth, goodness and beauty in every field of study.
9 .- Relate skills and be trained to be teacher.
10 .- Is it possible to reconcile: the race to share?.
11 .- Identify the essential characteristics of what the human being, and that Pedagogy is congruent and consistent with them. 12 .-
evaluations notes have the decisive role in academic performance, and, since in some countries, even to go to universities and not just the final scores but also other parameters rather value of personality and would not it be timely and appropriate to define those aspects, and what could be?.
13 .- Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of virtual schools, "Homeschooling." Pedro Aranda

Astudillo. Ex
- secondary school and university.
Seminars Workshops Facilitator:
for Life, the Humanization for personal development, organizational Country. Quality
Creative People.
Founder and President of the Corporation Gen.
pj.aranda @

Antofagasta, May 13, 2007.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Qual A Porcentagem De Catch Um Pokemon Shiny?

The Truth in the Mirror

The Truth in the Mirror

Hi, this alone can understand your inner child
So turn off your TV and relax because you
Mirror has seen the face and made you believe that reason and truth are the same and nothing
Reason is a medium like the mirror
Truth is a complete 360 \u200b\u200b° vision
Life is a game not a clash
The kids played Adults dispute the marker
That's the difference!
When you're in front of the mirror to see not you
yours is a negative
eyes Because you're upside down and looking back
is like walking straight ahead but with eyes in the neck
We create reality with our
thoughts are what you think you are
The reason wants you to fear of ridicule

Fear Fear Fear
who you are telling the truth
fear of speaking in front
Fear Fear
His game grow That is no doubt grow

The truth is to be
The reason is to have
The truth is that
The reason is concern and
Worrying is praying for it to happen so you do not want
Because we are all one
As a chessboard
Where all the pieces move at the same time
dance with the pawns Kings are brothers of the bishops
lost because everyone wins because we are children we are creators
Do not you remember when you were naughty?
imagined you were God on earth Until you played
Well that's it playing again
on earth
Welcome to the realm of love

Where to live and play are the same
You know, really know better


Monday, June 16, 2008

Very Thick White Discharge

virtual spiritual Delmundo

virtual world to the spiritual
Frei Betto *

Adital - When traveling in the East had no contact with monks in Tibet, Mongolia, Japan and China.

men were quiet, restrained, wrapped in peace in their saffron robes.

One day I observed the movement of the Sao Paulo airport, the waiting room full of executives with cell phones, worried, anxious, usually eat more than they should. Insurance

already taken morning coffee at home, but as the airline offered another coffee, everyone ate voraciously. That made me think:

"Which of the two models produce happiness?"

found Daniel, aged ten, in the elevator at nine o'clock and asked

"Have you come to class?" She replied:

"No, I have class in the afternoon." Add

: "Good, then you can play morning and sleep late."

"No," she said, I have much to do in the morning. "

"What things?" I asked.

"English classes, ballet, painting, swimming pool," and continued to list his girl robot program.

I was thinking

"What a shame that Daniel did not say: I have kind of meditation!

." Supermen and superwomen We are building, fully equipped but emotionally immature. Therefore, companies now consider more important than the QI is EI, Emotional Intelligence.

not much use to be a failure to achieve superejecutivo relate to people. So how important would include meditation classes in school curricula!

A progressive city in the interior of Sao Paulo in 1960 had six libraries and a fitness center and gym now has sixty three libraries.

I have nothing against body care, but I worry about the imbalance in relation to the care of the spirit. It is good that we all die slim:

"How was the deceased?", "Made a wonder, had not a wrinkle." But how is the question of subjectivity? Does spirituality? Idleness does love?

Before spoke of the reality: analysis of reality, inserted in reality, know the reality. Today the word is virtual. Everything is virtual. You can have virtual sex online: AIDS is not spread, there is no emotional involvement, everything is controlled with the mouse.

Locked in his room in Brasilia a man can have a close friend in Tokyo, without any concern to know your neighbor or apartment block.

Everything is virtual. We entered the potentiality of all values, there is no compromise with reality. It is very serious that process of abstraction of language, feelings are virtual mystical, religious virtual, virtual citizens.

For this, the reality is on the other hand, since we are also ethically virtual ...

Culture begins where nature ends.

Culture is the refinement of spirit. Television in Brazil with rare and honorable exceptions, is a problem: each passing week we feel we're a little less educated.

The word today is "entertainment", so Sunday is the day imbecilización national collective.

presenter Moron, imbecile that goes and sits on the couch, stupid loser afternoon at the screen.

As advertising can not sell happiness, we have the illusion that happiness is the result of the sum of pleasures: "If you take this drink, these tennis shoes, use this shirt, buy this car, you get to it !

The problem is that, in general, is not reached. Who consents to develop so desire, you just need an analyst.

Or drugs. Who resist, increases neurosis.Los psychoanalysts try to discover how to do with the desire of their patients.

Where them? I'm not from that area, I can give me the right to make a suggestion. I think that there is only one solution: change the inward desire, like themselves, begin to see how good it is to be free of that conditioning globalizing, neoliberal, consumerist.

This could live better. In addition, for good mental health are essential three requirements: friendships, self-esteem, lack of religious logic estrés.Hay in modern consumerism.

If someone goes to Europe and visit a small city with a cathedral should seek to know the history of that city, the cathedral is the signal she has a history ..

In the Middle Ages the city acquired status by building a cathedral in Brazil today is building a mall.

is curious that most malls have the sleek architectural lines of cathedrals; to them can not go anyway, you have to wear clothing of Sunday mass. And in there you feel a sense paradise: no beggars, street children, dirt ... You go into these cloisters to the sound of Gregorian postmodern, this little music in the dentist waiting room.

several niches are seen, all these chapels with the venerable consumer goods, acolytes with beautiful priestesses. Who can buy felt in the kingdom of heaven. If you have to give a postdated check, pay by credit or overdraft, you will feel in purgatory.

But if you can not buy, certainly you will feel in hell ... Luckily, they all end in the Eucharist postmodern attracted to the same table with the same juice and the same McDonald's hamburger ... Soil tell employees I invite you to come into the stores: "I'm just taking a walk Socratic."

And before his startled eyes explained: "Socrates, Greek philosopher, also clear my head like touring the commercial center of Athens. When sellers besieged as you would answer: "I'm just looking at how many things need to be happy."

[Author of "The ethical challenge", with Luis Fernando Verissimo and others, including libros.Traducción of JLBurguet]
* Dominican friar. Writer.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Colloidal Gold Generator Diy

have to change our way of life

have to change our way of life

11.06.2008 - JOSEPH M.

hopefully lower oil

not expect prices to fall

hopefully not interest rates reduce the Euribor.

not expect, therefore, that mortgages are more bearable. Do not expect wages to rise. And pensions.

and put the bag through the roof and all investors are lined again, as has been covered in recent years.

mileuristas not expect that to become, of overnight, in dosmileuristas. Hopefully not run out of strikes.

not the Mother Teresa of Calcutta revive and be named World Bank president. No. Do not expect anything like that

Because none of that is the root of the economic problem that brings us all head

The bad economic news that each day we bring the newspapers, are but the tip of the iceberg as great depth is hidden from us.

Moreover, I wonder if we should all this economic zamarreón we are receiving. To see if a fucking time, we learned that the economic crisis, and others concerned about anxiety, begins to be the end of an era and begins to be the beginning of another. Let me explain. The economy, politics, life in general, worldwide, has been organized so that 20% of the world population consumes 80% of fixed assets and consumption that occur worldwide, while 80% of the inhabitants of the land must be content with 20% of what is produced worldwide.

This global data with all the details and nuances that you need, not only is indisputable, but worsened, so irritating and shocking, in borderline cases, both above (the rich) as below (the poorest).

Given that, in the case of the poor, the situation is so appalling that now, more than 850 million human beings have to live with less than a dollar a day. So, at this moment there are about a billion creatures doomed to early death and criminal. Because hunger does not wait.

Hunger kills. And kill soon, in the most humiliating and cruel that can kill in this world. Why
not brought a solution to this state of affairs?

few days ago, the FAO summit, held in Rome, gathered more than 130 heads of government around the world.

And they have not reached any conclusions effectively. It is said that political will. And it's true. But that's not the whole truth.

Because the bottom of the matter is that politicians in rich countries (in Spain) have to govern a million people who we have become accustomed to a lifestyle in an expenditure level of comfort and, in many cases of waste, we are not willing to stop or to yield, for the world.

In such conditions, possibilities for economic change that are left to the politicians are very small. The ruler who wants to govern people well, has no choice but to please their voters, as as possible.

We are, therefore, we, the citizens who limit the political will of those who govern us.
On the other hand, we must take the body to which the world has taken a new twist that has no turning back.

While the world's poor have limited themselves to survive as they could, we were able to live from good to better, up to luxury and waste in many cases. But it is running.

Because more than one billion Chinese and nearly one billion Indians have said enough of survival. And they want to live like us. Now the world do not give much. Because no source of energy to satisfy the inexhaustible appetite for consumption, luxury and waste that need more than six billion inhabitants in the pose.

If the six billion people strive to live as we live in Spain, it is certain that there is for everyone. Our standard of living does not apply to the whole world. And it appears that the problem is neither in the selfishness of citizens or the cowardice of politicians.

The problem is in the system. A system to perpetuate itself and grow, it must be to put him on the basis of people's minds that 'happiness' equal 'consumption'.

And therefore more happiness to more consumption. But happiness only for those who live in rich countries. Because it imposes the logic of the system. This is what must change. Poor countries need no alms. What we need are investors who produce wealth.

The day they run out of productive and commercial privileges of the big boys start to improve.

And we all go calling. There will be less luxury and less waste, but humanidad.Hay to change the mentality and way of life.

It is true that 'happiness' equal 'consumption'.

Happiness does not depend on the 'things' you have, but 'people' who have joined us, who respect us, that we tolerate, that we want. 'Happiness' equals 'coexistence' respectful, tolerant, pleasant, cordial.

is evidence that people do not feel happier when you win more money, but when you win more money than your neighbor or coworker.

urgently re-orient the productivity and trade in function, not the vagaries imposed luxury, extravagance, child vanity or the arrogance of some, but in order to meet the needs of everyone.