Chester Swann*
www.chesterswann.blogspot.com — cheswann@gmail.com — chester_swann@yahoo.es
Luque, agosto 31 de 2008.
Estimados conciudadanos, nativos y extranjeros residentes:
Estamos ante una era de aristas históricas transcendentes, a poco tiempo del bicentenario of the Declaration of Independence (1811/2011), a new phase of political and social changes unimaginable a few years ago, during the totalitarian tyranny of the Colorado partidocrática and sometimes with the complicity of "opponents" of the conservative faction rented liberal and even "socialism" decaffeinated PRF. This has occurred during the "opening" of the sixties to legitimize tyranny, arbitrary, personalistic and autocratic of Alfredo Stroessner.
Currently, the rules have changed, if only to give us the right to complain and plagued a bit before international bodies, but necessary to take into account a very important detail, but imperceptible, perhaps for the obvious. There can be no freedom without responsibility, no human rights without consideration of individual and social duties. This is categorically and without any doubt, debate or discussion.
Our legislators have been copied, from the outset, the institutions of eighteenth-century Europe, the enlightenment and the French Revolution, not realizing that keeping the scheme were still feudal republic fronted, as false and deceitful. And this system, oppressive and unjust, it remains to this day, nearly two hundred years of "independence" policy of the absolutist and very Catholic Spain, 1811. While it is true that during the dictatorship for life of Dr. Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia was referred the feudal system of pre-independence during the era of Lopez on track again, it was powerful and unstoppable during the war of 1864/1870, with Mr. landowners of the gallows and knife came from outside the walls. Now with the label "business" anonymous foreign shareholders and managers obstinate, assisted by foremen assisted whip and gun and venal judges and lawyers for hire.
Mate slave system Larangeira Mendes, La Industrial Paraguaya, Carlos Casado del Alisal, Sastre, Mihanovich ICSEAF, CAPSA, Fields and Quebrachales, etc. remained en el interior del país hasta bien entrados los años de la posguerra del Chaco y, en muchos casos, hasta nuestros días.
Tal el caso de los nuevos amos de la tierra, surgidos de la generosa “reforma agraria” de Juan Manuel Frutos y su amo, el general Stroessner. Claro que es fácil ser generosos con los bienes ajenos, como diría Perogrullo.
No es menester extenderme mucho para recordar a las generaciones presentes que esas tierras deben ser recuperadas y devueltas al patrimonio nacional. Pero ahora, los esclavistas son empresarios urbanos de corbata y maletín. Los supermercados e hipermercados, son los que absorben mano de obra esclava hoy por hoy, ante la complicidad del Ministerio de Justicia y Trabajo y el silencio of print and broadcast media. But go deeper.
The devastation of our forests Atlantic, who held the rainfall and climate stability, has been carried out without mercy and administrative precision worthy of better causes, but ... and here's the bottom line. Do living things of nature, animals, fish and trees are not worthy of respect and compassion? Can the human being, which boasts of "rational" murdering helpless and irrational beings, without being itself a justified revenge, the other part, of nature? Could we survive without plundering the earth, as they did our Aboriginal ancestors? Sure, they were not unaware of farmers and cows and horses, as well as the "right" to private property. Did not take more than they could consume, they had everything and did not need anything. Now is the reverse.
We broke up, we, accidental and Christians, the natural balance just to earn foreign exchange paper (not eat) and import crap and superfluous luxury goods. We have killed innocent people for the benefit of our vanity. We poisoned lands and waters vital to enrich foreign contractors, which in turn we subjected to his whims feudal droit de seigneur, as the old European masters.
Finally, it's time to rethink, now, if it is worth further mortgaging our future and our children in exchange for alms and crumbs of a fleeting present, contaminated, perverse and wrong.
still have much to learn from our ancestors, whom we venerate on paper and ignore the reality. It's time to think about a second declaration of independence ... and become independent of the stupidity that dominates, which absolutist sovereign, until twenty-first century. Or prefer to remain stupid, and above it boast? Remember that the mental shackles, chains of prejudice, are harder and harder to break than the physical trigger.
But when I speak of a second declaration of independence, I do exaltation of nationalism or chauvinism exegesis of pseudo patriotic villager who inhabit this piece of amputee map the planet. After all, human beings, regardless of their languages, cultures, backgrounds or other factors outside it, is a cosmic animal. Borders are political accidents unnatural and fruits of collective selfishness. In the words of Chief Seattle in 1854, in a letter to President Franklin Pierce of the United States, "... the man can not own land, only to share, since it is the man who owns land, which is nothing more nor less another creature of nature .... "
* This material is part of a book whose publication will be test launched in May 2011.
Chester Swann*
www.chesterswann.blogspot.com — cheswann@gmail.com — chester_swann@yahoo.es
Luque, agosto 31 de 2008.
Estimados conciudadanos, nativos y extranjeros residentes:
Estamos ante una era de aristas históricas transcendentes, a poco tiempo del bicentenario of the Declaration of Independence (1811/2011), a new phase of political and social changes unimaginable a few years ago, during the totalitarian tyranny of the Colorado partidocrática and sometimes with the complicity of "opponents" of the conservative faction rented liberal and even "socialism" decaffeinated PRF. This has occurred during the "opening" of the sixties to legitimize tyranny, arbitrary, personalistic and autocratic of Alfredo Stroessner.
Currently, the rules have changed, if only to give us the right to complain and plagued a bit before international bodies, but necessary to take into account a very important detail, but imperceptible, perhaps for the obvious. There can be no freedom without responsibility, no human rights without consideration of individual and social duties. This is categorically and without any doubt, debate or discussion.
Our legislators have been copied, from the outset, the institutions of eighteenth-century Europe, the enlightenment and the French Revolution, not realizing that keeping the scheme were still feudal republic fronted, as false and deceitful. And this system, oppressive and unjust, it remains to this day, nearly two hundred years of "independence" policy of the absolutist and very Catholic Spain, 1811. While it is true that during the dictatorship for life of Dr. Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia was referred the feudal system of pre-independence during the era of Lopez on track again, it was powerful and unstoppable during the war of 1864/1870, with Mr. landowners of the gallows and knife came from outside the walls. Now with the label "business" anonymous foreign shareholders and managers obstinate, assisted by foremen assisted whip and gun and venal judges and lawyers for hire.
Mate slave system Larangeira Mendes, La Industrial Paraguaya, Carlos Casado del Alisal, Sastre, Mihanovich ICSEAF, CAPSA, Fields and Quebrachales, etc. remained en el interior del país hasta bien entrados los años de la posguerra del Chaco y, en muchos casos, hasta nuestros días.
Tal el caso de los nuevos amos de la tierra, surgidos de la generosa “reforma agraria” de Juan Manuel Frutos y su amo, el general Stroessner. Claro que es fácil ser generosos con los bienes ajenos, como diría Perogrullo.
No es menester extenderme mucho para recordar a las generaciones presentes que esas tierras deben ser recuperadas y devueltas al patrimonio nacional. Pero ahora, los esclavistas son empresarios urbanos de corbata y maletín. Los supermercados e hipermercados, son los que absorben mano de obra esclava hoy por hoy, ante la complicidad del Ministerio de Justicia y Trabajo y el silencio of print and broadcast media. But go deeper.
The devastation of our forests Atlantic, who held the rainfall and climate stability, has been carried out without mercy and administrative precision worthy of better causes, but ... and here's the bottom line. Do living things of nature, animals, fish and trees are not worthy of respect and compassion? Can the human being, which boasts of "rational" murdering helpless and irrational beings, without being itself a justified revenge, the other part, of nature? Could we survive without plundering the earth, as they did our Aboriginal ancestors? Sure, they were not unaware of farmers and cows and horses, as well as the "right" to private property. Did not take more than they could consume, they had everything and did not need anything. Now is the reverse.
We broke up, we, accidental and Christians, the natural balance just to earn foreign exchange paper (not eat) and import crap and superfluous luxury goods. We have killed innocent people for the benefit of our vanity. We poisoned lands and waters vital to enrich foreign contractors, which in turn we subjected to his whims feudal droit de seigneur, as the old European masters.
Finally, it's time to rethink, now, if it is worth further mortgaging our future and our children in exchange for alms and crumbs of a fleeting present, contaminated, perverse and wrong.
still have much to learn from our ancestors, whom we venerate on paper and ignore the reality. It's time to think about a second declaration of independence ... and become independent of the stupidity that dominates, which absolutist sovereign, until twenty-first century. Or prefer to remain stupid, and above it boast? Remember that the mental shackles, chains of prejudice, are harder and harder to break than the physical trigger.
But when I speak of a second declaration of independence, I do exaltation of nationalism or chauvinism exegesis of pseudo patriotic villager who inhabit this piece of amputee map the planet. After all, human beings, regardless of their languages, cultures, backgrounds or other factors outside it, is a cosmic animal. Borders are political accidents unnatural and fruits of collective selfishness. In the words of Chief Seattle in 1854, in a letter to President Franklin Pierce of the United States, "... the man can not own land, only to share, since it is the man who owns land, which is nothing more nor less another creature of nature .... "
* This material is part of a book whose publication will be test launched in May 2011.
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