To access the music composed and performed by Chester Swann
with Project VOX POPULI, composed Noelia Nunez (vocals), Leah Rhodes (voice). Horacio
Cordeiro (Adagio Studies), Quique Calabrese (guitar, track 11), Rolo
Chapman (guitar, track 10), Chester Swann (electric guitars 6 and 12 strings, keyboards, synthesizers and samplers, low electroacústiuco, arrangements, voice
, vocals, compositions and final assembly)
fallacies and lies of liberalism
frequently relied on their defense and exegetes uninformed.
"Liberalism is the most freedom of choice and allows better prices for consumers."
FALSE: According to the same liberal dogma, liberalism only works if there is sufficient competition on the side supply. But in fact, liberal capitalism tends towards concentration and the formation of monopolies or oligopolies that eliminate all competition, reducing consumer choice and driving up prices (and lowering the quality).
In the area of \u200b\u200bpublic services such as water distribution, energy, waste disposal, telephones, mail, or railways, "privatization always resulted in increased costs for passenger , a service reduction, and reduced investment in infrastructure maintenance. See at the local level, the garbage collectors, public transport and other deficient in every way, but good business to its managers, or the case of Villarrica CLIFSA (electricity).
As private pension schemes (funds pensions) are to deprive employees of any security, delivering the uncertainty of the management of these funds to financial institutions, usually "invested" in the bag. In case of bankruptcy of the latter, employees are without retirement despite years of contribution and input. What has happened in the U.S. in 2002 with the collapse of Enron and now with five major banks and savings and loans, such as Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Fanny Mac, Freddie Mac and others, whose salvation spurious cost the American taxpayer more than 700,000,000,000 dollars.
"Liberalism is the game of free market."
FALSE: Always according to liberal dogma, free-market requires the same market transparency and information.
In fact, because of opaque practices and inequity in access to information, consumers can not choose knowingly. The information asymmetry makes the citizen is helpless and defenseless against monopolistic corporations or groups. In addition, performance of service contracts, if cell phones, cable TV and others, are all benefits to a provider.
also raised doubts about the legality of the bailout proposed by the Bush administration. Ross Sorkin, The New York Times wrote that the Secretary of Treasury Henry Paulson (former CEO of Goldman Sachs), is asking the financial equivalent of the Patriot Act. Sorkin said the proposed bill would give the Secretary of the Treasury "possibly the most incredible powers have been granted to a person in the economic and financial life of the country." Article 8 of Paulson's plan states: "Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are not subject to review and submit to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court or any administrative agency" . He is scheduled to Paulson, former head of Goldman Sachs and author of the debacle, he told comités del Senado y de la Cámara de Representantes. La mentira está servida y ¡buen provecho!
"El crecimento crea empleos".
FALSO : El crecimiento crea empleos en un primer momento, pero sirve sobre todo para financiar las "re-estructuraciones" y las relocalizaciones. A final de cuentas, destruye mas los puestos de trabajo de lo que crea. Ahora mismo, las cadenas de supermercados despiden a quienes alcanzan estabilidad laboral, luego de nueve años, tras hacerlos trabajar entre doce a catorce horas diarias por salarios muy inferiores al mínimo.
"Solo el mercado es apto para determinar el precio justo de las materias primas, divisas or companies.
FALSE: The markets are essentially driven by speculation and the pursuit of greater profits in the short term. The market fluctuations and changes are sometimes irrational, excessive and subject to manipulation hidden brains of lobbyists. These excessive fluctuations in the market (bags) are destructive, causing debris and bankruptcies in the real economy, stock market roulette jgando a while privatize gains and socialize losses. But at the same time, these changes are generating profits for speculators. Again the principle of communicating vessels of speculation ...!
"The company creates wealth. Is the source of the prosperity of countries and their inhabitants. "FALSE
: Generally, companies (and even fewer corporations) do not create wealth because the value created is below the actual cost resources used or destroyed, if we take into account environmental and human cost and the actual cost of renewable raw materials.
The "profit" of big business is actually achieved at the expense of nature, caught, put into bag by exploitation, urbanization and pollution, or "vampirized" on other economic factors:
a) on employees, who will be fired to save the costs or "improving productivity" of their replacements, who must work more for the same pay, or who have reduced wages or social protection.
b) on consumers to pay more for lower quality or quantity.
c) on suppliers (in particular the producers of raw materials or agricultural minerals), who are reduced prices for its effort to "buyers."
d) on other businesses which will lead to its bankruptcy by unfair competition (dumping), or are bought to be subsequently dismantled, sold for parts, and whose employees are processed unemployed.
e) on Third World populations to be dispossessed of their land and resources, and have been enslaved, forced to work in mines or in "sweatshops" of transnational corporations, or even worse , forced to serve as guinea pigs for the pharmaceutical industry, or to sell their organs (usually kidney or an eye) to be operated patients fortunate. (The price paid for a kidney reaches U.S. $ 20,000 in Turkey, only 800 $ U.S. in India).
"Globalization benefits everyone." FALSE
: Between 1992 and 2002, income per capita has declined in 81 countries. In the Third World, the number of "extremely poor" has increased by over 100 million. Not even the benefit of workers in core countries and the multinationals exporting their factories where labor is much lower cost and more flexible labor laws.
The difference between wages has increased dramatically. Take the example of China or Indonesia working for a company sub-contractor that makes Disney's Asian clothing with the logo of Mickey for Western consumers. This worker working on a "sweat shop" 14 hours a day, 7 days on 7, with no social protection, without the right to strike, all for an hourly wage of $ 0.28. At the same time, the hourly wage of a U.S. manager of Disney (PDG) is 2800 dollars, that is 10,000 times more. The lion, talking bad and soon.
The 225 richest people in the world accumulate a total wealth of $ 1000 billion, equivalent to the annual income of 3 billion poorest people on the planet is 47% of the population. Fortune added the 84 richest people exceeds the gross domestic product of China with 1,660 million inhabitants.
In 2002, 20% of the world population accounts for 80% of wealth, has more than 80% of cars in circulation and consumes 60% of energy while one billion poorest people share 1% of global income.
ISSUES with the advent of the New World Order of the nineties.
Mai enemy of democracy
The Convention is a global financial settlement negotiated on the biggest secret since 1995 under the auspices of the OECD, and where the consequences are a threat without precedent for democracy.
treaties of the same type, NAFTA and FTAA, have already been accepted by the countries of the Americas except Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Paraguay, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Honduras.
GATS towards full privatization of public services
The GATS is a new global pact negotiated in the WTO, in secrecy and opacity. Their goal: to completely and permanently dismantle all the public services, including health and education.
The scheduled end of democracy
live for 10 years a radical change of political regime type in Western countries, with the advent of a new power, the economic and financial networks. Here are reasons why we can say that we are no longer almost completely in a democracy.
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