Sunday, August 22, 2010

Which Is Salary Ccie Administrator

Is there time to turn the "peace pipe"? Address of a veteran

Just go to a match: Chester Swann *

International tensions have not budged from the two world wars and the ensuing Cold War between "block disoriented and injured." You interpret it as you see fit, which is material to suit all tastes. A dreamer named Francis Fukuyama, a former intern of the powerful Council on Foreign Relations, or CFR, after the fall of the Berlin wrote a book entitled "The End of History, back in the nineties, prophesying that it would be beneficial monopolarity for the planet by eliminating the bipolar tensions Big mistake!. Still not dry the ink of the first when another smart "analyst? named Samuel Huntington responded with another entitled "The Clash of Civilizations", a little less optimistic as we shall see. This was also an intern at the CFR and the Trilateral Commission called that, as the little-known Club Bildertberg-other "club of reflection" - pointing to the expiration of national sovereignty shortly. "Objective? The implementation of the New World Order, or that a Christian: a new world order "under the aegis of the United Nations totalitarian, which are but the tentacle of the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Lazzard, the Morgan-Chase and the other children embodied in multinational banks: IMF, WB, IDB, and grouped in the Paris Club, the Club of Rome, and certain financial superlogias not show their faces, and not just "humility and modesty . Cryptocracy a sort of hidden from public view but with greater power than any government out there, even that of Washington or Tel Aviv.

Very few people are informed about the intricacies of these little praiseworthy funders major regional wars over supremacy, to Tyre and Trojans alike, all of them, the financiers, never lose no matter who wins.

If in previous centuries wars were military issue u hordas guerreras, las nuevas “doctrinas” bélicas apuntan al aniquilamiento de civiles, tal lo están haciendo Israel y su lacayo Estados Unidos de América, o mejor: los hechiceros de la guerra en el poder, que sus pobres ciudadanos son apenas carne de cañón para sus conquistas.

Claro que, para tener pretextos plausibles para “guerras justas” primero hay que crear un enemigo ―real o imaginario, lo mismo da―, que la desinformación ¿orienta? a la “opinión pública” (la menos pública de las opiniones) en el sentido políticamente correcto, para los intereses que lucran de ellas.

En tiempos antiguos una guerra era por conquistas territorial borders and pushing outside the walls, a sort of "Lebensraum" or living space search. Later, in the beginning of the "Christian era" against heretics, unorthodox or "infidels", which papyrus scrolls or is patient, including blood by way of ink.

Later, in the contemporary age, were created on demand nationalism and patriotism, both pimps accessories to corporate commercial interests.

Whoever says that there are just wars, is a supremely uninformed that ignores the lessons of history and, worse, from prehistory. Even the war of "independence" had economic reasons rather than "political", as shown by countries in the nineteenth century Americans and Africans and Asians in the twentieth.

Now is the time of the "preventive war against terrorism" or similar Sanatan shameful corporate interests that cover industrial and energy resources.

Israel is taking the chúmbale! In the United States to attack Iran, because he has the audacity to seek energy independence based on uranium-abundant and cheap by the way, and leave its oil, but also abundant renewable energy for China to demand and it is all a world power ... and also is a creditor of the mammoth U.S. debt and unpayable.

If the attack succeeds in destroying the infrastructure looming Iranian doubtful thing on the other hand, thanks to the Almaz Antey radar missiles and Russian S-300, U.S. and Israel, ie the Zionists, will breathe a little longer ... until to deflate the bubble are waste ... the last time.

The far right seems to forget that the worst enemy of a capitalist state is not socialism ... but state capitalist global competitor for the cake.

Is not it time to sit and light the pipe of peace? Or do you think turning it on with nuclear weapons?


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