Astudillo Pedro Aranda pj.aranda @ gmail.com
Participation for the call on education by Mr. Director of Mercury de Antofagasta. 8/8/2008.
An African proverb says: "It takes a village to raise a child." Education Convergence is a social task to promote the development of people but, in turn, is a profound task of personal responsibility. Globalization has become a village. Heats village: The U.S. financial crisis reached the red and upset the world economy, the rising food prices, oil prices, climate change, sociopolitical, and can be foreseen drinking water shortages. Autoapocalipsis of humanity "?. It's extremely suggestive that leading economists to analyze the deeper causes of the financial crisis as assigned: the arrogance, greed and incompetence, that the economy must be founded on a "code ethical conduct "...
is impossible not to breathe the air so intoxicated. The desired quality of life is undermined with stress, depression, aggression everywhere, dizzy life, the exhaustion buried in the gaps between aspirations and realities exacerbated. Such gaps create disincentives ranging educational fields as labor rights. This is how the escapes are many and varied, and responsibilities are endorsed. We feel that the values, ethics emigrated, being the key levers by which people recover their original place of honor.
Decentered of our axes, consequentially education plunges into deep inconsistencies that border on the loss of common sense. It proclaims that we live in was the power of knowledge, information, but their dynamics and is a perpetual renewal, and be a paradox, how we obsolescence penalty!. However, its dazzling power is overshadowed by a more uncertain, dehumanizing, more individualistic and especially pathological painful cracks between intelligence: rational, emotional, spiritual. Where do we go? we ask the earth and children. Delineated A. Einstein that our biggest problem is that we apply ourselves to improving the media but with a confusion of purpose. Education is the only place where consciousness can assume that proclaims and epic poetry of Pindar: Learn to "Becoming who I am." Styling for a society of people, not wolves.
The school system has atrophied the purpose of education, it directs you to the cognitive achievement as measured by the SIMCE by the PSU. Instances questioned in substance and form, being and one stick to such diverse realities, and "Rank" educational establishments for their results. This trend is leading that schools are efficient industries whose products go with the best scores for high performance in the workplace, professional.
education at its starting point and arrival at its primary meaning is not raising the dignity of every person of all their players?. His dignity lies in its thinking consciousness, able to transform their world from within. It's what inside that changes to the exterior. Dignity is fed back into a coexistence of neighbors, how we become more human with one another. Human dignity is enhanced in its spiritual dimension, transcendent. Then, an educational system must nurture the roots of the person developing their capacity to think, reflect more than memorizing, develop skills for living together cooperatively rather than compete, to encourage creativity and hence the richness of diversity, instill a love truth in itself, for the good in itself rewarding, self-recreating the beauty of the senses, that the satisfaction of being responsible is priceless and is above the rewards and punishments, that reading is not put together the letters but look out and understand other worlds, this reading enriches my language to a greater harmony of communication, that the recognition of errors is also fruitful source of learning, that self-assessment is to star in their own learning goals and outcomes that are forged, mature processes, in step by step as they feel the climbers. Is it a utopia?.
The experiences of the school academies guarantee that this rainbow of values \u200b\u200bare visible. Academies reflecting a rich educational source that should be practiced in classrooms, built and not parallel the curriculum. For a curriculum oxygenate, not stifling. When the person feels called to be more people respond to their vocation to discover and be discovered. Educators, learners, parents and state how they will not add to this sacred Common Good?. The coherence and consistency of a state sponsor for this mission to educate people without distinction, will ensure the sustainability of their ongoing development, amply reward their investment. Educating with values \u200b\u200bconsistent with human nature would seal the new partnership between people and their planet,
Participation for the call on education by Mr. Director of Mercury de Antofagasta. 8/8/2008.
An African proverb says: "It takes a village to raise a child." Education Convergence is a social task to promote the development of people but, in turn, is a profound task of personal responsibility. Globalization has become a village. Heats village: The U.S. financial crisis reached the red and upset the world economy, the rising food prices, oil prices, climate change, sociopolitical, and can be foreseen drinking water shortages. Autoapocalipsis of humanity "?. It's extremely suggestive that leading economists to analyze the deeper causes of the financial crisis as assigned: the arrogance, greed and incompetence, that the economy must be founded on a "code ethical conduct "...
is impossible not to breathe the air so intoxicated. The desired quality of life is undermined with stress, depression, aggression everywhere, dizzy life, the exhaustion buried in the gaps between aspirations and realities exacerbated. Such gaps create disincentives ranging educational fields as labor rights. This is how the escapes are many and varied, and responsibilities are endorsed. We feel that the values, ethics emigrated, being the key levers by which people recover their original place of honor.
Decentered of our axes, consequentially education plunges into deep inconsistencies that border on the loss of common sense. It proclaims that we live in was the power of knowledge, information, but their dynamics and is a perpetual renewal, and be a paradox, how we obsolescence penalty!. However, its dazzling power is overshadowed by a more uncertain, dehumanizing, more individualistic and especially pathological painful cracks between intelligence: rational, emotional, spiritual. Where do we go? we ask the earth and children. Delineated A. Einstein that our biggest problem is that we apply ourselves to improving the media but with a confusion of purpose. Education is the only place where consciousness can assume that proclaims and epic poetry of Pindar: Learn to "Becoming who I am." Styling for a society of people, not wolves.
The school system has atrophied the purpose of education, it directs you to the cognitive achievement as measured by the SIMCE by the PSU. Instances questioned in substance and form, being and one stick to such diverse realities, and "Rank" educational establishments for their results. This trend is leading that schools are efficient industries whose products go with the best scores for high performance in the workplace, professional.
education at its starting point and arrival at its primary meaning is not raising the dignity of every person of all their players?. His dignity lies in its thinking consciousness, able to transform their world from within. It's what inside that changes to the exterior. Dignity is fed back into a coexistence of neighbors, how we become more human with one another. Human dignity is enhanced in its spiritual dimension, transcendent. Then, an educational system must nurture the roots of the person developing their capacity to think, reflect more than memorizing, develop skills for living together cooperatively rather than compete, to encourage creativity and hence the richness of diversity, instill a love truth in itself, for the good in itself rewarding, self-recreating the beauty of the senses, that the satisfaction of being responsible is priceless and is above the rewards and punishments, that reading is not put together the letters but look out and understand other worlds, this reading enriches my language to a greater harmony of communication, that the recognition of errors is also fruitful source of learning, that self-assessment is to star in their own learning goals and outcomes that are forged, mature processes, in step by step as they feel the climbers. Is it a utopia?.
The experiences of the school academies guarantee that this rainbow of values \u200b\u200bare visible. Academies reflecting a rich educational source that should be practiced in classrooms, built and not parallel the curriculum. For a curriculum oxygenate, not stifling. When the person feels called to be more people respond to their vocation to discover and be discovered. Educators, learners, parents and state how they will not add to this sacred Common Good?. The coherence and consistency of a state sponsor for this mission to educate people without distinction, will ensure the sustainability of their ongoing development, amply reward their investment. Educating with values \u200b\u200bconsistent with human nature would seal the new partnership between people and their planet,
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