Sunday, August 22, 2010
Fence Panels For Vines Wood And Metal
Write to the back of a brown check: Chester Swann *
Luque, Paraguay, July 21, 2010.
Two years after our "choice for change? We see and to perceive the scent of carrion that emanates from certain sectors of government, with honorable exceptions, of course.
would appear that, except for a little chess castling in the executive branch, the rest is as it was business as usual.
The press-the-biased information and do not cease to issue indictments, evidence or if they, against members of staff of Fernando Lugo, against the judiciary against the legislature, officials "fuses" trust "? y su parentela de nuevo y viejo cuño.
¿Es que nos hemos equivocado de urna? Creo que no, excepto de casillero “marque aquí”, que los votos cruzados dieron la nota fría a esas elecciones del 20-A 08. Si bien muchos liberales y colorados votaron a Lugo para presidente… conservaron intactos sus curules legislativos… y sus impresentables “representantes”, salvo excepciones que confirman la regla. Y la cosa sigue en la misma tesitura.
Por dicha razón, se fueron los colorados del ejecutivo… pero quedaron sus mesnadas enquistados en todas las demás instancias gubernativas. Y gracias a sus sindicatos, creados justamente para ese efecto, pudieron resistir todos los intentos administrative optimization of the new government, which had to double back and ignore their promises of "change" unless it is Leopard.
If corruption was and still is part of the political game (Stroessner's called "The Price of Peace") and "cuoteo" or carve-up between the parties is obviously not going to banish just like that, that as Florentine poet said: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
is interesting to know the criteria citizens about the credibility of the various strata of society-both within the public sector and private-and the worst of the hold political parties, police, judiciary and ... on the other side, journalists (individuals, not the press generally speaking), the church and the teaching establishment, the Cinderella of the budget. And the credibility of the institutions' dwindling day by day, although these are pipe dreams inorganic and is the human factor the contaminant.
How could a gun charge, cold inert metal, to be "killer" or "murderer"? Someone provided will, consciousness and free will must wield to be fatal. The same applies to the institutions or entities, aseptic themselves ... until someone uses them for personal or corporate.
also political parties are composed of beings with the ability, willingness and freedom .... Who use them-individually or collectively (corporately would be more appropriate) for unethical purposes and other securities, usually unrelated to its bylaws ... but propaganda used to sell image. P
Therefore, the parliamentary parties refuse to leave the corral impregnable lists "sheet" and admit the free play of open lists.
Then, by refusing to open sincerity of the popular will, not surprisingly, are in the tail of the ranking of credibility. The unfortunate thing is that citizens be politically colorblind and only vote for their favorite color (and vote not to choose) rather than by national programs and projects for all Paraguayans and foreigners who live under the tricolor by choice.
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you run to catch up: Chester Swann *
Time runs fast and, like Kronos the insatiable, devouring their children with everything and almanacs. Despite many who are bent on imposing delay postponed indefinitely watches and history, it continues its relentless march into the future and unflappable. a future that moves away from us like the horizon or the foot of the rainbow as we strive to preserve not know why, but keep at all costs, refusing to postmodernity and maintaining a neophobia customary for nothing.
And what if we neophobic!
Since the early days of our so-called emancipation, nearly two centuries ago, we spent conspiring against ourselves and playing hide and seek with intelligence.
And we will not catch or reach for it.
Why do we refuse to science, knowledge and the awakening of intellect? Do we feel more comfortable in the yard of faith in magical thinking? fetishes "We took refuge in" sacred "in the" sidiosquiere "in fatalism deterministic or random ... or in the" romance "vulgar and coarse, rather than debating ideas, hoping to" better times ? Is that we have realized that the faith is the disguise of ignorance and the "romanticism a substitute for critical thinking?
Perhaps that is why censor ourselves in the name of "free speech" not to fall politically incorrect. in such a situation, we can sing odes to butterflies, birds and flowers, or distant and impossible love, a sort of intellectual masochism in abject self-pity.
We Awaken a good time and land on the present! It's time to turn cirios promeseros y abrir libros prohibidos! Kronos no espera a los rezagados. Simplemente los devora, si no sirven para otra cosa que medrar apáticos a la espera de mejor “suerte” confiando en alguna mítica provi-demencia, o en la azarosa fortuna … en lugar de ajetrear sus neuronas, abotagadas, atrofiadas y perezosas por falta de ejercicio crítico. Y no me refiero a críticas descafeinadas, edulcoradas para el deleite de los estetas neutrales, sino para sacudirnos del yugo del mercantilismo que subyuga a la humanidad.
¡Despertemos de una vez, sin esperar sentados hasta que “dios wants us to rise up! "
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Runs seek asylum: Chester Swann *
Luque, Paraguay, 23de July 2010.
Under pressure from the "owner" of the sub-American backyard, noestro a complacent Congress and president have the expected pro-mulga Terrorism Act ... with second, third or cuaartas intentions, to impose the fascist dictatorships again that "we enjoyed during the Cold War. But do a little history.
Where did the psychosis of "terrorism, now so mo-da ... since Widiot George Bush had the idea of \u200b\u200ba New World Order? For those in power, is facing terrorism-tar to demand totalitarian governments in welfare, civil liberties-les, education, better wages, a healthy environment, health for all and all those annoying demands for the "top."
remember that when the occupying Axis armies to Eu-rope after invasions-lightning, armies dae regular oscupados countries or surrendered or fled like rats in the outskirts in 1939. Only civilians were to organize resistance to the in-VASOR: whether they Maquis, or simply Partisan Resistance to the Nazis called it, rightly, terrorists, by the asymmetric warfare tactics used to harass the Nazi invasoe. Hitler also, in his messianic delusions then proclaimed "New Order", to subdue nations under the boots of the Wehrmacht and the SS.
Patriots, despite being persecuted, tortured and executed, did not fail to resist the occupier. An ambush here, a bomb there, another attack beyond ... until exhausted the ca-pacity of endurance of enemy legions.
What were the Axis Rome-Berlin-Tokyo with the occupa-tion and systematic destruction of entire countries, including infrastructure and civilian population? When Adolf Hitler's own words, was a struggle "for living space" (Lebensraum), shifting external undermining citizens or enslaving half of Europe, Korea, China, Manchuria, China, Malaysia, Philippines to absorb their re ... gears and territory by military force, military power prevailed.
is why the powerful (or believe to be) the world, afraid of people, civilians and come to spurious legal instruments to suppress demonstrations, protests, occupations ... or active resistance to the new feudal lords of the country, read landowners. But why the law does not include the ac-tion verdadewros terrorists falling in torrents on civilians, poisoned air and water, sprayed chemicals on people, targeted killings of peasant leaders, deaths of children from pesticide poisonings selling products such as food tóxicox (ci-Clamato, aspartame, sorbitol, etc), counter-ordinated vaccine contaminated with mercury for gold and silver cyanide and arsenic release to groundwater and other delights of the imbecivilización? Is not terrorism
matar al agua, a la tierra y espantar a viejos pobladores con pistoleros y matones armados, fiscales y policía… para inundar de sojales al país, de horizonte a horizonte degradando a la tierra?
Si uno de los ex simios de las legislaturas tiene argumentos a favor del terrorismo más arriba descritos, le agradeceré que me los envíe a este medio.
Pero sigo pensando que los verdaderos terroristas están fuera del alcance de las leyes y, al decir del “Martín Fierro”: ―La ley es igual que el cuchillo. Nunca lastima al que la empuña por el mango.
Y en mi carácter de ciudadano, le digo a los esbirros de la polí-tica: Pronto, muy pronto, todos, except the cowards, we par-teas.
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Just go to a match: Chester Swann *
International tensions have not budged from the two world wars and the ensuing Cold War between "block disoriented and injured." You interpret it as you see fit, which is material to suit all tastes. A dreamer named Francis Fukuyama, a former intern of the powerful Council on Foreign Relations, or CFR, after the fall of the Berlin wrote a book entitled "The End of History, back in the nineties, prophesying that it would be beneficial monopolarity for the planet by eliminating the bipolar tensions Big mistake!. Still not dry the ink of the first when another smart "analyst? named Samuel Huntington responded with another entitled "The Clash of Civilizations", a little less optimistic as we shall see. This was also an intern at the CFR and the Trilateral Commission called that, as the little-known Club Bildertberg-other "club of reflection" - pointing to the expiration of national sovereignty shortly. "Objective? The implementation of the New World Order, or that a Christian: a new world order "under the aegis of the United Nations totalitarian, which are but the tentacle of the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Lazzard, the Morgan-Chase and the other children embodied in multinational banks: IMF, WB, IDB, and grouped in the Paris Club, the Club of Rome, and certain financial superlogias not show their faces, and not just "humility and modesty . Cryptocracy a sort of hidden from public view but with greater power than any government out there, even that of Washington or Tel Aviv.
Very few people are informed about the intricacies of these little praiseworthy funders major regional wars over supremacy, to Tyre and Trojans alike, all of them, the financiers, never lose no matter who wins.
If in previous centuries wars were military issue u hordas guerreras, las nuevas “doctrinas” bélicas apuntan al aniquilamiento de civiles, tal lo están haciendo Israel y su lacayo Estados Unidos de América, o mejor: los hechiceros de la guerra en el poder, que sus pobres ciudadanos son apenas carne de cañón para sus conquistas.
Claro que, para tener pretextos plausibles para “guerras justas” primero hay que crear un enemigo ―real o imaginario, lo mismo da―, que la desinformación ¿orienta? a la “opinión pública” (la menos pública de las opiniones) en el sentido políticamente correcto, para los intereses que lucran de ellas.
En tiempos antiguos una guerra era por conquistas territorial borders and pushing outside the walls, a sort of "Lebensraum" or living space search. Later, in the beginning of the "Christian era" against heretics, unorthodox or "infidels", which papyrus scrolls or is patient, including blood by way of ink.
Later, in the contemporary age, were created on demand nationalism and patriotism, both pimps accessories to corporate commercial interests.
Whoever says that there are just wars, is a supremely uninformed that ignores the lessons of history and, worse, from prehistory. Even the war of "independence" had economic reasons rather than "political", as shown by countries in the nineteenth century Americans and Africans and Asians in the twentieth.
Now is the time of the "preventive war against terrorism" or similar Sanatan shameful corporate interests that cover industrial and energy resources.
Israel is taking the chúmbale! In the United States to attack Iran, because he has the audacity to seek energy independence based on uranium-abundant and cheap by the way, and leave its oil, but also abundant renewable energy for China to demand and it is all a world power ... and also is a creditor of the mammoth U.S. debt and unpayable.
If the attack succeeds in destroying the infrastructure looming Iranian doubtful thing on the other hand, thanks to the Almaz Antey radar missiles and Russian S-300, U.S. and Israel, ie the Zionists, will breathe a little longer ... until to deflate the bubble are waste ... the last time.
The far right seems to forget that the worst enemy of a capitalist state is not socialism ... but state capitalist global competitor for the cake.
Is not it time to sit and light the pipe of peace? Or do you think turning it on with nuclear weapons?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Wedding Lengha For Rent
Spain in the Eurovision Luxembourg (1973)
Spain in the Eurovision in Serbia (2008 )
To my surprise, I find that the representation of Spain was a joke, and bad, I must say. Joke is that the word comes up short, was a total aberration that made me wonder why Spain, with so much good music and good performers, Serbia finished sending this guy.
However, there was no answer this time.
The remaining participants used their best gadgets to achieve win: dance, costumes, veneers were noticed at 100 feet away, skating and violin accompanying the singers. Only
was something that surprised me even more than Spain, and was to see that the narrator of TVE could predict 90% of the vote, which incidentally, a few years now have been determined by geopolitics (¿?). Earn
Russia with a singer who was a violinist and a skater on stage. Eurovision seems that anything goes.
After the program begin wailing in TVE: Raffaella Carrà appears indicating that the decision was not the best, etc etc etc. However, finding out on the internet I find that the selection was quite fair (do not laugh).
was an open contest with Myspace TVE, each performer was running and people voted. If that's what people voted, let's face it, as they say in Venezuela, taking the ravine. For those unfamiliar with Rodolfo Chiquilicuatre understand me, just tell them to imagine the Güereja of Mexico, The Four of Chile, Peru or Chola Chabuca of Emilio Lovera Chepina dressed like Venezuela, singing at the Festival de Viña del Mar. They are all talented artists, but not the best singers precisely.
Chiquilicuatre The guy comes precisely from a program English humor. I get the impression that it was chosen more as an experiment to see what the English reed is happening in the Eurovision. My respects to Spain for his bravery, but failed experiment, I say, then win that festival seems to be a politically popular back country a few months earlier. Or perhaps not, and simply try to mere chance, or muddy hands on the road, who knows.
In 2009 the thing was even sadder.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Changing Rook Piercing
The veteran's name is Michael "Mike" Prysner, who belonged to the Marine Corps (Marines) of the United States.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Solutions To Financial Accounting Libby

Author: Honjou Rie
Volumes: 1
Language: English
Fansub: Aino
Server: PapidShare
Weight: 46.56 MB
Synopsis: Dive in demonic desire a student with a salary man. The main story revolves around a high school student who has constumbre to tame your partner, but having lost a little hope and without expecting anything good, he decides to stay with an older man he met on the Internet. Seeing is decided ... he will be your new pet.
Warning: This manga is yaoi gender (male / male) if you do not like this kind do not criticize or download .
! Happy New Year to all! ^ 0 ^ X lately sorry that I have made many post yaoi (for those who do not like) but I'm trabanjando other animes post shoujo and shonen but I are taking time and I put the post with all links downloads and not gradually as often I do: P
Well this manga is one of my favorites is very hard and the guy is really cute * ¬ * X
Friday, January 1, 2010
How To Write A Provisional Certificate
By this date, what remains is to clean the house and keep the junk decembrinas until this December, where history repeats itself. For those lucky enough to not start work next January 4, take advantage of days off.
've never commented here, but my family starts the year in a particular way. After celebrating the arrival of the year, fuck and get some sleep, going in the morning to the cemetery. No, we are of the year we get there, or crazy, but something that I've seen.
This is due to the following. My paternal grandfather suffered from a disease (Chagas disease), it is controlled with medication for years, until a Dec. 31, said he was tired of taking pills that day wanted to take and hold. Held, but died the following gave, I guess satisfied. 3 months after I was born.
had some years since I went to the cemetery, this year is not missed, and always surprises me that many people go on this day, I say, almost everyone is sleeping or mouse. Also years ago I remember seeing some people who seem to have received past year, something not commonly seen in that particular cemetery. Not to mention the grave with candy, toys, and even beer, as I saw this time.
Well, this has been my creepy story of the year.