have to change our way of life
11.06.2008 - JOSEPH M.
hopefully lower oil
11.06.2008 - JOSEPH M.
hopefully lower oil
not expect prices to fall
hopefully not interest rates reduce the Euribor.
not expect, therefore, that mortgages are more bearable. Do not expect wages to rise. And pensions.
and put the bag through the roof and all investors are lined again, as has been covered in recent years.
mileuristas not expect that to become, of overnight, in dosmileuristas. Hopefully not run out of strikes.
not the Mother Teresa of Calcutta revive and be named World Bank president. No. Do not expect anything like that
Because none of that is the root of the economic problem that brings us all head
The bad economic news that each day we bring the newspapers, are but the tip of the iceberg as great depth is hidden from us.
Moreover, I wonder if we should all this economic zamarreĆ³n we are receiving. To see if a fucking time, we learned that the economic crisis, and others concerned about anxiety, begins to be the end of an era and begins to be the beginning of another. Let me explain. The economy, politics, life in general, worldwide, has been organized so that 20% of the world population consumes 80% of fixed assets and consumption that occur worldwide, while 80% of the inhabitants of the land must be content with 20% of what is produced worldwide.
This global data with all the details and nuances that you need, not only is indisputable, but worsened, so irritating and shocking, in borderline cases, both above (the rich) as below (the poorest).
Given that, in the case of the poor, the situation is so appalling that now, more than 850 million human beings have to live with less than a dollar a day. So, at this moment there are about a billion creatures doomed to early death and criminal. Because hunger does not wait.
Hunger kills. And kill soon, in the most humiliating and cruel that can kill in this world. Why
not brought a solution to this state of affairs?
not brought a solution to this state of affairs?
few days ago, the FAO summit, held in Rome, gathered more than 130 heads of government around the world.
And they have not reached any conclusions effectively. It is said that political will. And it's true. But that's not the whole truth.
Because the bottom of the matter is that politicians in rich countries (in Spain) have to govern a million people who we have become accustomed to a lifestyle in an expenditure level of comfort and, in many cases of waste, we are not willing to stop or to yield, for the world.
In such conditions, possibilities for economic change that are left to the politicians are very small. The ruler who wants to govern people well, has no choice but to please their voters, as as possible.
We are, therefore, we, the citizens who limit the political will of those who govern us.
On the other hand, we must take the body to which the world has taken a new twist that has no turning back.
On the other hand, we must take the body to which the world has taken a new twist that has no turning back.
While the world's poor have limited themselves to survive as they could, we were able to live from good to better, up to luxury and waste in many cases. But it is running.
Because more than one billion Chinese and nearly one billion Indians have said enough of survival. And they want to live like us. Now the world do not give much. Because no source of energy to satisfy the inexhaustible appetite for consumption, luxury and waste that need more than six billion inhabitants in the pose.
If the six billion people strive to live as we live in Spain, it is certain that there is for everyone. Our standard of living does not apply to the whole world. And it appears that the problem is neither in the selfishness of citizens or the cowardice of politicians.
The problem is in the system. A system to perpetuate itself and grow, it must be to put him on the basis of people's minds that 'happiness' equal 'consumption'.
And therefore more happiness to more consumption. But happiness only for those who live in rich countries. Because it imposes the logic of the system. This is what must change. Poor countries need no alms. What we need are investors who produce wealth.
The day they run out of productive and commercial privileges of the big boys start to improve.
And we all go calling. There will be less luxury and less waste, but humanidad.Hay to change the mentality and way of life.
It is true that 'happiness' equal 'consumption'.
Happiness does not depend on the 'things' you have, but 'people' who have joined us, who respect us, that we tolerate, that we want. 'Happiness' equals 'coexistence' respectful, tolerant, pleasant, cordial.
is evidence that people do not feel happier when you win more money, but when you win more money than your neighbor or coworker.
urgently re-orient the productivity and trade in function, not the vagaries imposed luxury, extravagance, child vanity or the arrogance of some, but in order to meet the needs of everyone.
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