you run to catch up: Chester Swann *
Time runs fast and, like Kronos the insatiable, devouring their children with everything and almanacs. Despite many who are bent on imposing delay postponed indefinitely watches and history, it continues its relentless march into the future and unflappable. a future that moves away from us like the horizon or the foot of the rainbow as we strive to preserve not know why, but keep at all costs, refusing to postmodernity and maintaining a neophobia customary for nothing.
And what if we neophobic!
Since the early days of our so-called emancipation, nearly two centuries ago, we spent conspiring against ourselves and playing hide and seek with intelligence.
And we will not catch or reach for it.
Why do we refuse to science, knowledge and the awakening of intellect? Do we feel more comfortable in the yard of faith in magical thinking? fetishes "We took refuge in" sacred "in the" sidiosquiere "in fatalism deterministic or random ... or in the" romance "vulgar and coarse, rather than debating ideas, hoping to" better times ? Is that we have realized that the faith is the disguise of ignorance and the "romanticism a substitute for critical thinking?
Perhaps that is why censor ourselves in the name of "free speech" not to fall politically incorrect. in such a situation, we can sing odes to butterflies, birds and flowers, or distant and impossible love, a sort of intellectual masochism in abject self-pity.
We Awaken a good time and land on the present! It's time to turn cirios promeseros y abrir libros prohibidos! Kronos no espera a los rezagados. Simplemente los devora, si no sirven para otra cosa que medrar apáticos a la espera de mejor “suerte” confiando en alguna mítica provi-demencia, o en la azarosa fortuna … en lugar de ajetrear sus neuronas, abotagadas, atrofiadas y perezosas por falta de ejercicio crítico. Y no me refiero a críticas descafeinadas, edulcoradas para el deleite de los estetas neutrales, sino para sacudirnos del yugo del mercantilismo que subyuga a la humanidad.
¡Despertemos de una vez, sin esperar sentados hasta que “dios wants us to rise up! "
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