Beloved Seed: immensities nest disappear
how to grow?. Amadas
Estate: feed on waste and how we
the aromas and fruit provide?. Beloved
Bears: in polar ice
how warm your blood?. Beloved
Fish: in salty seas
how sweeten their flesh?. Amado
Worm: you crawl and you crawl
what you dream to be reborn into a butterfly?. Amado
Peach: between your flesh and your heart
how chiseled your hard fart?.
Dear Winter: how you get pregnant in the spring?. Desert
Beloved in your face to face with the sky is clear and
all naked
what, how they are born your oasis of freshness and flavor?. Amado
Universe: your strings are so strong and so invisible
rounds as the earth itself.
weave and unravel the eyes, the clouds and the atoms ....
However, all your glory is growing in the breast
of the most profound silence, whether in the bowels
of an egg, is in the bowels of the volcano.
The whispers of the cosmic gratitude
enter the soul, awakens the shadow of the Unseen.
Yes, Life is Manifestation as trees,
always born from the swarms of their roots ...
astudillo Pedro Aranda, November 2005
The Word of God is Invisible
seed in the belly Mary. And
The reborn in the heart of the Father Creator.
His crib is the sun of the new meeting
live as children of one Father, Our. Pedro Aranda astudillo
December 2005
The Word of God is Invisible
seed in the belly Mary. And
The reborn in the heart of the Father Creator.
His crib is the sun of the new meeting
live as children of one Father, Our. Pedro Aranda astudillo
December 2005
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