That day was hazy and humid as belly widow and not-so-remote possibility of a summer storm, with its concert lightning, thunder and useless umbrella forgotten in a loft. Camambú Percebeo not quickened his pace of Mancarrón arrocinado of chestnut hair bleached by the sun unrelenting and the howling north wind that, according to the old place, you put any Christian male or female aged between 8 to 110 years, on the edge menopause. Subsided rather exasperating the already slow from his horse. No hurry, and if it rained out there, nothing bad would not get wet. Lice that lived up to his clothes would be appreciated wholeheartedly, if they had lice hearts, of course. Percebeo
Camambú had lost the air of those who are resigned to whatever comes, with that peasant fatalism that has nothing to lose if things worsen beyond the worst. His malnourished nag, with more water than alfalfa in the guts, had the same look foolish his hapless sidekick climbed on his back, which local non Dulcinea Quixote and Sancho in the distance behind and ass.
The two together could have been a spirit, a causa del talante estólido que poseían entrambos en condominio. Sólo faltaba que el pachorrento rocín fuese bautizado sacramentalmente siquiera, para que parecieran almas gemelas. Meteoro, se llamaba el rucio solípedo del buenazo y al colmo de la estulticia de Percebeo Camambú. Corría (es un decir, que más bien se arrastraba) el año 1939 (en la capital nomás imperaba esa calenda; por que en la campiña paraguaya estaban aún en la prehistoria, salvo que conocían ya la rueda y el fuego). Pero en esa microgalaxia que era la campiña nativa, la ignorancia más rotativa y descascarada reinaba a paso de babosa (132 mm. por hora) y duraba de 04:30 a 18:15 más o menos. No era de extrañar our grandparents live in their huts with pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, guineas, ducks and some other pets, wild or not. Some even raised orphaned little Indians for all service. Esquizoofrenia
In all this, were added chiggers (sprints), lice, lice, fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes, ticks or any other unregistered bug in science. A food chain in its entirety, with the difference that the little ones ate the largest. And so, it was almost all over Paraguay. A minority was engulfing the majority, and so called "democracy" in Asunción.
Ox carts were SUVs Meteor regarding its mounted. The richest, would train pass to the southeast, although very limited travel and its speed. Railroad Passengers English, could even entertain counting telegraph poles and sleepers on the way .. The information came with one or two months late, and horse racing, at least, of dubious pedigree Meteorological be timed with almanacs.
Obviously, all this slowing of life and this transgression to the immutable laws of evolution interrupta, acted on farmers minifundiarios benefactors. His longevity was almost Methuselah and health, including iron and stainless steel. Cancer and stress were illustrious unknown. Hardly knew the moon, except in full, before bedtime because the sun was horizontal.
knew some stars, but only because they were already up mate, when the star will twinkle from the east. In other words, that the pace of life for them and nearly all Latin American peasants and beyond, was very few surprises, except the occasional barking of dogs announced their presence at night, or maybe some ñakürutü (owl) announcer misfortunes. The grandparents had invented some day authorities to enable them to sleep long naps without their offspring go out there bigheaded. The Jasyjateré was a good caretaker of creatures, they fear to get your virtual fingertips. Instilled fear, of course, by their parents. It was expensive to find children lost in these mountains, dense yet, the preindustrial Paraguay. Better forecast.
After these digressions, is explained by the uninformed stupidity syndrome Percebeo Camambú, a former resident of the most remote Chopped Lorito company near Chirigüelo, semiprovincia the State of Mato Grosso and whose national identity was still in doubt, almost as far in Assumption dependent politically and economically from São Paulo and Ponta Pora. Percebeo
Camambú, as I said, smoothly and knew little sus casi sesenta otoños apenas supo de tragedias, como las que se gestaban en los países más civilizados o imbecivilizados, según se mire. Era un ser libre de vivir o no, de sobrevivir como pudiese y enterarse o no de cuanto ocurría más allá de "la línea" de la frontera.
Esta clase social correspondía a la denominada mboriahúryguatã o "pobres-de-barriga-satisfecha", vertido al cristiano. Era flaco. Don Percebeo, como lapacho seco porque vivía a base de cecina, maíz y mandioca, matizados hídricamente por matecocido (infusión de yerba) con tereré y a veces algo de leche cruda recién ordeñada. Su chacrita la hizo a machete, azada y hacha, así como su rancho y a la usanza general. Era devoto de San Onofre, patrono de los beodos, incluso más aún que de su santo patronímico recientemente borrado del santoral por un tal Pío XI.
Como todas las veces que iba o venía a la capital de Amambay, a más de doce leguas de Lorito Picada, su mujer casi enviudaba de él, entre viaje y viaje. Evidentemente Percebeo era un tipo sin apuros y ajeno a atarear pensamientos.
Una vez asentados ahí, su abuelo puso simientes de porotos, maíces (cinco variedades) y frutales varios. Incluso la yerba mate la surtía un grupo de arbustos de su finca, elaborada de mboroviré (hojas y palillos tostados y quebrados en bolsas a golpes de palo de mortero) artesanal. Cuanto podrían need him or his family, they had right there what are you worrying if deal works best? Percebeo
Camambú Mancarrón traveling with her favorite, because they never chose to ride a stallion dumb for fear of transgressing the laws of universal gravitation, Newton still ignoring, or being thrown off, not to match a galloping stallion his technique of riding that kind of mollusk mammalian hybrid, as it was Meteor. When Percebeo started his long journey of coastal land to his wife was like one who sees from his beloved to a neighboring planet, aboard a half deflated balloon.
In fact the excessive bloating pingo was, above all, the manager of his name by his brother almost Percebeo. Every hundred meters, bad mixture of fermented alfalfa, wild grass and stagnant water embankments, fireworks raged within her, and if the wind was chicho or tail, Percebeo perceived flatulence of his dull hack blessed with the resignation of martyrs of underdevelopment. Once when due
overnight in the open in one of his trips he saw something that looked like the so-called St. Elmo's Fire. He stopped crossing in Latin, but did not understand very well what it would mean, but they had learned and told to hurry Meteor the pace, was not a bad light to take him nowhere. Of course, the hack had his own ideas about speed, so they ignored the master. Percebeo had never felt the need to stimulate interest or stir up your horse (at least it seemed) Meteor. In return, he never strayed from the routine and was unusual punishments.
The case was that the first prick of spurs in its flanks, Speed \u200b\u200breared up abruptly, throwing his half-brother pachorrento to test the planet's gravitational force. After that, went into runaway gallop, leaving Percebeo Camambú prisoner pulled a mattress on the soft sand of the path, do not say stupid because that was his natural state, but a bit dazed and half beaten. Meteor instead rediscovered his lost ability to gallop, without hindrance on his back and, despite wearing brake bite is gone forever from your employer and soul mate.
Percebeo, after countless minutes of laborious analysis of the new situation, and, in addition to walk, he resigned himself to walk momentarily forgetting St. Elmo's Fire scare him before the accident. Torn between proceeding to Pedro Juan Caballero or return to Lorito Chopped and finally went to sleep at the foot of a rugged Tarumã you along the way, if a cart passed by. Finger could do as they say or ask carona Brazilians still rule in the area.
Near the edge of the night, despite the mosquitoes with fresh, awakened Percebeo Camambú spotted a dim light moving slowly fluttering the road. Its reddish yellow color, made him conclude, at a snail's pace, which was a wagon burner kerosene lantern. The lights are generally bad and electrical bluish white, but this word did not know our friend, that is grace. That grace always shines on the holy, the good and silly.
He stood up, stretching and yawning four mouths. It would be churlish to expect lay and shake to eventual Samaritan wheels. Asked Camambú Percebeo Our Lady of the Lost Hikers, who was an acquaintance of his valley. Going in the direction of Cerro Cora, at the intersection with the path (so to speak, was barely a bite dusty or muddy depending on weather) Concepcion-Pedro Juan and, surely, could take it. Fortunately carried his money belt and not in the saddle, which, if not, its capital would be galloping with her unfaithful Meteor, for those winding paths of the jungle Amambay.
returned to receive the electric sizzle and curiosity got the better of their ancestral fear of the unknown. Perhaps the proximity of the cart encouraged him to be bold. The truth is that, approached the fire site and saw the San Telmo a bone that at first seemed a skull of a creature. When close enough, felt that glowed in the semi darkness, and seemed to be of any Christian or a known bug. Was half embedded in a piece of sandstone and should be older than their grandparents recontra.
put it in a bag, he still had to be cross strap on your torso. The cart was already a stone's throw and waved the road with a loud cry of "Ave Maria pure!" receiving a howling "Conceived without sin!" response. After recognizing a townspeople called Purification Castillo, greeted him and asked him to make room to wherever. After the road itself, Percebeo sat beside him on the dull boom of the cart.
currently not told about his find, but nervously fingered the bone through the rough jute bag to identify which species originated.
the road, and in daylight in an advanced state, Percebeo noticed and thought it must have something valuable in your bag to be stroking all the time as a virgin tits. Meanwhile, Percebeo realized that this thing does not look like anything that he knew throughout his life.
He had tusks and a species of horned ridges in the upper half, a long snout and a half different eye holes. In addition, was almost as heavy as stone and above was embedded in a semi. And that glow like fireflies!
Finally, recounted her ordeal at the road, the vision and the defection of his pingo Meteor and his subsequent discovery of the bone-stone. After showing it, and the driver said curtly: "It seems
Christian. "Certainly," replied
Percebeo, after countless minutes of reflection. But it must be some bug, I guess ...
"That's right. But I know of no creature that has a skeleton like that. It seems something of Hannah (demon), but in Pedro Juan Caballero is to have someone who knows what was the boned animal.
- Do not be a werewolf or something? Percebeo asked again Camambú, perhaps miraculously illuminated. Look at these tusks y. .. "So saying he felt like throwing the bone to the depth of the forest that seemed to engulf them with cart and all. Something was fishy with that thing that seemed to mock them from the depths of the pocket beaches. The word "werewolf" and got goose bumps when Percebeo Camambú superstitious to say nothing of his fellow passengers.
mid-morning, another pedestrian passerby called Clodomiro Caburé joined them. Nor could he specify what the skull belonged bug Percebeo carried. Not a pig appeared to be the Mount, despite its fangs crossed, nor to anything familiar. Finally decided to tacitly change the subject. Percebeo
Camambú came in silence to save saliva and words, they did not have many up and Collins was well thinned, at least in Castile. His brain was like the forest around them, almost untouched, and her vocabulary included words in Castilian a hundred, two hundred six and four in Portuguese Guarani caipira. He did not know of books or letters. Was, in short, a happy man, as only a fool can be a vocation. But worried about the bone and the reason for its finding. It seems that this thing I was waiting there, lost for who knows how many years in this mountain, hidden from every eye, until, he just told him, and inviting him to pick it up and give deserved rest. Again he felt the skull to make sure its real existence.
The sun stung and decided to stop in a clearing in the dense bush to take a refreshing tereré and picking something to stay the course. Camambú Percebeo suddenly felt that something was weighing more than necessary and it seemed that something tickling the side where lay the bone. Dropped his bag on the floor and sat in the shade of a giant wheezing peroba his weariness. The road and the other passenger were the same, while preparing guampa bulb and some water from a nearby stream.
After watering the thirsty and fool the stomach, with corned beef boiled with some rice and cassava, turned to the cart. They were still far from the route, but with patience will always get the end of the world. And they had plenty of patience, because in the post-war Paraguay Chaco, all professed the most dull apathy of the world. If Percebeo was, as we have described before, his companions were not going in the back of that composure. The only thing they could win was Speed \u200b\u200bRacer, but was not present to participate. Oxen, maybe. After a few short stops to chow a little jerky tereré boiled cassava and came night, deep, visceral, and fraught apocalyptic legends of ghosts, bad lights, unknown beasts and spirits that made fun of mocking the ancient beliefs and superstitions of travelers.
usually open road is traveled at night without any problems with someone walking to the road with a wick kerosene lantern, but in the dark forest, closed, with possible incursions by poisonous vermin, was preferable to camp. In the first stars, and three passengers were installed, with their oxen free of the yoke and the mate screaming kettle merrily on the makeshift stove. As they stood travelers, per shift and limited vocabulary, imaginative storytelling or actual ghosts, deceased in pain, bumps that shook and werewolves. The latter were unknown until one dark rhapsody released a book with a long-winded poem entitled "Ñande ypykuéra" (Our Roots), which created an entire imaginary cosmogony and early history of emigrants from Atlantis Guarani and breeding the transplanted evil bugs European mythology. This gave rise to popular beliefs that exist today. The funny thing is that this story imagined by Rosicrán (Narciso R. Colman) in 1921, is taught as "myths Guarani" in schools and colleges. But back to the fire, our friends in the story and the story or perceived a bright light coming down from heaven and rested nearby, next to a pond, nor heard any noise outside of crickets, frogs and owls. Shortly afterwards, they were all snoring in cacophonous chorus throwing that inadvertently had to compete with a jaguar bellows confused by the mountain. It was just Percebeo Camambú
which awoke after midnight to emergencies in the bladder and in trying to join three figures spotted Christian aspect, even more puny, low height and large heads with tight clothes and bright white cans of corned beef "and his head covered with a sort of dark glass fly round, meaning could not understand.
was such a fright that he jumped almost his height, accompanied by a scream of terror such as had not been heard in a long time in that far corner. The others woke up suddenly as a tug brought across the border of deep sleep. But nothing more awakening, were glued to the floor from the shock, to be surrounded by these monsters come out of who knows what a nightmare.
tried to get their hands on their knives, after a late reaction, but could not move a finger, did not know whether the shock or why else. As Percebeo, took over the urgency, wetting without shame.
The three figures which seemed to tin toys, made no movement or uttering a word. Just looked on as he pries a friendly animal. Percebeo was stiff as a dead man the day before and just felt that those ... -Did not know how to name and those moments, looking for something. And indeed, one of the monsters said his shoulder bag, which rested the rare bone, now back to cast a glow of green light as a giant firefly. Gradually, the senses of the three travelers they went revival, which is not saying much, but they could "catch" something they read in silence the three figures dressed in tin or something.
"" One of them is holding the skull of Cryggsu, "said one of the strangers.
" "I hope that its radioactivity has not negatively affected," said another, they felt it but could not understand the meaning of terms such as radioactivity or affected.
"" I do not I think. Rather, they will do something more intelligent. These semi-wild creatures just handle their own language, but now can understand our messages without sound. Let them explain why we have taken over the relic of Cryggsu we found after hundreds of thousands of years of his accident. "
Percebeo Camambú, Purification and Clodomiro Caburé Castillo, could hardly move a finger, but beginning to understand that those who were before them, were not of this world. They saw the strange skull in his hands, or whatever they were, one of beings, with their bright green light that blinked like fireflies in the summer. They tried to think of some words to know who these bugs can dress.
never know how to explain the fact that we could get along with these spores, coming from who knows where to rescue a single bone. Although it might not be so simple, if not, went about star-searching. Suddenly, it seems that their minds were thinking more quickly than usual and comprehension skills exceeded their routine rules them spun phrases cost more than ten words without tripping over solecisms, anacolutha, Lusitanian or rough mixed with Jiri caipira guarangada imported from nearby Brazil. Would any influence of the presence of two-legged vermin tin suit. Did not know it yet, but something was transmuting into their bodies and minds.
- Where do you come from? She tried to say thinking, because I could not even utter a word, Percebeo Camambú.
"- Ah earthling!." So now you understand? " "Replied one of them in his mind. "We come from very far and would like to recover the remains of one of us cuyo vehículo cayera en este mundo hace muchísimos años."
—¿Y qué vino a hacer por aquí su compañero? —interrogó Purificación Castillo, algo más avispado que de costumbre.
"—Todos nosotros recorremos los mundos habitados para seguir la evolución de sus criaturas. Pero por lo que veo, hay partes de este mundo que poseen más conocimientos y técnicas que otros. No puedo imaginar que mientras allá en Europa tengan vehículos aéreos, aunque inferiores a los nuestros, acá anden en eso" —señalando la carreta de grandes ruedas embarradas y sus bueyes de triste mirada y piel desangrada por la picana y los tábanos.
—Somos pobres and no avenues for those machines that says, "said Castillo Purification of mind, a bit more alert but unable to move yet. Over here is slower and live longer. Back in Europe, people kill nerves, lives too fast and get sick bucket. Or if not, they kill each other in wars like the one we had recently between us and the Bolivians. And yet we do not know who won, or why we fight. Now our president, a certain Estigarribia, the bolivar is delivering the best land to conquer and the others are giving to Paraguay the deserts of talc into the Pilcomayo.
"" All wars are stupid like people who fight them, "said one of the bugs pajueranos." We do thousands of years that we stop fighting among ourselves, although in some worlds persecute us if they see us. So we will not see as much as possible. If one of you has not been raised, no never would know us. "
- Can we see the cart they use to travel?" Said Clodomiro addressing any of the three.
- Why can dress in costumes? "asked Purification
- What do you want that bone?" questioned Percebeo.
"" Our vehicle has no wheels and is both the wheel. Our clothes we protection from the hostile atmosphere of this world. Precisely, our colleague Cryggsu took off his helmet and was attacked by bacteria, virus or some form of lower life. We need your bones to determine what might have killed him, since we are almost immortal, but somewhat delicate if we are not careful. As for our car, you'll see when we leave here. But first, we want to know where you found it, to find all his bones, which are not too many like yours. Many millennia in the deep spaces changed the structure of our frames and calcium must be replaced by phosphorus, thorium and lithium. Your seas and oceans have a lot of lithium and it, produce the rest.
Interestingly, the three farmers could understand the increasingly complex discourse of these bugs ... or whatever they were. Would radioactive bone, the cause of this mutation that was taking place in them? "They hardly knew the difference between day and night and had a biological clock in hibernating nearly level throughout the year and when they sleep almost yawned to avoid wasting no air? Would you be able, with some study, master the art, science, knowledge in short, to steer the ship of their destinations?
The three, as sensing the thoughts of each were surprised capacity for analysis and vocabulary. Wasting no idea that neurons could only capture the voice of the universe, which is the Great Intelligence, until this morning when by chance an encounter that took shape in 1939 no one would call the third phase, but perhaps "angels bring messages Paraguayan peasants divine three, "Christian millennial style.
Until then, there were limited to live, reproduce and die without question work too origin or destination. Life was so routine that, for any cracks, however small in routine, was solidly grounded. Grandparents to parents. Parents to their children and grandchildren. The children and grandchildren to the animals of the home.
was beginning a period of philosophy. Rustic, but philosophy in the end. That piece of the planet called Paraguay, had been two wars and a number of coups, revolutions not. But still, in the countryside (campaign say here) Paraguayan time went burial procession to pass and threatened to continue indefinitely in that attitude. And suddenly, it seems as if waking from a prison space and time to idle, to feel that the speed of neural operations had increased by so much and now it was difficult to understand causal relationships. Ca'aty Arandú our grandparents would say, on the intuitive knowledge.
The three farmers were able to finally move their muscles and without preconceptions and tried to continue his silent conversation with strangers, this time without fear. The others explained that they should return the bones of Cryggsu to analyze the causes of their disappearance. This, he would have lost in an expedition coming to Earth in ancient times, millennia before the arrival of humans to Amambay. After searching unsuccessfully had to return to their world, situated beyond the Pleiades. One of them drew a rough sketch of the constellation on the ground. The three farmers recognized the seven wavelets and were happy to share with people another world. And above, no mouths to speak out.
After requesting clarification of rigor and promise not to mention the meeting, the three space travelers departed from the peasants, then penetrating into the depths of the jungle to rescue the other bones in the corner that would describe them Percebeo Camambú . In return, the three friends got the power to think and a significant increase in vocabulary that can facilitate teaching and transmitting knowledge to his countrymen, the sole condition of not mentioning their sources. Percebeo, Purification and Clodomiro, sworn to secrecy for its clash of cultures that will surely leave some sequels in them.
Dawn dawn soon yet and still barely able to believe the experience was nothing more minutes. As if it had been a strange dream that would soon awaken. They looked at each other with disbelief of the philosopher, rather than with the faith of the idiot or the certainty of a fool.
Suddenly Clodomiro said, this time with the speech: "I have found
what they wanted these gentlemen of this world.
waited at the scene until about a half hour later, noticed a soft, metallic sound, like a musical hum. Then they saw a stranger passing lentil-shaped device that emitted a halo Intermittent light and walk away slowly toward the dawn sky. Neither said a word. Latin barely crossed and prayed an Our Father and ten Hail Mary's, by the unknown and strange late traveling to another world, and not just figuratively .
That day was hazy and humid as belly widow and not-so-remote possibility of a summer storm, with its concert lightning, thunder and useless umbrella forgotten in a loft. Camambú Percebeo not quickened his pace of Mancarrón arrocinado of chestnut hair bleached by the sun unrelenting and the howling north wind that, according to the old place, you put any Christian male or female aged between 8 to 110 years, on the edge menopause. Subsided rather exasperating the already slow from his horse. No hurry, and if it rained out there, nothing bad would not get wet. Lice that lived up to his clothes would be appreciated wholeheartedly, if they had lice hearts, of course. Percebeo
Camambú had lost the air of those who are resigned to whatever comes, with that peasant fatalism that has nothing to lose if things worsen beyond the worst. His malnourished nag, with more water than alfalfa in the guts, had the same look foolish his hapless sidekick climbed on his back, which local non Dulcinea Quixote and Sancho in the distance behind and ass.
The two together could have been a spirit, a causa del talante estólido que poseían entrambos en condominio. Sólo faltaba que el pachorrento rocín fuese bautizado sacramentalmente siquiera, para que parecieran almas gemelas. Meteoro, se llamaba el rucio solípedo del buenazo y al colmo de la estulticia de Percebeo Camambú. Corría (es un decir, que más bien se arrastraba) el año 1939 (en la capital nomás imperaba esa calenda; por que en la campiña paraguaya estaban aún en la prehistoria, salvo que conocían ya la rueda y el fuego). Pero en esa microgalaxia que era la campiña nativa, la ignorancia más rotativa y descascarada reinaba a paso de babosa (132 mm. por hora) y duraba de 04:30 a 18:15 más o menos. No era de extrañar our grandparents live in their huts with pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, guineas, ducks and some other pets, wild or not. Some even raised orphaned little Indians for all service. Esquizoofrenia
In all this, were added chiggers (sprints), lice, lice, fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes, ticks or any other unregistered bug in science. A food chain in its entirety, with the difference that the little ones ate the largest. And so, it was almost all over Paraguay. A minority was engulfing the majority, and so called "democracy" in Asunción.
Ox carts were SUVs Meteor regarding its mounted. The richest, would train pass to the southeast, although very limited travel and its speed. Railroad Passengers English, could even entertain counting telegraph poles and sleepers on the way .. The information came with one or two months late, and horse racing, at least, of dubious pedigree Meteorological be timed with almanacs.
Obviously, all this slowing of life and this transgression to the immutable laws of evolution interrupta, acted on farmers minifundiarios benefactors. His longevity was almost Methuselah and health, including iron and stainless steel. Cancer and stress were illustrious unknown. Hardly knew the moon, except in full, before bedtime because the sun was horizontal.
knew some stars, but only because they were already up mate, when the star will twinkle from the east. In other words, that the pace of life for them and nearly all Latin American peasants and beyond, was very few surprises, except the occasional barking of dogs announced their presence at night, or maybe some ñakürutü (owl) announcer misfortunes. The grandparents had invented some day authorities to enable them to sleep long naps without their offspring go out there bigheaded. The Jasyjateré was a good caretaker of creatures, they fear to get your virtual fingertips. Instilled fear, of course, by their parents. It was expensive to find children lost in these mountains, dense yet, the preindustrial Paraguay. Better forecast.
After these digressions, is explained by the uninformed stupidity syndrome Percebeo Camambú, a former resident of the most remote Chopped Lorito company near Chirigüelo, semiprovincia the State of Mato Grosso and whose national identity was still in doubt, almost as far in Assumption dependent politically and economically from São Paulo and Ponta Pora. Percebeo
Camambú, as I said, smoothly and knew little sus casi sesenta otoños apenas supo de tragedias, como las que se gestaban en los países más civilizados o imbecivilizados, según se mire. Era un ser libre de vivir o no, de sobrevivir como pudiese y enterarse o no de cuanto ocurría más allá de "la línea" de la frontera.
Esta clase social correspondía a la denominada mboriahúryguatã o "pobres-de-barriga-satisfecha", vertido al cristiano. Era flaco. Don Percebeo, como lapacho seco porque vivía a base de cecina, maíz y mandioca, matizados hídricamente por matecocido (infusión de yerba) con tereré y a veces algo de leche cruda recién ordeñada. Su chacrita la hizo a machete, azada y hacha, así como su rancho y a la usanza general. Era devoto de San Onofre, patrono de los beodos, incluso más aún que de su santo patronímico recientemente borrado del santoral por un tal Pío XI.
Como todas las veces que iba o venía a la capital de Amambay, a más de doce leguas de Lorito Picada, su mujer casi enviudaba de él, entre viaje y viaje. Evidentemente Percebeo era un tipo sin apuros y ajeno a atarear pensamientos.
Una vez asentados ahí, su abuelo puso simientes de porotos, maíces (cinco variedades) y frutales varios. Incluso la yerba mate la surtía un grupo de arbustos de su finca, elaborada de mboroviré (hojas y palillos tostados y quebrados en bolsas a golpes de palo de mortero) artesanal. Cuanto podrían need him or his family, they had right there what are you worrying if deal works best? Percebeo
Camambú Mancarrón traveling with her favorite, because they never chose to ride a stallion dumb for fear of transgressing the laws of universal gravitation, Newton still ignoring, or being thrown off, not to match a galloping stallion his technique of riding that kind of mollusk mammalian hybrid, as it was Meteor. When Percebeo started his long journey of coastal land to his wife was like one who sees from his beloved to a neighboring planet, aboard a half deflated balloon.
In fact the excessive bloating pingo was, above all, the manager of his name by his brother almost Percebeo. Every hundred meters, bad mixture of fermented alfalfa, wild grass and stagnant water embankments, fireworks raged within her, and if the wind was chicho or tail, Percebeo perceived flatulence of his dull hack blessed with the resignation of martyrs of underdevelopment. Once when due
overnight in the open in one of his trips he saw something that looked like the so-called St. Elmo's Fire. He stopped crossing in Latin, but did not understand very well what it would mean, but they had learned and told to hurry Meteor the pace, was not a bad light to take him nowhere. Of course, the hack had his own ideas about speed, so they ignored the master. Percebeo had never felt the need to stimulate interest or stir up your horse (at least it seemed) Meteor. In return, he never strayed from the routine and was unusual punishments.
The case was that the first prick of spurs in its flanks, Speed \u200b\u200breared up abruptly, throwing his half-brother pachorrento to test the planet's gravitational force. After that, went into runaway gallop, leaving Percebeo Camambú prisoner pulled a mattress on the soft sand of the path, do not say stupid because that was his natural state, but a bit dazed and half beaten. Meteor instead rediscovered his lost ability to gallop, without hindrance on his back and, despite wearing brake bite is gone forever from your employer and soul mate.
Percebeo, after countless minutes of laborious analysis of the new situation, and, in addition to walk, he resigned himself to walk momentarily forgetting St. Elmo's Fire scare him before the accident. Torn between proceeding to Pedro Juan Caballero or return to Lorito Chopped and finally went to sleep at the foot of a rugged Tarumã you along the way, if a cart passed by. Finger could do as they say or ask carona Brazilians still rule in the area.
Near the edge of the night, despite the mosquitoes with fresh, awakened Percebeo Camambú spotted a dim light moving slowly fluttering the road. Its reddish yellow color, made him conclude, at a snail's pace, which was a wagon burner kerosene lantern. The lights are generally bad and electrical bluish white, but this word did not know our friend, that is grace. That grace always shines on the holy, the good and silly.
He stood up, stretching and yawning four mouths. It would be churlish to expect lay and shake to eventual Samaritan wheels. Asked Camambú Percebeo Our Lady of the Lost Hikers, who was an acquaintance of his valley. Going in the direction of Cerro Cora, at the intersection with the path (so to speak, was barely a bite dusty or muddy depending on weather) Concepcion-Pedro Juan and, surely, could take it. Fortunately carried his money belt and not in the saddle, which, if not, its capital would be galloping with her unfaithful Meteor, for those winding paths of the jungle Amambay.
returned to receive the electric sizzle and curiosity got the better of their ancestral fear of the unknown. Perhaps the proximity of the cart encouraged him to be bold. The truth is that, approached the fire site and saw the San Telmo a bone that at first seemed a skull of a creature. When close enough, felt that glowed in the semi darkness, and seemed to be of any Christian or a known bug. Was half embedded in a piece of sandstone and should be older than their grandparents recontra.
put it in a bag, he still had to be cross strap on your torso. The cart was already a stone's throw and waved the road with a loud cry of "Ave Maria pure!" receiving a howling "Conceived without sin!" response. After recognizing a townspeople called Purification Castillo, greeted him and asked him to make room to wherever. After the road itself, Percebeo sat beside him on the dull boom of the cart.
currently not told about his find, but nervously fingered the bone through the rough jute bag to identify which species originated.
the road, and in daylight in an advanced state, Percebeo noticed and thought it must have something valuable in your bag to be stroking all the time as a virgin tits. Meanwhile, Percebeo realized that this thing does not look like anything that he knew throughout his life.
He had tusks and a species of horned ridges in the upper half, a long snout and a half different eye holes. In addition, was almost as heavy as stone and above was embedded in a semi. And that glow like fireflies!
Finally, recounted her ordeal at the road, the vision and the defection of his pingo Meteor and his subsequent discovery of the bone-stone. After showing it, and the driver said curtly: "It seems
Christian. "Certainly," replied
Percebeo, after countless minutes of reflection. But it must be some bug, I guess ...
"That's right. But I know of no creature that has a skeleton like that. It seems something of Hannah (demon), but in Pedro Juan Caballero is to have someone who knows what was the boned animal.
- Do not be a werewolf or something? Percebeo asked again Camambú, perhaps miraculously illuminated. Look at these tusks y. .. "So saying he felt like throwing the bone to the depth of the forest that seemed to engulf them with cart and all. Something was fishy with that thing that seemed to mock them from the depths of the pocket beaches. The word "werewolf" and got goose bumps when Percebeo Camambú superstitious to say nothing of his fellow passengers.
mid-morning, another pedestrian passerby called Clodomiro Caburé joined them. Nor could he specify what the skull belonged bug Percebeo carried. Not a pig appeared to be the Mount, despite its fangs crossed, nor to anything familiar. Finally decided to tacitly change the subject. Percebeo
Camambú came in silence to save saliva and words, they did not have many up and Collins was well thinned, at least in Castile. His brain was like the forest around them, almost untouched, and her vocabulary included words in Castilian a hundred, two hundred six and four in Portuguese Guarani caipira. He did not know of books or letters. Was, in short, a happy man, as only a fool can be a vocation. But worried about the bone and the reason for its finding. It seems that this thing I was waiting there, lost for who knows how many years in this mountain, hidden from every eye, until, he just told him, and inviting him to pick it up and give deserved rest. Again he felt the skull to make sure its real existence.
The sun stung and decided to stop in a clearing in the dense bush to take a refreshing tereré and picking something to stay the course. Camambú Percebeo suddenly felt that something was weighing more than necessary and it seemed that something tickling the side where lay the bone. Dropped his bag on the floor and sat in the shade of a giant wheezing peroba his weariness. The road and the other passenger were the same, while preparing guampa bulb and some water from a nearby stream.
After watering the thirsty and fool the stomach, with corned beef boiled with some rice and cassava, turned to the cart. They were still far from the route, but with patience will always get the end of the world. And they had plenty of patience, because in the post-war Paraguay Chaco, all professed the most dull apathy of the world. If Percebeo was, as we have described before, his companions were not going in the back of that composure. The only thing they could win was Speed \u200b\u200bRacer, but was not present to participate. Oxen, maybe. After a few short stops to chow a little jerky tereré boiled cassava and came night, deep, visceral, and fraught apocalyptic legends of ghosts, bad lights, unknown beasts and spirits that made fun of mocking the ancient beliefs and superstitions of travelers.
usually open road is traveled at night without any problems with someone walking to the road with a wick kerosene lantern, but in the dark forest, closed, with possible incursions by poisonous vermin, was preferable to camp. In the first stars, and three passengers were installed, with their oxen free of the yoke and the mate screaming kettle merrily on the makeshift stove. As they stood travelers, per shift and limited vocabulary, imaginative storytelling or actual ghosts, deceased in pain, bumps that shook and werewolves. The latter were unknown until one dark rhapsody released a book with a long-winded poem entitled "Ñande ypykuéra" (Our Roots), which created an entire imaginary cosmogony and early history of emigrants from Atlantis Guarani and breeding the transplanted evil bugs European mythology. This gave rise to popular beliefs that exist today. The funny thing is that this story imagined by Rosicrán (Narciso R. Colman) in 1921, is taught as "myths Guarani" in schools and colleges. But back to the fire, our friends in the story and the story or perceived a bright light coming down from heaven and rested nearby, next to a pond, nor heard any noise outside of crickets, frogs and owls. Shortly afterwards, they were all snoring in cacophonous chorus throwing that inadvertently had to compete with a jaguar bellows confused by the mountain. It was just Percebeo Camambú
which awoke after midnight to emergencies in the bladder and in trying to join three figures spotted Christian aspect, even more puny, low height and large heads with tight clothes and bright white cans of corned beef "and his head covered with a sort of dark glass fly round, meaning could not understand.
was such a fright that he jumped almost his height, accompanied by a scream of terror such as had not been heard in a long time in that far corner. The others woke up suddenly as a tug brought across the border of deep sleep. But nothing more awakening, were glued to the floor from the shock, to be surrounded by these monsters come out of who knows what a nightmare.
tried to get their hands on their knives, after a late reaction, but could not move a finger, did not know whether the shock or why else. As Percebeo, took over the urgency, wetting without shame.
The three figures which seemed to tin toys, made no movement or uttering a word. Just looked on as he pries a friendly animal. Percebeo was stiff as a dead man the day before and just felt that those ... -Did not know how to name and those moments, looking for something. And indeed, one of the monsters said his shoulder bag, which rested the rare bone, now back to cast a glow of green light as a giant firefly. Gradually, the senses of the three travelers they went revival, which is not saying much, but they could "catch" something they read in silence the three figures dressed in tin or something.
"" One of them is holding the skull of Cryggsu, "said one of the strangers.
" "I hope that its radioactivity has not negatively affected," said another, they felt it but could not understand the meaning of terms such as radioactivity or affected.
"" I do not I think. Rather, they will do something more intelligent. These semi-wild creatures just handle their own language, but now can understand our messages without sound. Let them explain why we have taken over the relic of Cryggsu we found after hundreds of thousands of years of his accident. "
Percebeo Camambú, Purification and Clodomiro Caburé Castillo, could hardly move a finger, but beginning to understand that those who were before them, were not of this world. They saw the strange skull in his hands, or whatever they were, one of beings, with their bright green light that blinked like fireflies in the summer. They tried to think of some words to know who these bugs can dress.
never know how to explain the fact that we could get along with these spores, coming from who knows where to rescue a single bone. Although it might not be so simple, if not, went about star-searching. Suddenly, it seems that their minds were thinking more quickly than usual and comprehension skills exceeded their routine rules them spun phrases cost more than ten words without tripping over solecisms, anacolutha, Lusitanian or rough mixed with Jiri caipira guarangada imported from nearby Brazil. Would any influence of the presence of two-legged vermin tin suit. Did not know it yet, but something was transmuting into their bodies and minds.
- Where do you come from? She tried to say thinking, because I could not even utter a word, Percebeo Camambú.
"- Ah earthling!." So now you understand? " "Replied one of them in his mind. "We come from very far and would like to recover the remains of one of us cuyo vehículo cayera en este mundo hace muchísimos años."
—¿Y qué vino a hacer por aquí su compañero? —interrogó Purificación Castillo, algo más avispado que de costumbre.
"—Todos nosotros recorremos los mundos habitados para seguir la evolución de sus criaturas. Pero por lo que veo, hay partes de este mundo que poseen más conocimientos y técnicas que otros. No puedo imaginar que mientras allá en Europa tengan vehículos aéreos, aunque inferiores a los nuestros, acá anden en eso" —señalando la carreta de grandes ruedas embarradas y sus bueyes de triste mirada y piel desangrada por la picana y los tábanos.
—Somos pobres and no avenues for those machines that says, "said Castillo Purification of mind, a bit more alert but unable to move yet. Over here is slower and live longer. Back in Europe, people kill nerves, lives too fast and get sick bucket. Or if not, they kill each other in wars like the one we had recently between us and the Bolivians. And yet we do not know who won, or why we fight. Now our president, a certain Estigarribia, the bolivar is delivering the best land to conquer and the others are giving to Paraguay the deserts of talc into the Pilcomayo.
"" All wars are stupid like people who fight them, "said one of the bugs pajueranos." We do thousands of years that we stop fighting among ourselves, although in some worlds persecute us if they see us. So we will not see as much as possible. If one of you has not been raised, no never would know us. "
- Can we see the cart they use to travel?" Said Clodomiro addressing any of the three.
- Why can dress in costumes? "asked Purification
- What do you want that bone?" questioned Percebeo.
"" Our vehicle has no wheels and is both the wheel. Our clothes we protection from the hostile atmosphere of this world. Precisely, our colleague Cryggsu took off his helmet and was attacked by bacteria, virus or some form of lower life. We need your bones to determine what might have killed him, since we are almost immortal, but somewhat delicate if we are not careful. As for our car, you'll see when we leave here. But first, we want to know where you found it, to find all his bones, which are not too many like yours. Many millennia in the deep spaces changed the structure of our frames and calcium must be replaced by phosphorus, thorium and lithium. Your seas and oceans have a lot of lithium and it, produce the rest.
Interestingly, the three farmers could understand the increasingly complex discourse of these bugs ... or whatever they were. Would radioactive bone, the cause of this mutation that was taking place in them? "They hardly knew the difference between day and night and had a biological clock in hibernating nearly level throughout the year and when they sleep almost yawned to avoid wasting no air? Would you be able, with some study, master the art, science, knowledge in short, to steer the ship of their destinations?
The three, as sensing the thoughts of each were surprised capacity for analysis and vocabulary. Wasting no idea that neurons could only capture the voice of the universe, which is the Great Intelligence, until this morning when by chance an encounter that took shape in 1939 no one would call the third phase, but perhaps "angels bring messages Paraguayan peasants divine three, "Christian millennial style.
Until then, there were limited to live, reproduce and die without question work too origin or destination. Life was so routine that, for any cracks, however small in routine, was solidly grounded. Grandparents to parents. Parents to their children and grandchildren. The children and grandchildren to the animals of the home.
was beginning a period of philosophy. Rustic, but philosophy in the end. That piece of the planet called Paraguay, had been two wars and a number of coups, revolutions not. But still, in the countryside (campaign say here) Paraguayan time went burial procession to pass and threatened to continue indefinitely in that attitude. And suddenly, it seems as if waking from a prison space and time to idle, to feel that the speed of neural operations had increased by so much and now it was difficult to understand causal relationships. Ca'aty Arandú our grandparents would say, on the intuitive knowledge.
The three farmers were able to finally move their muscles and without preconceptions and tried to continue his silent conversation with strangers, this time without fear. The others explained that they should return the bones of Cryggsu to analyze the causes of their disappearance. This, he would have lost in an expedition coming to Earth in ancient times, millennia before the arrival of humans to Amambay. After searching unsuccessfully had to return to their world, situated beyond the Pleiades. One of them drew a rough sketch of the constellation on the ground. The three farmers recognized the seven wavelets and were happy to share with people another world. And above, no mouths to speak out.
After requesting clarification of rigor and promise not to mention the meeting, the three space travelers departed from the peasants, then penetrating into the depths of the jungle to rescue the other bones in the corner that would describe them Percebeo Camambú . In return, the three friends got the power to think and a significant increase in vocabulary that can facilitate teaching and transmitting knowledge to his countrymen, the sole condition of not mentioning their sources. Percebeo, Purification and Clodomiro, sworn to secrecy for its clash of cultures that will surely leave some sequels in them.
Dawn dawn soon yet and still barely able to believe the experience was nothing more minutes. As if it had been a strange dream that would soon awaken. They looked at each other with disbelief of the philosopher, rather than with the faith of the idiot or the certainty of a fool.
Suddenly Clodomiro said, this time with the speech: "I have found
what they wanted these gentlemen of this world.
waited at the scene until about a half hour later, noticed a soft, metallic sound, like a musical hum. Then they saw a stranger passing lentil-shaped device that emitted a halo Intermittent light and walk away slowly toward the dawn sky. Neither said a word. Latin barely crossed and prayed an Our Father and ten Hail Mary's, by the unknown and strange late traveling to another world, and not just figuratively .
How a blessed soul of paradise fled
(1st Prize Competition VI
Club Centenary 2000)
world libertarian
Take me mad, if you want, but do not doubt the words of this server. Does not offend me nor profess the raving poetry in the subtle sighs unfathomable cosmos and still beat in my heart.
The holy madness of the mystical, life led me in search of the absolute, obsessed foolishly in so-called Path of Bliss. I managed after all to myself deny it for life, transpose the gates of Paradise after my physical disembodiment, but ... At what price, folks! I self-harm with the scourge of temperance, I marginalized with barbed wire of a false humility, and sacrifice the joys of living matter, on the altar of the virtues hypocritical self-righteous. Anyway, I tortured "holy? to have the dubious privilege of being part of the legion castísimos blessed. That is, the enemies of the ephemeral joy that sweetens "from time to time, our hazardous internship in the Valley of Tears.
not deny the joy it gave me my entry into the Empyrean, after physical death. All light, all light, music instruments and angelic spiritual galactic vo-ces of crystal ring ... The point of surfeit! The mystery and stern paternalism of the old demiurge Sabaoth, inspires more fear than love. His angelic hosts hieratic, with sharp and hot flaming swords and shields, not sen-tir made us free and subsidiaries. Rather, sentíame possessed by some heavy and omnipotent celestial bureaucracy, if not feed her or something worse.
A perspective of eternity in paradise hacérseme became unbearable to the dregs. Certainly did not suffer such bodily sensations of thirst, hunger, pain, emptiness or fullness. Nor felt the stark harshness of the atonement to physical life I went in to possess the crown of the Chosen of the Lord, but true whiff of disappointment and boredom spread across, height and width of my soul without a body to the apri-sion, or fallacious mind the temptation and was light gray and almost opacente turning, the music was getting louder, it taut he turned loose, which arc saetario of the Guardians of the Threshold. In short, this initial Became ad Aeternum gray boredom.
other hand, the beatific and regulatory inaction ala-Banza corals to the Most High, became irritating lackey heavenly routine. Honestly, I never expected all this when I longed "the salvation forever." As blessed soul, no options available. Not even a tour of some of the purgatory-a-tory expedition explores the underworld of Hades (round trip, of course!) Or furtive visits to the legendary Gehenna. Should, like everyone else, remain among the souls clean and pure (ergo, boring and bland), who had spent their physical lives to reach the mythical heavenly paradise. It was when I realized all this and thinking about what awaited me, I decided to meditate how to escape the hand of the Father, with all the consequences that I hold.
Paradise has no visible walls, fences or locks. But if hard-living hard is punishable by a sackcloth, penance and give quality mea culpa "to check it impossible or nearly so, is out of there. Century after century tried, but nobody was aware of my distaste for and urgent desire to flee from the heavenly homeland. Not even the angels, archangels, cherubim and seraphim, thrones, powers and Archidona of the celestial hierarchy cohort, the iron and administrative intensified surveillance of intangibles doors and borders inviolable sky. Or maybe just pretend I ignored it.
If at least those that were the "earthly paradise", with tasty and colorful flora bountiful fruit, maybe I felt more at ease, as would some rough ocean Galician. But in the universe of non-dimensional form, everything is spiritual and pure, perhaps to prevent further incursions from the tantalizing phallic serpent-wisdom, allowing the hidden danger of relapse and re-duction subversion arrogant deity, fierce Almighty God knows! To have liked Nietzschean nihilism profess to be tried by the Inquisition and expelled celestial world again, or wherever they had life.
course, communication with the hot Hades was impossible. As for purgatory limbo, were closer to the earthly world, but far-in-light-years from us, the blessed spirits for all eternity, for my misfortune.
I sought the company of other spirits like me, consumed by boredom as eternal and ephemeral physical existence had been character-ized by the detachment and self-denial. Ie santurro-tions, blessed, blind fanaticism devotees of harsh penitential sackcloth and enemies of beauty, joy, wisdom, philosophy and the exciting enjoyment of the special intellectual-linking. Insurance, would be so sorry as this server, for having wasted his senses and his earthly life and unique, exaggerated chasing chimeras which questionable eschatological heavenly sky. I maybe I understand and share my disgust.
found oh, woe! a soul, that life was a Dominican monk, ascetic, cruel, passionate and something evil, like something out of the delirious imagination of Sade. He won it, its if-tial betraying a fun paradise heretics, more devoted to meat and wine that the demonic or evil. But when I learned that his name was synonymous with torquemadismo sadistic, ran away from his company and deadly plague. It might even have been the very Torquemada!
I met another soul on high, was revealed to me as tora arrest in his earthly life, glory and absolute power as vicar of the Lord. But their very devious methods of evangelism, were not reputable. It would have been Pope with the name of Rodrigo Borgia or Alexander VI, who had sons and nephews incestuous bastards and criminals ", himself, obstinate and misleading. Maybe he brought his belated repentance-even in the dark, to Paradise. And I could not relate to such inveterate knave, that it knew of Epicurus, rather than Aristotelian. I tried to find some lucid
angelic spirits discontent-ments, such as eons ago to rise up against the demiurge and the hosts thickened saran and Belial Lilith subversive. Perhaps they were them more permeable, to libertarian ideas, not profligate, that wound in me and I would lead to secret passageways out. I could not. A look androgynous angel, named Anaël, almost betrayed my pro-deposits in the hierarchy. All the angels of questionable loyalty or tibia, were exported or deported to Hades, with its rebel leader, the bright archangel Luth Baal.
The many who were in the Empyrean, and fans were very faithful vassals of the Most High. Even these, you failed my-midas hints about a release. If not betrayed my intentions, would be for the insignificance a lost soul in the blissful ocean. But I was subjected to discreet surveillance to prevent the spread of ideals contrary to those prevailing in heavenly glory.
I forcibly incorporated to medium, to be fair, in a chorus of Chosen, where very little could be done to achieve my goal. I had to sing psalms and elegies, misereres, praises, prayers, litanies, lamentations, odes, praise, hallelujah aspirations and the demiurge, despite my reluctance, no free time to plot leaks impossible. All roads were closed to evasion so long desired.
The despair gripped me, increasing exponentially and geometrically, with no relief no response. Shall I not sought the glory, and because of my vanity, led to a kind of conceptual and unknowable hell? I do not know yet. He was barely breathing between psalm and another. To see naked Evas delirious thinking among the countless legions of bright souls around me. My blood felt as schizoid bordering states with no relief possible. I came to think that my presence there was more the product of a bureaucratic blunder of the hierarchy, that of my earthly piety. Neither seemed to notice
discontent among the myriad of spirits around me almost choke my distress. All appeared euphoric and horribly stupid beatific, as if they were possessed by consciousness-altering hallucinogens. They seemed to actually enjoy their submission to the demiurge servilísimo Sabaoth or Ialdabaoth, also known as YAHUVEH or Tetragrammaton, for whom - tonábamos hymns and alabatorios smoothies and some other hurray! militant hooligans, drunks, retro and runaway ætillicum opus. My anxiety continued to grow, as the feverish desires that drove me into the fisicarnal, feverish hyperbole.
If I had heart, it would end up by bursts of power no doubt. I thought that my presence in the Empyrean, was something of a sort of unnatural intercourse. Do not know what it means to feel frog out of water, as a nun in the brothel, Lenin in the Escorial Cardinal in the Kremlin or Paraguayan politician at Harvard More out of place, impossible!
In physical life, I knew what was true worship and devotion of loyalty to ruthless tyrants. While I tried to stay away from courtly pomp, I-occasionally-driven to levees and vasa-Llaja and even humiliating sessions Deums We offered by the prince of the day, thanking the deity for his totalitarian power. But nothing comparable to the seraphic and beatific tyranny of a supreme being, or at least thinks he is- by sycophants and fools fans.
I've seen in mortality, legions of priests and cardinals commit sacrilege, that at any unhappy, would lead to the gallows or the stake secular. I have witnessed sinful lapses of unsuspected wives of the Lord, protected by the secrecy of confession and in his pedigree. I was familiar with crimes and riots palace in the most sacred name; of incest and clerical and secular aberration worthy of anathema. I signed up bulls and Enchiridion-against real or supposed heretics and relapsed-thus, amply reciprocated I had a place in the kingdom of Baal or deep Z'ebuth visited by the divine Dante. But it was too late then to regret anything I did not! Heme
And then in the highest, in the choir of the elect, cursing the tedium of pure and eternal bliss of the Lambs, or better said: the Lord's sheep. Obviously, the Cosmic Laws must have some faults or omissions. Recognized among the countless souls as many sinners as righteous sorry, sublimated by a gross error of solemn pomp apparatus heavenly, who still believe the privilege of their status as supine ignorance and bliss, and where one is not sure what precedes what , or the supposed virtues of both. All I know, they are much happier the ignorant or poor, that the Stoic sage and philosopher, tanned in pain and doubt: the suffering mother of knowledge. What
how I finally escape the ce-lestial bliss? Well, I learned from disloyalty of a poor spirit of solemnity, one of those fools who aspire to inherit the kingdom, "a group of cherubs of lower rank among the faithful legionaries divine, would leave the material world on a mission of agents provocateurs, to try to win souls for the demiurge. The Luciferian is harvested consciences Chaban was scared! The demiurge, Yahweh-Ialdabaoth, also known as the nameless, Most High, blessed or Tetragrammaton (Tetragrammatwn, that of the four graphemes) - is jealous and terrible, when it comes teolatría souls, and tolerated no dissent to their worship.
I volunteered as a faithful volunteer to incarnate on Earth. While it was not all me and some chelating surveillance doubted my purposes, I managed to escape the rigid controls of the heights and was admitted to the Mission proselytizing. There were only a few steps customization about beings whose identity would assume in the "Valley of Tears", to then be reborn from the body of a fundamentalist preacher future New Testament, of fustigante language, dubious morality and apocalyptic verbiage. What it was, so to leave Paradise! Is
would realize my intentions? It is likely, as the demiurge is almost omniscient and was likely to guess my feelings. But I was sure my presence was Empyrean others. Love you too much freedom, to enjoy the celestial prison and subjecting some to anyone but my own conscience.
But for my plan went well, it was time to take my capacity to escape from the kingdom of heaven. Would be banned forever without access to the underworld, or 'back. My name would be as anathema and forever erase the recording angel. I would make damned as the Wandering Jew, as Baruch Spinoza, Voltaire, Nietzsche or the crumbling walls of Jericho and Carthage. I had to weigh all the potential minimum and bearing the consequences of my worries libertarians.
the end, I chose freedom. And here I am on this planet, including you, condemned forever to live, die, revive and re-dying and being reborn again recontra-die, until the end of time!
But I can assure you it was worth. Nothing like free will to choose between reason and unreason, between golden slavery, or the underground freedom from the ruthless justice and hypocritical charity between being cynical foul Pharisee or publican, virgin or Magdalena, opulent or miserable. All life and I will abide passest allowed! To be able to run the twelve labors of Hercules, and even their work as an unrepentant sinner or saint unredeemed, without fear of grave total, and I was there! Time is what I have left.
have marked my forehead with the stigma of Cain, so that nothing and nobody can ever hurt me. And you can not imagine wanting to live and sensations famelitud take with me!
Alcáncenme a guitar, a glass of sherry and continue the party!
something alien and remote
A Isaac Asimov and Carl Sagan, in memoriam
Zverdlova Dr. Xenia, turned away disgusted almost black eyes curvy lashes Slavs, the monitor the scanning electron microscope with the samples supplied by exploring scientists Baikonur. Lacked little to vomit on their overall albo fatigues, but had limited time to run to the toilet before you do there, as it swallowed contramano retracing of the week. Colleagues Exobiology Lab at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow, were surprised his sudden and unforeseeable reaction. Dr.
Soon to return, his face haggard by a strong and wide-eyed impression that carelessly betrayed his discomfort. His natural expression of serenity neo Soviet, was strangely alien, as if he had exchanged their personality in less than a minute.
The doctor (who else, the less I had two or three doctors there) and molecular biologist Yevgeny Feodorov looked at her surprised, coming to assist her if she felt bad for some logical reason ... and also not to lose the opportunity to embrace, rare thing in the aseptic school.
She began sobbing the arms of his colleague, as he repeated between sobs: "- can not be true, no ... is impossible!"
- What happens, Dr. Zverdlova? He asked, suspiciously solicitous colleague, casually squeezing tightly. Do you feel sick? Need something?
- is horrifying, Dr. Feodorov! I've never seen anything like this! She said, slowly regaining his composure after common in cold Moscow's prestigious Institute scientists. Could break out again until the request for arms Feodorov, who hesitated in releasing it, but he did, even in spite of himself because of the pleasant and feel of her warm embrace.
- What do you mean, Doc? Re-examine the scientific, looking self-given leniency after the chivalrous gesture of wailing wall of the lady.
- That ugly thing that sent us the Baikonur ...!
- Ah! Certainly refers to those organisms that bring our astronauts northern polar cap of Mars. Do you been studying?
"I started doing yesterday," said the doctor with breathy voice even, "and I was surprised how they have evolved into today, after thawing. And not only have increased at a geometric ... but have increased ten times its original size ... and do not know to what figures continue to grow. For the moment, are much smaller than the tardigrades, although its original dimensions were slightly higher than those of common bacteria such as "helicobacter pylori", about ten nanometers.
-far, so more or less normal, "said Feodorov, still no sign of concern. But ... What has put into this state?
"These ... things, or whatever ... I saw ... at first seemed ordinary single-cell organisms," said the biologist. But, to go growing in size ... are mutating strangely anthropomorphic forms ... almost ... but far from resembling human .... Do you understand? Not be allowed to continue to grow and multiply without control, although ordered by the Kremlin through the KGB!
- Could not isolate them instead of destroying them? Feodorov asked again. It would be a shame to do so by mere suspicion that they could be dangerous. Billions of euros were invested in this expedition to Mars. Our duty is to verify all the material that bring our astronauts from a distant planet and alien to us. We're scientists, not cops. Nor the police, at least now, he charges a priori mere suspicion. Comrade Stalin is dead, and I hope that God always free!
This last was said with thick irony that the scientist could.
-Take a look, not turn a blind eye doctor Feodorov, those bicharraco, before it is too late. And what is worse, they seem to have some intelligence ... ... and, to swear they were watching me.
latter was very surprised to that, to the point to make him abandon his cool attitude, almost normal in the scientific, academic exonerated the ability to wonder at the unusual. No took it in rushing against the expander device display images. If you see something unusual, did not show at first sight, but not off the look of the monitor for a while.
observed shapes that seemed to move almost gelatinous, like bubbles that inflate and, indeed, could feel they were taking almost humanoid forms, but less than 0.005 cubic millimeters. Dr. Feodorov could not repress a shudder bordering on panic, though he tried to conceal it with a stubborn indifference almost stoic mask. And continued to grow in size! Dr. Zverdlova
encouraged him to continue to observe the specimens came from another world, not for border and almost the neighborhood as it were, no longer had the air of ancient mystery. For something related to ancient Mars with war, violence and ... the wrought iron to kill (always understandable to blame others for our weaknesses and vices).
Almost an hour later, the tiny creatures possessed of a complex multicellular organism, and seemed to move around an indefinite manner, but without aggression. Rather as if afraid to approach her, which was slightly larger but of similar configuration and morphology ... or by maintaining an attitude of respect. Insurance, would still be invertebrates, but What if they continued to develop and evolve at that speed? All prognosis was unpredictable for the moment, as the course of world politics. Dr. Feodorov
finally pulled his eyes from the electronic monitor and looked at the doctor, and question her about it. But she, nor had them all himself and betrayed his astonishment a load of questions, much higher than that posed by the inquisitive eyes of his colleague.
Dr., suppressing his frantic anxiety, almost out of bed, asked in turn:
- will stop growing at some point? I think there will have to mount a permanent guard here, to control these ... no know how to call them ... continue to grow indefinitely until it collapses laboratory capacity, if not the entire country. Still no idea about their biological, food preferences, life history, morphology, and so on. And how to transmute and its ability to survive, must be highly evolved ... or very primitive.
"I think he's right, Doctor. But for now, let us not be overcome by panic. Have yourself and what actions to take precautions. I do not think they are somehow pathogenic germs or aggressive. Nor have they made no attempt to attack us ... so far, but if you continue to grow, microorganisms will be simple. Establish a permanent guard of professional biologists and experts write every minute or hour of observation and, if possible, make a photographic sequence of those ... living forms. If you exceed certain limits, will submit them back to the cold treatment, similar to the conditions in which they were found.
"I will, doctor Feodorov. Right now.
A week later, the exobiology lab Academy of Sciences in Moscow, was swarming with scientists increasingly curious and strange thing, seemed to enjoy the spectacle of even tiny creatures, almost visible to the naked view, although apparently still a gelatinous blob moving slowly, but suspiciously threatening. Part of this mass had been isolated almost formless in other samples, trying to feed it with lactobacilli or other organic forms, but the aliens seem not to attract attention ... or excite your appetite, if they did. Just growing up ... and individualized. Already
were individually visible in an optical microscope of 800 x, and gave to presume that they would soon be to the naked eye in a little while longer. Distilled water seemed to facilitate their development, and the meager amount of it had been assimilated by humans in one of the specimens. So there was already a certainty hermeneutics.
should continue making changes in the "diet" of these beings, to discover what they liked and what seemed to mind. Obviously, they were not entirely alien to a kind of group intelligence, but could not be assumed whether they have any sense or how they perceive their environment, despite having cilia ambulacrales and "members" drive. As size increased, they lost that aspect of jelly worms and spastic, like nematodes.
soon discover that these life forms did not require organs of perception and was to conclude that they were at home in water immersion distilled, then, then, a month and a half of the discovery of Dr. Xenia Zverdlova were observed almost at a glance and seemed tiny homunculi elastic protean, individual mobility own limbs thanks to articulated or flexible, which moved at speed in the water or bottom of the specimens ... as if they could walk without resistance.
The skeptics so far and, if you prefer, cynical scientists were unable to prevent the mutiny were almost forgotten sense of wonder, to the phenomenon, seemingly uncontrollable, multiplication and development of this or these, lifestyles abroad. The specimens, not only multiplied geometrically, but also were increasing in size, and adopting unexpected ways.
Some even swear that they had been traveling on two or three limbs, as if such a thing, while waved nervously "? Its upper cilia that mimicked primitive "arms", but lacked a "head", unless your whole body to fulfill this function in nervous and processing center "feel."
By then, there were thousands, and the account would grow as population, in a display of creativity, gave Moscow scientists to isolate colonies in different containers, sending many of them, frozen with liquid helium due to Akademgorodok, a small town in the mountains of the Siberian taiga, home to some thirty thousand scientists from elite scholars and students to take them, of the specimens. Thus, in suspended animation, were easier to control, because its cycle is stopped, without evolving.
little later, thousands were again reduced in size to almost return to its original state, thanks to cold.
Three months later, the tiny homunculi (any denomination should have, although scientists were not entirely sure, about what had been the thing) which are contained in Moscow, and reached the size of half a pinky finger ... but its development had no traces of parking. By then, scientists found that only distilled water devoid of minerals, was the substance that "fed" so to speak, the total lack of the vital liquid of dehydrating, to shrink in size as involution, as they had come from the red planet in the form of microorganisms frozen in suspended animation.
But let the origin of the case, initiated two years ago, specifically an April 22, 2034, in Baikonur, Kazakhstan. In
that date was launched a spacecraft "Krasnaya Zvedsda" (Red Star) with six cosmonauts bound for Mars. Americans and Chinese had tried a couple of years earlier expeditions, but technical problems shortly expected, they were joined human problems. Had to return without having set foot on the red planet, with some losses due to negligence.
Coexistence conditions of confinement cell, almost synthetic food, water shortages and problems of sanitation and recycling of organic waste of the expedition, became intolerable, and after bouts of insanity and claustrophobia of the perpetrators, they were ordered return, although several were by the way, not ever clarified the causes of their deaths.
-Soviet scientists after the restoration of soft socialism by way of parliamentary elections, because of economic failure and cultural legacy systems "liberal" - decided to install bases intermediate space in a sort of work of ants, so that their cosmonauts in transit could rest, relax and enjoy privacy, style of the old "coaching Jacobean" the Camino de Santiago.
For such task, they had to construct various space stations and install them patiently along the possible route to Mars. Each was self-sufficient and available, not just scientists, but even mechanical and hydroponic gardeners, in addition to biologists for raising small animals for a source of protein. Nothing seemed left to gamble, but no lack uncertainties and contingencies, which are not always regarded by most scientists who were the planners and organizers, but apparently fail nothing. So they decided to release the sexual cohabitation among astronauts of both sexes, to avoid boredom and aggression, main factors of failure of prolonged space voyages.
abrileña A sunny day in spring, left the "Krasnaya Zvedsda", driven by strong the shuttle engines 'Energy', now with new drivers engined antimatter and solid fuel. The first season the await at an average distance between Earth and the Moon, where they could spend a few days of relaxation and exercise, before being locked again in the narrow rooms of his ship.
then had dispensed with the main shuttle and the driver was only the final stage, the engines could be operated or turned off by the exigencies of his career.
spatial inertia, rather than the drivers, was that move the spacecraft into orbit around Mars, taking momentum from the orbit of Jupiter, strange enough, and that Mars was almost the other side of the sun relative to Earth, so the Jovian convolutions accelerate a point about one hundred and seventy thousand miles a minute, and must meet the second space station orbiting Europa (satellite of Jupiter) by then.
Other days of rest there, the mood would jump to the final. Other stations would be available on the return route, since the purpose of the expedition was to bring mineral specimens and organisms, if any, considering the little friendship, if not hostility, of the Martian climate, "at least for organisms with earthlings unprepared.
The initial six months were spent touring, if not too well, without significant technical problems. But, as noted earlier, interpersonal relationship problems were a challenge even for seasoned cosmonauts trained not only technically, but with yoga, psychophysics, crafts and other skills that would strengthen their minds for the mission.
One day in late September of that year, were able to enter Mars orbit with the naked eye and see what they knew only from photographs of spacecraft of the previous century. The world looked at first quarter and did not look so hostile. Phobos was still orbiting rapidly, but not more than nineteen thousand five hundred kilometers from the planet. Deimos and had crashed five years ago and the huge impact crater in Valles Marineris, was ominously visible from the ship. May have entered the stall speed to be attracted by Martian gravity. The six climbers
three women, for obvious reasons: The biologist Irina Baryshnikov, Vanya Yevtushenkova engineer, geologist Alexeiev Valentina, who would deal with the first samples.
The others were, in this order Jules Alexandrov, engineer and head of communications, Piotr Yevtushenko, husband of the engineer on board and engineer, and Yuri Tchernenko, pilot of the orbiter. Only four of them would fall to the Martian surface, having the other two remain in orbit to relay to Earth as happened on Mars. The chosen area was the north polar cap, by assuming that there would be ice and therefore water. For the descent module would use a lander that, on completion, would be permanently abandoned on the planet, the orbiter must return with an extra module, called euphemistically "a lifeline", which would couple to the main ship for the return.
Soon to position the orbiter for the decline of which would explore the world: Baryshnikov Irina, Valentina Alexeiev, Piotr Yevtushenko and his wife Vanya, who should explore the polar ice and take samples for study on Earth. Hours later, the lander module (or landers, if desired) followed the ship to go to the red planet's north pole. The maneuver was a success and the few, the four climbers, after a parachute soft cushions and balloons, they could set foot in the place provided. After
good hours of exploration and collection of ice in the form of frozen water and CO2, in addition to rocks and other items made probes to explore the subsurface layers up to about twenty feet deep in order to study its contents. There, they discovered what appeared to be vital microorganisms in suspension, which were duly deposited in watertight containers to be transported to another world ... strange and distant. After the exploration and collection of samples, cosmonauts ended the visit to the red planet, but perhaps with the hope of returning to the not too distant.
days later, and mated to the orbiter, started back to his beloved Earth, leaving behind a lonely world, cold and hostile. By the way, microorganisms or whatever they were, were placed in a freezer of liquid helium.
specimens in the laboratory procedure Exobiology Institute, part of the Academy of Sciences Moscow, were shocked scientists by the speed with which they grew and multiplied. Dr. Xenia Zverdlova tried to curb its growth by reducing the supply of distilled water to thrive, achieve in the medium. That is, left to multiply, but its growth slowed. By then, each of these specimens had his bullet-proof glass test tube, but every two days I had to freeze a few to stop its atrocious demographics exponentially.
Those who were left in observation, should be subjected to low temperatures almost close to -100 º C, in order to study their body. Only frozen could be, for quickly moving and seemed unaware of the interest aroused in these giant bicharraco watching them through sophisticated instruments, seizing every now and several of them to unknown destination. Even ignoring the specimens, in what world they were. Retained their genetic memory hazy memory of a distant past that, to burst the world originating in the explosion of the central star, were projected into space, gradually reducing its size and its vital functions by low temperatures and pressures interstellar void.
But not lost the notion of being or existence, except that they could do little but wait. His world had fragmented native in millions of particles and each is radiated into deep space. Which transport them, crashed on an alien planet dead for eons, and remained there another period of time in suspension, until the outside temperature increases and be immersed in that element, began to regain self-consciousness. Now, had the size and development enough to perceive they were in another world, far away in light years of his ... and surrounded by giant creatures that observed with almost morbid curiosity, perhaps in fear, but not hostile and, where case could even be friendly, unless ... they had a fear of them.
When they started to stop being a colony spore and individualized, given in divided to recover its original form and survive where they are ... at any cost. Were separated and placed in many substances, almost all liquid, but only one of them was helpful to thrive: distilled water that is devoid of minerals and trace elements in suspension. There, he felt comfortable, but when there were too many of them were subjected to intolerable cold and taken away to an unknown destination.
Now there were only a few individuals and in the midst of water ice at -30 º Vahr of their scale of measurement (about -100 ° Celsius), they realized they were being studied other forms of life and far beyond, but were unclear as to why. Knew or were aware that should be further developed, to acquire its final form, but could only do it at normal temperature, what for them amounted to 23 º Vahr (approximately -12 ° Celsius), although they could tolerate and adapt to higher temperatures or more low, to a certain limit.
in the state in which they were submerged in solid ice, unable to move or grow ... but yes, they could feel and think. For now, be limited to keep waiting, until some of them could break the forced confinement and escape from there. Then would be what to do ... to take account of the new world in which they were.
Dr. Dr. Feodorov Zverdlova and were finally examined with X-ray, ultrasound and MRI, the foreign bodies were still captive in freezing. Apparently did not require oxygen, but neither disdained. They had a lightweight flexible exoskeleton that grew with them, or was stationed as appropriate. For now, the specimens appeared to reproduce by simple division is not gendered. Also, apparently did not require any food, except that thrived more freely in distilled water solutions. But the lack of it only limiting its propagation, not its growth and development, yet dry.
Both biologists were puzzled by these agencies, small and everything appeared to be a rudimentary form of reasoning or intelligence, but time did not know how to establish communication with these beings. Xenia Zverdlova suddenly raised the possibility, not at all crazy, call the Esalen Institute students to develop powers Y (psi).
"I think we can try, Doctor. These beings are apparently small and rudimentary, but amazing development capacity and, above all, organization. Have noticed that the only way to control them is using freezing or ... say, genocide, although it sounds cruel. If we can communicate with them, find out the truth.
"Yes, doctor Feodorov. And to believe that after a given time, they are watching us to us. It just might be my imagination, but I can not avoid that feeling of being spied ... for something distant and alien.
"Now that you mention it, I could be. And even swear that these life forms are not just originating from Mars, although they had collected there.
- In which based this hypothesis, doctor? Xenia worried asked, already sensed something like gnawing incisive imagination.
-In that have only been transmuting here perhaps be almost in their environment. Mars probably came from a world too far away, in remote times and remained there in a state of suspended animation, to be collected by our scouts. Remember the explosion of what is now known as Cancer Nebula? Our ancestors were able to see, but given the cosmic distances, it is likely that such an event had occurred thousands of years earlier. Perhaps a supernova had destroyed his original world. Do not believe it possible?
"In the cosmos, everything is possible, even the impossible," said Xenia, somewhat hopefully. From now on we should not dismiss any hypothesis, nonsensical or absurd it might seem. To believe that is even older than we think now. And perhaps even extra galactic say ... if I may use the idea. Maybe sometimes we sin too anthropocentric, but there is never likely to be discarded.
The mooluk began to feel that your body is delayed, but could not break the bulletproof glass box that was isolated. The ice sheet that covered it began to liquefy, thanks to the gradual acceleration molecular energy released from his mind. Could soon swell to break the container in which he was imprisoned, recovering their freedom of movement.
At this point, I was aware of where he was. Could "feel" mentally beat their captors and penetrate their minds. Do not lose much time to adopt some form serve him hiding and camouflage sight of other strange creatures that swarmed everywhere. It was almost certain that, to find his detention violated, would seek by every corner of the huge complex that was.
aliens who were imprisoned, perhaps for analysis of his body, had no idea of \u200b\u200bpolymorphic and telepathic abilities. It might even vision loss in the many computers or machines that were out there, where spy on their captors in an attempt to free their fellow man. Soon
mooluk could break the glass hard, after reheating the distilled water with its vibrational energy. Do not be slow to open and release the remaining congeners locked in similar containers, trying to make as little noise as possible so as not to alert the guard who will undoubtedly be there.
"We must blend into the environment, he thought one of them, still unnamed and the first release, addressing the others, who were beginning to fill the narrow laboratory. Otherwise, we re-tested his gun from the cold.
"It will be difficult, he thought one of them. We can camouflage the walls and ceiling, to get out of here. But I feel I have an atmosphere rich in nitrogen and oxygen. Maybe we can become those elements and pass completely unnoticed, until they open doors and we go out among its own atmosphere. Tip
-accepted first thought. We could reduce particles not visible to them and by projecting vents, once they are open. They did
. Dr. Zverdlova
was quick to notice the remains of the hermetic curubicados bulletproof glass box and others, open and completely empty. The alarm spread through the cold and aseptic halls of Moscow laboratory, but found no traces of the alien captives. Xenia ordered to close all ducts, doors and openings as possible. Had a clear idea that the intruders could take unexpected forms, and possessed a high ability to adapt to extreme situations and hostile conditions, but could not let go just like that, with unpredictable consequences that hold for the still uninformed humanity.
Feodorov called the doctor to schedule a recovery strategy specimens, with the urgency required for Emergency One
Soon the bear biologist at the situation, suggesting the presence of the Esalen Institute sensitive to try to locate the fugitives.
"I think we made a mistake in underestimating the ability and intelligence of these beings, doctor," said Xenia Zverdlova rueful. Now we're in serious trouble, because these beings do not know whether or not hostile and if we can come to understand. I already did enough damage to our studies and eliminating many of them, just fear.
"You're right, doctor," replied, no less contrite, Dr. Feodorov. And I have a sneaking suspicion that they have not left here. Probably are mimicked in the environment. We should take into account the incredible capacity to adapt and attempt to contact them before using them as guinea pigs.
soon arrived ten young adolescents with high ability and, Esalen sent from Moscow. Soon spread throughout the environment and concentrate their minds to deliver a message, previously written by Dr. Zverdlova.
"We want to communicate with you. Do not harbor hostile intentions, but just know you and determine your origin and physical morphology. We do not want to hurt you, again. We want to communicate with you, loved the stars. "
All day the sensory one, were" thinking "that message, both in the Russian language, and graphic symbols and waiting in vain response aliens "Martians." When he started to become disillusioned, Dr. Xenia Zverdlova felt tickled his mind, in the form of tiny echoes, until they gradually became intelligible.
"" We do not want to be hostile, but we are on the defensive and we want freedom of action. We are not armed and we just want to survive. Why are we here and what world is this? "
" "The found our explorers on a planet of our system and brought here to study other forms of life and far beyond," thought Xenia, directing his mind to the signal. "We were in the belief that alien organisms might be the first to be discovered outside our planet, but we did not expect to have intelligence, at first. I must admit we were wrong. We have no intention of harming them, but only meet and communicate, as well as in vivo studies to determine their physiological functions and regeneration capacity, which lack the earthlings here. "
"" And then what will do with us? We need a world where a living, and this, while meeting certain conditions, is still hostile although in several generations could adapt. But we must assume that you already are outstripping the capacity of this world, degrading and we do not want to struggle to survive on a planet endangered. "
"" I could demonstrate one of you, if possible leader to maintain an exchange with us? "Said the doctor eagerly Zverdlova ill-contained. "And then what ...
" "We have leaders as you interpret it. We are all one and each one of us all. You must demonstrate that we do not create problems and indicate possible worlds inhabited for us. "
"" I think they are right. The universe is too vast to fight for living space. Maybe we could help them to colonize a planet in our system or any out there, but we need to know your body to determine where you can develop in peace. We have means to travel, but we know where. "
Soon a mooluk materialize before them, in their normal size and actual shape, a little more bulky than an ordinary human. It really was almost human, though its members had hundreds of joints and organs prehensile tentacle. He had a sort of articulated dorsal shell of an armadillo as its members and outpatients were three also articulated and prehensile ends, perhaps to improve stability on a planet with low gravity. His body, almost translucent, polymorph, was quick to become visible, opaque and transmute to be quite similar to humans, at least in outward appearance. Perhaps it took that way to not scare the captors, that fear is the father of wanton cruelty.
Finally, and face to face with earth scientists, the strange being able to explain telepathy (mouth and had no visible sense organs) their origins and explain how his body. He pointed to a cosmic map of the Milky Way that was fixed to a wall, expressing that the region is known here as Pleidæ, a very bright star cluster, was home eons ago. A violent explosion of the dying sun broke his world, although they were already preparing for such a contingency, minimizing its size and vitality.
After the disintegration of their planet, they wandered through space, in one of his countless fragments by an immeasurable time, until it crashed in which they were when they were taken from there. Survived the impact, but could not develop because of the hostile climate and temperature, much lower than they were accustomed. So, they stayed in a state of suspended vitality, until they took back self-consciousness in this place they were brought recently.
Suddenly the mooluk pointed to a map of the solar system, covering one wall of the lab, as indicating that perhaps they should return to Mars, but would require the help of earthlings to do so. Then, handle it habitable.
"It's very dry and cold and feed cost them there," exclaimed Dr. Zverdlova. Or do you not need food?
"" We nourish the energy of cosmic rays and neutrinos and only needs to adapt to that world temperatures ... how they say your name was? Well. No matter. We can, once there, getting pure water we need. In addition, we can easily control our demographics. As I said, we are all one, and each one of us all. We can reduce us to target size, and once there ... we'll see, "mooluk ended.
Two months later, a ship "Proton XXV, powered by a rocket launcher the energy, barreled toward Mars, nonstop, with a homing head from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. For the first time in many years, since the days of the Cold War, the Soviets did a lot of noise or publicity about the event, or the portentous discovery of extrasolar intelligence in the Martian soil.
heavy load was not too much, and he carried only a few basic tools, tiny robots, alien organisms Amen, solution-rich, yes, of distilled water, with specific instructions soft landing in the Martian Ecuador, with milder temperatures than the pole. The "passengers" would do the rest.
In Moscow, Baikonur and Akademgorodok, still amazed the scientists, for once, would abandon their skepticism recalcitrant. Never know the appellation of origin in the world of these strange creatures that accidentally made landfall countless years ago, on a planet in the system. Might even decide to pray to some invisible providence, for the health of the new settlers of Mars, curiously forwarded from the Earth in a foreign operation unsuspected triangulation edges.
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