towards criminalizing
ordinary citizen in the U.S.
currently witnessing a worrying slip law criminal. Several laws tend toward the same goal: to condemn the ordinary citizen to penalties of imprisonment, even if you have not committed any crime ...
The criminalization of everyday life
While the "upper world" benefit from impunity for their crimes unlimited financial, economic, ecological or social, the "lower world" is under constant control and repression disproportionate to his actions.
For 2 years in France, new laws have appeared simultaneously in the West: its aim is that the ordinary citizen becomes punishable by jail for acts of everyday life.
Jail for parents whose children do not go to school.
Jail for those who do not buy your train ticket.
Jail for speeding. (At the beginning of December, a motorist was sentenced to two years in prison without parole, for a simple speeding, without causing injury)
Jail if you cause the death of another in an accident Road (10 years in prison, ie a term of imprisonment greater than for other types of convictions or actually implemented, as in the case of premeditated violence, rape, torture, or murder).
Jail if one of their own who died with him because of his error in the handling of your car.
Jail for those excluded from the economic system, beggars, unemployed squatters ...
In the new order without raising currently establishing a real opposition, the ordinary citizen of the world below will be submitted to a permanent electronic surveillance, permanent oppression, and a pervasive fear or dread. For he who sows fear harvest submission.
The invention of the concept of "dangerousness"
past ten years the media have progressively introduced a word and a concept that never existed before: the "danger (or safety problem). As George Orwell predicted in his book" 1984 ", the introduction of new words or the removal of old words in the language are a powerful means manipulation of minds.
Instead of referring simply to "danger", the media have invented (or rather "picked up") the concept of "dangerousness." The idea is that even if something or someone is not effectively and objectively dangerous, potentially it could be. The appreciation of the potential danger of a subjective order being all innocent becomes potentially guilty. A kind of criminalization "preventive"
Un desliz inquietante del Derecho
Una vez que los medios han preparado el terreno e introducido este nuevo concepto, los gobiernos han creado nuevas leyes y nuevos delitos basados sobre las nociones jurídicas ambiguas. Es así que se ha creado penas de cárcel por la "puesta en peligro de terceros". En virtud de esta ley, una persona puede ser encarcelada mismo si ella no ha causado ningún daño real a otro.
Gracias al pretexto del 11 de Septiembre, una etapa suplementaria ha sido franqueada en los Estados Unidos con el principio de "detención preventiva". En materia de terrorismo, usted puede ser encarcelado por una duración ilimitada (sin juicio y sin limite de deadline for the process), if we think you "might" commit a terrorist act. For example, own book on ecology could suggest that "might" commit acts of environmental terrorism. The notion of a terrorist act may be extended to facts and have nothing to do with terrorism.
This slip law disturbing is the negative signaling of intentions and not actions.
is absolutely contrary to the rule of law, democracy, and the most elementary human rights. The criminalization of acts or the intentions is exactly what distinguishes democracy from fascism.
The criminalization of the intent is the legal instrument that will allow the Masters of the World to move to the next phase of his plan: imprisoning people for their opinions.
2 Worlds, 2 orders, 2 Laws
The first order, officially proclaimed, applies to the general public, ordinary citizens. The second order, which governs society really applies to the holders of power and economic organizations.
handling strategies and techniques of the "Masters of the World" for the manipulation of public opinion y la sociedad en su conjunto.
E l fin programado de la democracia
Vivimos desde hace 10 años un cambio radical del tipo de régimen político en los países occidentales, con el advenimiento de un nuevo poder, el de las redes económicas y financieras. He aquí razones por las cuales podemos afirmar que ya no nos encontramos casi del todo en democracia.
10 buenas razones para hacer una nueva revolución
Las mismas causas y condiciones de la revolución de 1789 están nuevamente reunidas: injusticias y acaparamiento del poder por una casta de privilegiados.
AMI, enemigo de la democracia.
MAI: Multilateral Agreement on Investment
(English MAI: Multilateral Agreement on Investment)
The AMI is an international economic agreement negotiated in the biggest secret since 1995 under the auspices of the OECD, whose consequences threaten without precedent for democracy.
media, to which belong most favorable to the AMI multinationals have achieved an extraordinary discretion over the existence and content of this treaty, despite its historical significance.
Mai The central principle is to create a whole set of new rights to transnational corporations at the expense of the states and populations, and without any obligation of compensation.
MAI provisions allow, inter alia, a multinational company to carry a state to justice (with a new international jurisdiction envisaged by the treaty) when the regulations of this state cause differences in treatment between domestic and foreign investors , or even if they cause unfair competition.
These provisions seem innocent, but its reach extends to almost all areas of intervention powers of the States. Thus, the laws on environmental protection may be canceled is they are more stringent than in other countries where investor is established. Likewise, the subsidies granted by states to the cultural sector, or public education are considered as unfair competition in relation to other states that do not subsidize.
With the MAI, the "investors" may require the cancellation of national laws and get state financial compensation of prejudice suffered.
Specifically, AMI mean the abdication of the States in favor of the multinationals, and the end of any real power of elected governments. Mean the end of democracy, emptying the ballot vote of any real content.
France, Europe and the AMI
In 1998, after three years of negotiations that governments and the media kept secret, a broad movement of intellectuals, artists, and civic associations as Attac have forced politicians to admit to the existence of negotiations AMI and open a public debate.
On October 14, 1998, on the occasion of a question before the National Assembly, Lionel Jospin announced that France would no longer participate in the negotiations of the MAI (see full text of the statement by the Prime Minister officially defining the French position on the MAI). The refusal of France had led to the reluctance of other countries and MAI negotiations stalled. But at the beginning of 2000, the Jospin government had become a much more conciliatory attitude to the process of globalization.
In November 2000, after the European summit in Biarritz, the French government had agreed to an amendment to Article 133 of the Treaty of Amsterdam, in view of enabling the Commission to negotiate multilateral agreements rather than States. If this measure is adopted, states would have no means to oppose future rate agreements AMI.
Meanwhile, the AMI was again present, the negotiations have been resumed in late 2002, this time in the WTO rather than the OECD. AMI
addition, new projects of similar multilateral treaties have been the day, including the treatise "NTM" (New Transatlantic Market), led by European Commissioner Leon Brittan, and especially the GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services).
As the MAI, the NTM and the GATS tend to reduce the economic power of the States, and methodically dismantled and all the social and environmental regulations.
Pascal Lamy and Leon Brittan, European Commissioners, and fervent supporters of economic globalization. Unknown to the public, they act for the adoption of AMI, the NTM, and amendment to Article 133.
NAFTA, the MAI in the Americas
United States, Canada and Mexico are united since 1994 under a multilateral agreement like the MAI. Like the AMI, this treaty called NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA in French) contains provisions that allow companies to report to the States for the annulment of laws or social structures that constitute obstacles to the full freedom trade. Since the adoption of this resolution, several laws to protect the environment have been canceled in the United States, Canada and Mexico.
After the Summit of the Americas "in April 2001, NAFTA has been extended to all countries in North and South America, except Cuba. The name of the new agreement is FTAA (French ZLEA, echange Free Zone des Amériques). Enter into force in 2005. After signing the agreement in Quebec, the city has been transformed into a military camp with fences over 3 feet tall, to take away the citizens' protests against globalization, and thousands have been peeled to border controls and methods worthy of the former Soviet Union (requisition of people, their documents and content from their computers, etc.).
The demonstrations that took place, however, in Quebec against the FTAA were the subject of an incredibly violent repression. Young protesters have been maimed for life by grenades or intentionally fired rubber bullets at close range by police, in defiance of legal rules for the use of these weapons.
All this says a lot about the "democratic" character of these agreements.
protesters and police during the "Summit of the Americas in Quebec in April 2001
The website of the organization ATTAC, and its file on the AMI
This association many reports on the MAI, and on the "big moves" of economic globalization and its dangers for democracy.
The main project of the association Attac takes up the proposal of Nobel laureate James Tobin (who died on March 11, 2002): the introduction of a 0.2% tax on financial flows of foreign exchange market. The mass of these flows is so important that a very weak would suffice to solve most global problems in economic, social and environmental issues distribute a minimum income to every person on the planet.
Founded in France in 1997, ATTAC has become an organization represented en numerosos países del Mundo (Europa, Canadá, Estados Unidos, Brasil, Argentina, Corea, Japón... ). En varios países, parlamentarios han aportado su apoyo al proyecto del impuesto Tobin. Además, mas de 40 asociaciones o sindicatos como la Confederación Campesina son adherentes de ATTAC.
(Des)información difundida por el OCDE , así que el texto del tratado en francés o el inglés
El AGCS, hacia la privatización total de los servicios públicos
El AGCS es un nuevo acuerdo mundial negociado en el marco de la OMC, en el secreto y la opacidad. Their goal: to completely and permanently dismantle all the public services, including health and education ...
The scheduled end of democracy
live for 10 years a radical change of political regime type in Western countries, with the advent of a new power, the economic and financial networks. Here are reasons why we can say that we are no longer almost completely in a democracy.
Liberal Lies
and analysis that refutes the lies crumble frequently used by neo liberal propaganda and "thinking".
is time for action
The world's future belongs to the citizens. The guidelines adopted by the society, economy, environment are not inevitable. Unbeknownst to the citizens have powerful means of action ...