George Walker Bush:
El heredero de una dinastía siniestra
Las acusaciones de corrupción, mediocridad y prepotencia llueven sobre el actual presidente de los EE.UU. Según varios investigadores, George W. Bush (Dubya para sus íntimos, Widiot para los demás), como su padre el ex presidente, son miembros de una sociedad secreta: Skull and Bones (la Orden de la Calavera y los Huesos), algunos de cuyos miembros han sido denunciados por crímenes que van desde el narcotráfico a la conspiración política. ¿Nos encontramos ante exageraciones "conspiranoicas" o ante un poder oculto decidido a hacerse con el control del planeta?
Su imagen es conocida worldwide. For most, his name is associated with an extreme conservative and staunch supporter of the death penalty, even for defensive purposes. This is George Bush, Jr., described as rough and undocumented by well-known intellectuals of his country. In the recent Film Festival Venice Film Festival, director Robert Altman said that if that he was elected as president in November 2005, he would leave the U.S..
But what few know is the dark side of this man. Like his grandfather, Senator Prescott Bush, like his father George HW Bush and other male family members, the junior member of a secret society of sinister reputation. According to several independent researchers have reported, some of its members would be involved in a series of crimes ranging from drug trafficking to racism in favor of eugenic policies to dramatically reduce Third World population and ethnic minorities in the U.S.. The desecration of graves and corpses would only be, according to these allegations, a ceremonial element illustrating the hallmarks of this company.
On May 1, 1990 the tomb of Gen. Omar Torrijos was desecrated. Strangers who spoke with foreign accents stole the ashes of a leader, a symbol of resistance to the U.S. neocolonial power. To celebrate the restoration in the country of American power, these ghouls sealed with this ritual to obtain a new trophy: the ashes of the general who, as his supporters, was killed by the CIA. The operation in Panama, reportedly funded by The Order of Skull and Bones, it would only continue a sinister tradition. This was denounced NACLA Report on the Americas, a political magazine with no taste for the "occult" in its editorial of June 1990.
More than half a century before George Bush launched against Panama "Operation Just Cause", the Order to which he belonged he had already done the same with the body of Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa, opened unknown his casket and cut off his head. Ensures that Skull and Bones, the secret society formed by the elite Yale University, paid her a large sum.
In May 1918, Senator Prescott Bush, father of former U.S. president and grandfather who competes in the same day to achieve the same honor-desecrated along with other members of this society the grave of Geronimo, the legendary rebel chief the Apaches. A mid 80's, Ned Anderson, leader of the tribe of San Carlos, gathered documents, photographs and other evidence on this desecration. One of the accomplices of Prescott Bush, Neil Malion, was responsible for "throwing acid on the head of Jerome burning hair and flesh that he might be exposed in their nightly ritual. This union would hold in the field of business. Prescott Bush was Neil Malion who catapulted to the direction of Dresser, where his first job would be former President George Bush, which he named Neil to one of their children.
Ned Anderson got an interview with a representative of the Order, which requested the return of the bones of Geronimo. Anderson says he got an affirmative response although not formally transformed into disappointment the next day, as the interlocutor of the Order missed the appointment. The character who evaded a commitment to win time and hide the remains of Geronimo was Jonathan Bush, brother of the candidate.
among the students at Yale, promotion after promotion, running from the last century, the rumor that the fastest and most secure way to access a brilliant future career in the circles of power is part of this "club" private, which recruits its members among students and teachers at Yale (and now at Harvard). Once accepted, the new follower agrees not to disclose any aspect of its internal operations, including maintaining the secrecy of their membership and to deny any link with it.
The occult elite
Founded in 1832 by William H. Russelia, this secret society , Which some believe was originally the U.S. branch of the Order of the Illuminati of Bavaria, founded in 1776 and whose emblem is the Great Seal who leads these lines-emerged to promote the children of the elites to positions of relevant political, economic and social, in order to consolidate its influence in the circles of power. Their existence is so well established as their liturgies, though experts do not agree about its nature. For example, Introvigne, director of the Institute for New Religions and the most renowned expert on cults, reflects the existence of macabre rituals and the desecration of Geronimo's grave, but is inclined to believe that it is just a "leisure Satanism" upper class inspired by the tradition of Freemasonry Anglo tanatofílica. This is a very common phenomenon among young American students, while integrating occult rites, no more risk than a prank. While acknowledging the membership of the same prominent politicians, including former President George Herbert Bush and his secretary of state, George Shultz, believes the elitist Skull and Bones has facilitated born around it a "literary plot" without foundation.
However, these are not the only names of "The Order" related to power. He also noted the membership of this society other senior Bush administration officials as James Baker III, also secretary of state, and C. Boyden Gray, involved in the Iran-Contra scandal and connections with the irregular forces in revolt against the Nicaraguan Sandinista government in the 80.
not think these close links with the power to be a novelty. The founder, William H. Russell, was Secretary of War of the Grant Administration. William Taft, son of another of the pioneer leaders of "The Order, Alphonso Taft, was the only U.S. president who also served as president of the Supreme Court. George Bush Senior was also the first president who was formerly head of the powerful CIA.
All indications are that this society represents a faction of the American patrician families associated with the Halls of Power, whose leadership is perpetuated by inheritance. Its members are the twenty largest pedigree surnames in the field of finance and industry in the Eastern U.S., according to the list of members published by the historian Anthony Sutton. For more radical critics, both public honors as the financial rewards are guaranteed, but in return for absolute subordination to "The Order."
At the end of each course, a select group of 15 graduates are selected to participate in the entry of initiation into the world of temporal power, consistent in a fight against another candidate in a pool full of mud and excrement. Ensures that after the match, naked in a coffin to confess their sexual fantasies and other sordid secrets close. Each neophyte admitted receiving a bone (human, of course) with an inscription that identifies their membership in the "most powerful secret societies." Only the walls of the Tomb "(the Yale campus building where ceremonies take place) are witness to this dark" communion "in which Introvigne recognize the hidden signs of the liturgy, but considers that these are rites these images symbolizing mud and manure the human condition "profane" and culminating with the "washing", which represents the purification by water and the birth of the neophyte as a new man.
In 1856, the Order of Skull and Bones Society was officially registered as Russell. Since then it is also known as Chapter 322 of the German secret society "Illuminati Die." Resident for decades in the New York headquarters of Brown Brothers & Harriman banking, there always seems to have been interested in creating a hidden leadership capacity to control the destiny of the planet. The Bush family enjoys a privileged seat in the Upper Room, for three generations. The links between the Harriman and Bush were forged in the 1917 graduation, when Edward Roland Harriman and Prescott Bush got the "award" bone that certifies them as serious promises of projects that "the Order" was worldwide.
The expectations placed on them were not free, as they were puffed by two powerful patriarchs: Percy Rockefeller, who came to the Order in 1900, and ER Harriman in 1913. The latter's father, Averell Harriman was a railroad tycoon who took control of the Union Pacific Railroad in 1898 thanks to credit Percy's father ... and some other unholy maneuvers, described by Professor Ferdinand Lundberg his book "Americas's sixty families" (Citadel Press, New York, 1948).
grandparents George Bush fit into this narrow circle. Mother's side, George Herbert Walker, grabbed his own piece on the railroads of the Midwest and ended up partnering with Harriman. Father's side, Samuel Bush faithfully represented investments in the arms industry whose profits soared dramatically in the First World War.
In 1931, the Brown Brothers Harriman joined the Order to give the plot of a new adventure, that humanity will never forget. The Harriman and Prescott Bush were the bankers and business associates of Adolf Hitler ... and something else, as we shall see. Many details of this suppressed story can be found in "The unauthorized biography of George Bush "written by G. Webster Chaitkin Tarpley and Anton, son of Jacob Chaitkin, who filed a complaint for fraud in the Hamburg Amerika Line, against Harriman and P. Bush. According to their complaints, another great benefit of the operation was Hitler.
This is the syllabus of this biography sinister: The Union Banking Corp., founded by the grandfather of former U.S. president, and Brown Brothers-Harriman, financed the Nazi military machine through the German Steel Cartel. In 1938, Prescott Bush, as managing partner of BBH, was also responsible for the loan granted to the Third Reich to import fuel supplied by the Standard Oil, which would supply the needs of German military aviation.
The Hamburg Amerika Line, shipping company founded by the grandfather of George Bush with the support of the Harriman not only supported the SS but operated as a front for Nazi propaganda. In 1932, Averell Harriman personally took charge of the Nazi ideologues seek passage on a ship of the Hamburg Amerika Line to attend a conference on "racial hygiene." It says one of the priorities of "The Order" in our century has been to avoid a population explosion of ethnic groups considered inferior and promotion of eugenic policies such as mass sterilization.
No forget that the Nazi mass sterilization laws were inspired by the racist U.S. laws, maintained until the sixties of the twentieth century.
financial complex would have implemented a comprehensive logistical arrangements to facilitate the trafficking of arms and explosives, largely transmitted through the shipping of the chemistry I G. Farben Nazi and its satellite Degesch, manufacturer of pesticides (also based companies Prescott Bush and Harriman, who later would manufacture large-scale Ziklon B gas, used for extermination in concentration camps), while in Cuba, the main business G. R Farben, according says Hans G. Behr in "The drugs, world power "- would be to sell heroin to the American Cosa Nostra.
According to his accusers, this is the source that nurtured the career of George HW Bush horn businessman and spy, backed by the powerful then-CIA Director Allen Dulles, the United Fruit businessman and politician. As the owner of Zapata Oil, George Bush inherited, moreover, the Nazi connection to his father (also inherit their racist and exclusionary ideas, but godly Christian).
In his book "Operation Paperclip", Ray Renick noted that, once the Second World War, the Gehlen organization "Nazi criminals allegedly recruited by the Rockefeller and the Order of Malta, which owns the older brother of George Bush-located its headquarters in California, supported by the clandestine organization Stay Behind, the most secret of secret societies of the European and American far right.
Since its inception, the CIA joined the Nazis in a huge apparatus of state terror throughout South America. Their strategy is, according to Mike Ruppert, a former detective in the narcotics section of Los Angeles police, drug trafficking on a large scale, with the collaboration of Cosa Nostra, and money laundering in banks in the Bahamas and other tax havens. Operation Paperclip was split and led to Operation Amadeus why many Nazi officers were transferred from Germany to South America to help neutralize "communist", ie dissident fighters system or social demands.
Albert Carone, one of the "Post" more active in this network, was a colonel in military intelligence. His agenda seemed a directory of the CIA and the Mafia, according to Ruppert who claim to have thoroughly reviewed. After expressing some dissatisfaction with their dirty work, Carone died of "chemical toxicity of unknown etiology." His daughter claims to have evidence against the "brain" of Operation Amadeus, also considered by Ruppert. According to these documents, "Amadeus" is none other than George Walker Bush. Ruppert reported so before a committee of U.S. Senate Intelligence, which hushed up the matter, that they also care for the pigs in their own sty. Family Sins
Sponsors of Bush's career, highlighted Walter Mischer, banker, developer and one of the largest landowners in Texas. In "The CIA, the Mafia, and George Bush, Pete Brewton reported Mischer alleged connections with the Mafia. Many say they have suffered persecution for the secrets of the Bush family. Suffice to mention here the tragic case of Darlene Novinger, a former FBI agent investigating a large flow of drug trafficking between Canada and Florida and reported have verified the relationship between drug traffickers in the Lebanese Phalange (pro-Israeli Maronite Christians) with George Bush, in the same period in which he held the position of leader of the struggle against drug trafficking in southern Florida. Darlene's superiors forbade him to continue with his job and pressured to sign the denial of his own findings which, it may even documented with pictures. In 1987, the first threats were fulfilled. The body of her husband appeared on the Susquehanna River two months after his death. On July 8, 1993 was another funeral notice, brought to life four hours later, his father was poisoned. Shortly after burial, found near the stone a canary died, the same message that someone left in the mailbox to Bradley Ayres, research fellow at the FBI. On July 24, 1996, Darlene reported the incident in Kiev AM Radio, in Glendale, Califomia, before being called upon to utter silence.
Candidate "Order."
In 1977, George W. Bush Junior, built his first company, Arbusto Energy, with financial support of the Order and some investors from the Saudi Bin Laden family, especially from Salem bin Laden, older brother of the family. The assistance of his uncle Jonathan Bush was very useful to accumulate capital, provided by a score of investors, William Draper III to the front. In the unauthorized biography and Chaitkin Tarpley, Draper appears as manager of the "Thyssen account, from which the Harriman and Bush would have served to finance the Nazi party.
George Bush Jr. entered the Order in 1968. Political champions his father entrusted him with the grim task of representing these interests. "In the name of the father," George Bush jr. invested in Harken, an extension of the intimate relationship between "petrodollars" and "drug money" set forth in the Report Kiwi. Said former CIA agent Ron Rewald to Rodney Stich, George Bush had an account with drug money under a false name: Irwin Peach. In this war, el petrolero George Bush, dueño de Zapata Oil, habría actuado contra su antiguo amigo Saddan Husein, a quien probablemente no permitió derrocar, con el objetivo deliberado de producir una crisis mundial con elevadas ganancias para las grandes multinacionales.
Según las denuncias recogidas por los autores reseñados anteriormente, los Bush son herederos de un oscuro linaje. En el inicio del nuevo milenio, "la Orden" habría elegido a George Bush junior para encumbrar sus designios, perpetuar el pillaje y, probablemente, aumentar la colección de huesos de líderes disidentes en la pintoresca tanatoteca de "la Orden". Tal vez su tarea consista en poner la piedra fundamental del futuro IV Reich, pues pese a sus escasas dotes intellectuals, has excellent brains at your service. Possibly
replacement after the White House, George Bush will be remembered more for their kits and gaffes that their genocidal war and its victims, but the enlightened thinkers of this time it kept his subjects carefully so that current and exegetes can seen in a mirror worth it. And perhaps for future victims of an inevitable economic crash, to which this is leading his country unpresentable.
El heredero de una dinastía siniestra
Las acusaciones de corrupción, mediocridad y prepotencia llueven sobre el actual presidente de los EE.UU. Según varios investigadores, George W. Bush (Dubya para sus íntimos, Widiot para los demás), como su padre el ex presidente, son miembros de una sociedad secreta: Skull and Bones (la Orden de la Calavera y los Huesos), algunos de cuyos miembros han sido denunciados por crímenes que van desde el narcotráfico a la conspiración política. ¿Nos encontramos ante exageraciones "conspiranoicas" o ante un poder oculto decidido a hacerse con el control del planeta?
Su imagen es conocida worldwide. For most, his name is associated with an extreme conservative and staunch supporter of the death penalty, even for defensive purposes. This is George Bush, Jr., described as rough and undocumented by well-known intellectuals of his country. In the recent Film Festival Venice Film Festival, director Robert Altman said that if that he was elected as president in November 2005, he would leave the U.S..
But what few know is the dark side of this man. Like his grandfather, Senator Prescott Bush, like his father George HW Bush and other male family members, the junior member of a secret society of sinister reputation. According to several independent researchers have reported, some of its members would be involved in a series of crimes ranging from drug trafficking to racism in favor of eugenic policies to dramatically reduce Third World population and ethnic minorities in the U.S.. The desecration of graves and corpses would only be, according to these allegations, a ceremonial element illustrating the hallmarks of this company.
On May 1, 1990 the tomb of Gen. Omar Torrijos was desecrated. Strangers who spoke with foreign accents stole the ashes of a leader, a symbol of resistance to the U.S. neocolonial power. To celebrate the restoration in the country of American power, these ghouls sealed with this ritual to obtain a new trophy: the ashes of the general who, as his supporters, was killed by the CIA. The operation in Panama, reportedly funded by The Order of Skull and Bones, it would only continue a sinister tradition. This was denounced NACLA Report on the Americas, a political magazine with no taste for the "occult" in its editorial of June 1990.
More than half a century before George Bush launched against Panama "Operation Just Cause", the Order to which he belonged he had already done the same with the body of Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa, opened unknown his casket and cut off his head. Ensures that Skull and Bones, the secret society formed by the elite Yale University, paid her a large sum.
In May 1918, Senator Prescott Bush, father of former U.S. president and grandfather who competes in the same day to achieve the same honor-desecrated along with other members of this society the grave of Geronimo, the legendary rebel chief the Apaches. A mid 80's, Ned Anderson, leader of the tribe of San Carlos, gathered documents, photographs and other evidence on this desecration. One of the accomplices of Prescott Bush, Neil Malion, was responsible for "throwing acid on the head of Jerome burning hair and flesh that he might be exposed in their nightly ritual. This union would hold in the field of business. Prescott Bush was Neil Malion who catapulted to the direction of Dresser, where his first job would be former President George Bush, which he named Neil to one of their children.
Ned Anderson got an interview with a representative of the Order, which requested the return of the bones of Geronimo. Anderson says he got an affirmative response although not formally transformed into disappointment the next day, as the interlocutor of the Order missed the appointment. The character who evaded a commitment to win time and hide the remains of Geronimo was Jonathan Bush, brother of the candidate.
among the students at Yale, promotion after promotion, running from the last century, the rumor that the fastest and most secure way to access a brilliant future career in the circles of power is part of this "club" private, which recruits its members among students and teachers at Yale (and now at Harvard). Once accepted, the new follower agrees not to disclose any aspect of its internal operations, including maintaining the secrecy of their membership and to deny any link with it.
The occult elite
Founded in 1832 by William H. Russelia, this secret society , Which some believe was originally the U.S. branch of the Order of the Illuminati of Bavaria, founded in 1776 and whose emblem is the Great Seal who leads these lines-emerged to promote the children of the elites to positions of relevant political, economic and social, in order to consolidate its influence in the circles of power. Their existence is so well established as their liturgies, though experts do not agree about its nature. For example, Introvigne, director of the Institute for New Religions and the most renowned expert on cults, reflects the existence of macabre rituals and the desecration of Geronimo's grave, but is inclined to believe that it is just a "leisure Satanism" upper class inspired by the tradition of Freemasonry Anglo tanatofílica. This is a very common phenomenon among young American students, while integrating occult rites, no more risk than a prank. While acknowledging the membership of the same prominent politicians, including former President George Herbert Bush and his secretary of state, George Shultz, believes the elitist Skull and Bones has facilitated born around it a "literary plot" without foundation.
However, these are not the only names of "The Order" related to power. He also noted the membership of this society other senior Bush administration officials as James Baker III, also secretary of state, and C. Boyden Gray, involved in the Iran-Contra scandal and connections with the irregular forces in revolt against the Nicaraguan Sandinista government in the 80.
not think these close links with the power to be a novelty. The founder, William H. Russell, was Secretary of War of the Grant Administration. William Taft, son of another of the pioneer leaders of "The Order, Alphonso Taft, was the only U.S. president who also served as president of the Supreme Court. George Bush Senior was also the first president who was formerly head of the powerful CIA.
All indications are that this society represents a faction of the American patrician families associated with the Halls of Power, whose leadership is perpetuated by inheritance. Its members are the twenty largest pedigree surnames in the field of finance and industry in the Eastern U.S., according to the list of members published by the historian Anthony Sutton. For more radical critics, both public honors as the financial rewards are guaranteed, but in return for absolute subordination to "The Order."
At the end of each course, a select group of 15 graduates are selected to participate in the entry of initiation into the world of temporal power, consistent in a fight against another candidate in a pool full of mud and excrement. Ensures that after the match, naked in a coffin to confess their sexual fantasies and other sordid secrets close. Each neophyte admitted receiving a bone (human, of course) with an inscription that identifies their membership in the "most powerful secret societies." Only the walls of the Tomb "(the Yale campus building where ceremonies take place) are witness to this dark" communion "in which Introvigne recognize the hidden signs of the liturgy, but considers that these are rites these images symbolizing mud and manure the human condition "profane" and culminating with the "washing", which represents the purification by water and the birth of the neophyte as a new man.
In 1856, the Order of Skull and Bones Society was officially registered as Russell. Since then it is also known as Chapter 322 of the German secret society "Illuminati Die." Resident for decades in the New York headquarters of Brown Brothers & Harriman banking, there always seems to have been interested in creating a hidden leadership capacity to control the destiny of the planet. The Bush family enjoys a privileged seat in the Upper Room, for three generations. The links between the Harriman and Bush were forged in the 1917 graduation, when Edward Roland Harriman and Prescott Bush got the "award" bone that certifies them as serious promises of projects that "the Order" was worldwide.
The expectations placed on them were not free, as they were puffed by two powerful patriarchs: Percy Rockefeller, who came to the Order in 1900, and ER Harriman in 1913. The latter's father, Averell Harriman was a railroad tycoon who took control of the Union Pacific Railroad in 1898 thanks to credit Percy's father ... and some other unholy maneuvers, described by Professor Ferdinand Lundberg his book "Americas's sixty families" (Citadel Press, New York, 1948).
grandparents George Bush fit into this narrow circle. Mother's side, George Herbert Walker, grabbed his own piece on the railroads of the Midwest and ended up partnering with Harriman. Father's side, Samuel Bush faithfully represented investments in the arms industry whose profits soared dramatically in the First World War.
In 1931, the Brown Brothers Harriman joined the Order to give the plot of a new adventure, that humanity will never forget. The Harriman and Prescott Bush were the bankers and business associates of Adolf Hitler ... and something else, as we shall see. Many details of this suppressed story can be found in "The unauthorized biography of George Bush "written by G. Webster Chaitkin Tarpley and Anton, son of Jacob Chaitkin, who filed a complaint for fraud in the Hamburg Amerika Line, against Harriman and P. Bush. According to their complaints, another great benefit of the operation was Hitler.
This is the syllabus of this biography sinister: The Union Banking Corp., founded by the grandfather of former U.S. president, and Brown Brothers-Harriman, financed the Nazi military machine through the German Steel Cartel. In 1938, Prescott Bush, as managing partner of BBH, was also responsible for the loan granted to the Third Reich to import fuel supplied by the Standard Oil, which would supply the needs of German military aviation.
The Hamburg Amerika Line, shipping company founded by the grandfather of George Bush with the support of the Harriman not only supported the SS but operated as a front for Nazi propaganda. In 1932, Averell Harriman personally took charge of the Nazi ideologues seek passage on a ship of the Hamburg Amerika Line to attend a conference on "racial hygiene." It says one of the priorities of "The Order" in our century has been to avoid a population explosion of ethnic groups considered inferior and promotion of eugenic policies such as mass sterilization.
No forget that the Nazi mass sterilization laws were inspired by the racist U.S. laws, maintained until the sixties of the twentieth century.
financial complex would have implemented a comprehensive logistical arrangements to facilitate the trafficking of arms and explosives, largely transmitted through the shipping of the chemistry I G. Farben Nazi and its satellite Degesch, manufacturer of pesticides (also based companies Prescott Bush and Harriman, who later would manufacture large-scale Ziklon B gas, used for extermination in concentration camps), while in Cuba, the main business G. R Farben, according says Hans G. Behr in "The drugs, world power "- would be to sell heroin to the American Cosa Nostra.
According to his accusers, this is the source that nurtured the career of George HW Bush horn businessman and spy, backed by the powerful then-CIA Director Allen Dulles, the United Fruit businessman and politician. As the owner of Zapata Oil, George Bush inherited, moreover, the Nazi connection to his father (also inherit their racist and exclusionary ideas, but godly Christian).
In his book "Operation Paperclip", Ray Renick noted that, once the Second World War, the Gehlen organization "Nazi criminals allegedly recruited by the Rockefeller and the Order of Malta, which owns the older brother of George Bush-located its headquarters in California, supported by the clandestine organization Stay Behind, the most secret of secret societies of the European and American far right.
Since its inception, the CIA joined the Nazis in a huge apparatus of state terror throughout South America. Their strategy is, according to Mike Ruppert, a former detective in the narcotics section of Los Angeles police, drug trafficking on a large scale, with the collaboration of Cosa Nostra, and money laundering in banks in the Bahamas and other tax havens. Operation Paperclip was split and led to Operation Amadeus why many Nazi officers were transferred from Germany to South America to help neutralize "communist", ie dissident fighters system or social demands.
Albert Carone, one of the "Post" more active in this network, was a colonel in military intelligence. His agenda seemed a directory of the CIA and the Mafia, according to Ruppert who claim to have thoroughly reviewed. After expressing some dissatisfaction with their dirty work, Carone died of "chemical toxicity of unknown etiology." His daughter claims to have evidence against the "brain" of Operation Amadeus, also considered by Ruppert. According to these documents, "Amadeus" is none other than George Walker Bush. Ruppert reported so before a committee of U.S. Senate Intelligence, which hushed up the matter, that they also care for the pigs in their own sty. Family Sins
Sponsors of Bush's career, highlighted Walter Mischer, banker, developer and one of the largest landowners in Texas. In "The CIA, the Mafia, and George Bush, Pete Brewton reported Mischer alleged connections with the Mafia. Many say they have suffered persecution for the secrets of the Bush family. Suffice to mention here the tragic case of Darlene Novinger, a former FBI agent investigating a large flow of drug trafficking between Canada and Florida and reported have verified the relationship between drug traffickers in the Lebanese Phalange (pro-Israeli Maronite Christians) with George Bush, in the same period in which he held the position of leader of the struggle against drug trafficking in southern Florida. Darlene's superiors forbade him to continue with his job and pressured to sign the denial of his own findings which, it may even documented with pictures. In 1987, the first threats were fulfilled. The body of her husband appeared on the Susquehanna River two months after his death. On July 8, 1993 was another funeral notice, brought to life four hours later, his father was poisoned. Shortly after burial, found near the stone a canary died, the same message that someone left in the mailbox to Bradley Ayres, research fellow at the FBI. On July 24, 1996, Darlene reported the incident in Kiev AM Radio, in Glendale, Califomia, before being called upon to utter silence.
Candidate "Order."
In 1977, George W. Bush Junior, built his first company, Arbusto Energy, with financial support of the Order and some investors from the Saudi Bin Laden family, especially from Salem bin Laden, older brother of the family. The assistance of his uncle Jonathan Bush was very useful to accumulate capital, provided by a score of investors, William Draper III to the front. In the unauthorized biography and Chaitkin Tarpley, Draper appears as manager of the "Thyssen account, from which the Harriman and Bush would have served to finance the Nazi party.
George Bush Jr. entered the Order in 1968. Political champions his father entrusted him with the grim task of representing these interests. "In the name of the father," George Bush jr. invested in Harken, an extension of the intimate relationship between "petrodollars" and "drug money" set forth in the Report Kiwi. Said former CIA agent Ron Rewald to Rodney Stich, George Bush had an account with drug money under a false name: Irwin Peach. In this war, el petrolero George Bush, dueño de Zapata Oil, habría actuado contra su antiguo amigo Saddan Husein, a quien probablemente no permitió derrocar, con el objetivo deliberado de producir una crisis mundial con elevadas ganancias para las grandes multinacionales.
Según las denuncias recogidas por los autores reseñados anteriormente, los Bush son herederos de un oscuro linaje. En el inicio del nuevo milenio, "la Orden" habría elegido a George Bush junior para encumbrar sus designios, perpetuar el pillaje y, probablemente, aumentar la colección de huesos de líderes disidentes en la pintoresca tanatoteca de "la Orden". Tal vez su tarea consista en poner la piedra fundamental del futuro IV Reich, pues pese a sus escasas dotes intellectuals, has excellent brains at your service. Possibly
replacement after the White House, George Bush will be remembered more for their kits and gaffes that their genocidal war and its victims, but the enlightened thinkers of this time it kept his subjects carefully so that current and exegetes can seen in a mirror worth it. And perhaps for future victims of an inevitable economic crash, to which this is leading his country unpresentable.
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