Laws "terrorist" to sow terror state?
Runs seek asylum: Chester Swann *
Luque, Paraguay, 23de July 2010.
Under pressure from the "owner" of the sub-American backyard, noestro a complacent Congress and president have the expected pro-mulga Terrorism Act ... with second, third or cuaartas intentions, to impose the fascist dictatorships again that "we enjoyed during the Cold War. But do a little history.
Where did the psychosis of "terrorism, now so mo-da ... since Widiot George Bush had the idea of \u200b\u200ba New World Order? For those in power, is facing terrorism-tar to demand totalitarian governments in welfare, civil liberties-les, education, better wages, a healthy environment, health for all and all those annoying demands for the "top."
remember that when the occupying Axis armies to Eu-rope after invasions-lightning, armies dae regular oscupados countries or surrendered or fled like rats in the outskirts in 1939. Only civilians were to organize resistance to the in-VASOR: whether they Maquis, or simply Partisan Resistance to the Nazis called it, rightly, terrorists, by the asymmetric warfare tactics used to harass the Nazi invasoe. Hitler also, in his messianic delusions then proclaimed "New Order", to subdue nations under the boots of the Wehrmacht and the SS.
Patriots, despite being persecuted, tortured and executed, did not fail to resist the occupier. An ambush here, a bomb there, another attack beyond ... until exhausted the ca-pacity of endurance of enemy legions.
What were the Axis Rome-Berlin-Tokyo with the occupa-tion and systematic destruction of entire countries, including infrastructure and civilian population? When Adolf Hitler's own words, was a struggle "for living space" (Lebensraum), shifting external undermining citizens or enslaving half of Europe, Korea, China, Manchuria, China, Malaysia, Philippines to absorb their re ... gears and territory by military force, military power prevailed.
is why the powerful (or believe to be) the world, afraid of people, civilians and come to spurious legal instruments to suppress demonstrations, protests, occupations ... or active resistance to the new feudal lords of the country, read landowners. But why the law does not include the ac-tion verdadewros terrorists falling in torrents on civilians, poisoned air and water, sprayed chemicals on people, targeted killings of peasant leaders, deaths of children from pesticide poisonings selling products such as food tóxicox (ci-Clamato, aspartame, sorbitol, etc), counter-ordinated vaccine contaminated with mercury for gold and silver cyanide and arsenic release to groundwater and other delights of the imbecivilización? Is not terrorism
matar al agua, a la tierra y espantar a viejos pobladores con pistoleros y matones armados, fiscales y policía… para inundar de sojales al país, de horizonte a horizonte degradando a la tierra?
Si uno de los ex simios de las legislaturas tiene argumentos a favor del terrorismo más arriba descritos, le agradeceré que me los envíe a este medio.
Pero sigo pensando que los verdaderos terroristas están fuera del alcance de las leyes y, al decir del “Martín Fierro”: ―La ley es igual que el cuchillo. Nunca lastima al que la empuña por el mango.
Y en mi carácter de ciudadano, le digo a los esbirros de la polí-tica: Pronto, muy pronto, todos, except the cowards, we par-teas.
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