Thursday, December 18, 2008
Cartman Clown Hat Smiley Face .wav
more than a decade ago, when I was a reporter for The Llanquihue Puerto Montt wrote a column that gave rise to a peculiar exchange of correspondence with the then director, Harold Messiah.
In that column I commented on the fact, become urban legend by then, that Santa Claus as we know it today, bearded and wearing a red coat thick white borders, an advertising image was developed by Coca Cola. My boss did not tolerate the idea and discussed the issue in a column in the image of the caller who said Christmas character.
Over a decade later, Branding Strategy Insider I find that history was no myth but a true story: until 1930, Santa Claus was depicted variously as a person in black, green, more, of indeterminate age, with or without a beard. But in 1931 the American artist Haddon Sundblom was commissioned by Coca-Cola to create a Christmas campaign, which will help to promote the consumption of cola in the year-end festivities.
View: "The history of Coca Christmas, Santa Claus and perception"
Orange County Glory Hole
Of all that has been written about visit Santiago de Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder , the most notable was his vision of the growth of the Internet that launched him to Alberto Fuguet in the interview that he made him to Saturday Review of El Mercurio :
"Internet years are like dogs: in 2003, for example, the network was another network, it was almost another world. Everything changes and mutates and grows exponentially "
" People like to tick cyberspace like a different place, outside, in our world. I think that in 50 years is going to seem odd to speak well. Today we do not talk TELEPHONE space. When people talk by phone or a cell phone now, not that they are in another space, another world, are at it, but they are on the phone. Are talking and talking, of course, about things that happens in this world. Internet is, and departed as via written communication, now has images, movement, voice. Phones, in fact, may now have the same thing. The human being is human. "
Wow that is true that metaphor! I stopped writing in early January and during this period have personal blogs dead (perhaps because modesty again), people are upset with Facebook (from for me and continuing with many who never thought I could fall into a fever as well) appeared Twitter and pimp version
Think of all these changes was the click that needed to revive this blog, after a human year sabbatical. Why I do it? Mainly because these areas remain vital to talk, what interests us and moves us.
After three and half years of existence, this blog is reset and mutates. Applicable "Erase & Rewind" as he sings The Cardigans: deletes entries from previous years, more personal, and returns from a space for conversation of my job and what I do.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Silver London Ontario

Cronometrando esperanzas frustradas: Chester Swann.
Luque, 13 de noviembre de 2008.
Ya estamos cerca de los cien días, respirando en una enrarecida atmósfera de indefiniciones, contradicciones, conspiraciones (contra el sentido común, más que contra el gobierno), contramarchas y desmentidos; que con tantas informaciones estamos más desinformados que nunca.
Fernando Lugo, que tanto ha presumido de sus “raíces” coloradas durante la campaña previa al 20 de abril, está actuando como si le importara más parecer un jefe de estado… que serlo. Habiendo designado a gente brillante y honesta, pero poco preparada en manejos crisis, is surrounded by an impenetrable ring-police-military bureaucracy, which hinders proper understanding of what is happening and their direct contact with everyday reality outside the walls of the palace of Lopez. Lugo
should rely more on the people who elected him and open the ring to say safekeeping anaconda, to go slowly shredding. And not only him but his ministers, which are surrounded by remnants of debris from previous governments, can not be aware of what is happening on their backs and in their immediate environment, that the sabotage of his efforts-worth for Rafael Filizzola corrupt police and public order, is equal to or worse than a conspiracy.
We, the ordinary and make matters worse for victims of previous failed governments are the ones who have to have free and direct communication with the leaders of the government to make our contributions (and showing that we do it free, pure patriots just) to help the authorities to take measures not only rational, but not to be strangled by bureaucratic bumbling and disastrous inheritance received. Even if Lugo
blindly believe in very close advisers, it should not fail to compare them with views of third parties to his government but sympathetic to real change. Not enough to be here and there, surrounded by gorillas and without access to periodistas (caso Academil), saltando de helicópteros a aviones de línea. Hay que tender las manos al pueblo, a la gente de la calle, a los pensadores, creativos, intelectuales y artistas; que todos tienen algo que aportar.
Se aproximan esos cien días, en una peligrosa pendiente de ingobernabilidad. No tanto a causa de los reclamos populares, sino de las cáscaras de banana y metidas de pata de sus propios colaboradores y partidos aliancistas. Las ambiciones y luchas internas, más personales que ideológicas, inficionan el ambiente dentro de la APC y el que respira de rebote la ciudadanía mayoritaria. Al fin y al cabo, esta alianza tubo como bandera el cambio, pero ahora ofrecen más de lo mismo… para variar. Have they read "The Leopard Lampedusa? It seems that many of them are too alliterative to have bothered to read anything, but the results hint that maybe, but more Machiavelli Lampedusa.
In any case, I insist: the presidency and cabinet holders must have one or more open channels (beggars abstain) exchange with ordinary people, without the intervention of bureaucratic anaconda, maybe then we can share blame between us and not only attributable to that dark environment called "first ring."
of international diplomats leads
Luque, November 14, 2008.
Premises arising from the Declaration of Human Rights (so pompous how useless), proclaimed by the United Nations in 1948, have a serious defect that very few have bothered to dig. Either through ignorance or complacency, human beings (not just man), including women-beneficiaries of these rights coproteca paper, "suffer the onslaught of war and hunger in an apocalyptic scale, without the ineffective United Nations ( at least the name will fit, but think and do otherwise) may contain violent massacres and famines in Africa, or wherever you assault tribal, economic, political or religious.
just do not have institutional strength or moral character or ethical to stop the aggressive expansionary how empires who covet the resources of the world's poor and uneducated. Furthermore, general secretaries who have been there since Dag Hammarskjöld Ban Ki-Moon, has always avoided conflict with the interests that actually drive on the world through international banks or firms of the cartel.
That itself is a big eater gargantuan bureaucracy and budgets, gently provided by member states and serves only to unsubstantiated proclamations, decaffeinated and warm sentences, for sterile diplomatic pronouncements, no input to agencies such as UNESCO Culture and totally ineffective for the redistribution of food (FAO), stopping the traffic of arms and brake deterrent to wars or maltreatment of children (UNICEF). A huge organization at all.
the "blue helmets" of the UN, have acted more as mercenaries of the United States as guarantor of world peace. Have even been featured in many interventions raping women and children, robbing the locals or simply looking elsewhere while the forces of "rebels" or "loyal" to their mischief against unarmed civilians, as now in the Congo, where the recoiling pass despite having "legitimacy."
But there is another and equally serious flaw overlooked by global diplomacy and the few men of good will, that persist despite preventive wars, slavery redesigned and ideological persecution.
The text below blessed and launched with pomp and solemnity of well-meaning fools in 1948, was drafted by the South African general Jan Christian Smuts, one of the architects of apartheid (1927, being more conscious and repressive) and responsible for a of the worst massacres of miners on strike en una de las minas de diamantes de la empresa De Beers. Todo un prócer de la infamia. Algo así como Nerón pontificando sobre prevención de incendios a bomberos voluntarios; o Atila admirando a la civilización romana desde su caballo.
Tampoco la OEA ha prestado los servicios para la que fuera creada. No ha podido evitar guerras entre los estados miembros, no ha impedido injerencias políticas de los Estados Unidos o Inglaterra (caso Malvinas) contra países pequeños, como Guatemala, Guyana, Panamá, Granada, Cuba o Chile. Tampoco ha abogado por el entendimiento de los pueblos a través del arte y la cultura.
Otra “organización” de nula capacidad negociadora, que debemos solventar para our diplomats waste time blocking or approving or disapproving of "condemning" actual or alleged violations of press freedom, as understood by the SIP and its subsi-diaries with remote control.
So far they have met a lot of brains at these organizations, only to substantiate the inevitable, to yield to the powerful nations or support lost causes. And it's time to make heroic decisions, from which we could take the example of Switzerland, as Mediterranean as we are. This nation, small but educated, home to many international UN agencies, but maintains its neutrality and non-sovereign member of the UN, NATO, the European Union and Label any other entity, maintaining its sovereignty at all costs, with foreign citizenship to all the crises that afflict the rest of Europe and the world.
course. To this we must be more intelligent than the dunces who run the national policy and education (this is a rule without exceptions). Therein lies the first obstacle to be overcome. Perhaps to become like Switzerland, we do not need cheap labor export to first world. It's about thinking. I at least, I thought. Stupidity I decided to divorce and I hope my countrymen to do likewise. Concubine with sufficient intelligence and diplomatic drop ballast leads to charge up from our landlocked.
weapons are loaded by the devil ...
but who downloads them? Aim
gun outrage: Chester Swann *.
Luque, November 18, 2008.
seems an insignificant figure of the black statistics, designed to quickly forgotten, as so many cases so-called "misery", "accidents" or any other euphemism generally used to avoid personal responsibility. I mean the death of the shoeshine boys of ten years: Marcelo Javier Ojeda at the hands of Petty Officer 3 rd irresponsible Vargas Miguel Gaona (23), who manipulated a weapon in the least mentioned, and boasting of their possession and carrying. A typical military bravado, more worthy of cowards who warriors of the country. Paraguayan
Actually today is really a coward. To tinker is hiding behind the anonymity of a massive gang to attack the like, breaking windows and smashing furniture schools take lots of others. I uphold. Violence is united in marriage with the cowardly and hide behind personal fear disguised with an overdose of alcohol or other mood-altering substances. But in the present case, the officer-involved must be trained in handling of these killing machines known firearms, should have violated safety rules. To this end, each block there armories, where they are cleaned, checked and keep firearms.
I witnessed several deaths in barracks by shooting "accidental." Escort Battalion in itself, in the sixties there were many cases of soldiers wounded colleagues, and which have excluded the manifest intent.
But accidental or intentional, life is dull because of negligence and the author takes refuge behind the "accidental" not to take the penalty for murder and compensation to the families of child workers as in this case in point. But this neglect
is the responsibility of the armed forces themselves, who resent the violations of the regulation, or order their subordinates to avoid flaunting weapons in public places in peacetime. A murder, intentional or not is the crime of public prosecution and dismissal of the guilty cause for quitting by the ordinary courts. The "prison" Vinas Cue is no place for a guilty of murder, but Takumbú.
is true that old proverb, which suggests that weapons are loaded by the devil, but for that very reason they should be handled with caution because they only serve to kill. If a military ignores this, should not continue in rows. Must be discharged before they take as a sport to display guns and kill anyone with the excuse of "escaped the shot." And that shot, did not escape the officer Miguel Vargas Gaona. That shot got away from a weapon of the armed forces of the nation.
kleptocracy policy until when? Try
exorcise the Forty Thieves: Chester Swann *.
Luque, November 20, 2008.
Sometimes I had the impression that we, the Paraguayans, cured of fear and impunity accustomed to robberies perpetrated institutionally by the Colorados. Ie, they had made laws and codes to thrive from the public coffers without legal consequences or vigilante punishment. The mice were responsible for the cheese corn hens and fox the henhouse, no more pain than an occasional dismissal or a simple transfer of functions ... if left-handed catch.
Since the days of General Stroessner (I could not meet the above) on, the robberies were so blatant that it seemed the country took a liking to rape and do not kick left. The Reds were determined to engage the country and undo their wealth, as if they came after the end of the world and accumulate without limit or measure the product of their plunder dirty, without judges or prosecutors put brake their passions.
suddenly appeared a kind of little light at the end of the long tunnel of the mess, when you glimpse a different picture, in the person of Fernando Lugo. Many of us who were sick of the ever-kleptocrats, we roll up to put the shoulder to change. And we did it with an overdose of militant enthusiasm in the hope of exorcising the offenders and sending them back to the underworld. Or, failing that, at least in Tacumbú deserved holiday.
But the stark reality these days is imposed after the initial cooling fun. It seems we get more of the same and the new owners of the pie do not dare to put in place the hundreds, thousands of Caco emulators, embedded in the hogwash state and former government surplus. Waste recycling became flesh and dwelt among us as a waking nightmare reluctant.
The rampant looting of the country seemed to worsen after the apparent defeat of the April 20 red, but every day we discover more and more attempts to conceal and cover up evidence of recent events, perpetrated by the outgoing authorities, some of them with parliamentary impunity. And that has not been investigated yet made before 1989 is out there a lot of fabric to cut.
The downside is that the new authorities are reluctant to send galleys to the culprits, many of them still in office, but being dangerous and willing to sabotage Lugo. Is that these copies are now like a scalded cat and unwilling to sell cheap defeat. But actually thieves have been defeated or are cowering to continue the carnival setting sack the rest?
newcomers are reluctant to touch this hot potato inherited from the administration (if he could call it), of Nicanor Duarte. Seems that they have fear of putting his hand into a nest full of scrum ... or, according to public perception, perhaps they were trying to make friends with them to see if there decide to share the cheese.
never know with politicians out there decide make deals against nature and continue the usual kleptocracy, perhaps thinking that we were accustomed.
a summary court is imposed the Court
He draws the sword of Themis: Chester Swann *.
Luque, November 21, 2008.
is coming a long social struggle against the so-called members of the judiciary. Not only by farmers, but of all citizens, tired of the injustices of the not so supreme court, except in the art of diversion of judgments to the highest bidder. Its members-stained with the disgraceful stigma of public distrust, " se mantienen cínicamente aferrados a sus asientos, sin atisbo siquiera de un gesto honorable, como la renuncia indeclinable o el harakiri.
Aunque esto último sólo es viable en países que mantienen incólume la tradición de la vergüenza, como el Japón de los samurais. En nuestro país, ésta se ha perdido en los laberínticos meandros de la ilegalidad y el dolo, hasta el punto de ser materia ignorada dentro de la sociedad; ajena a todo escándalo que no sea de bragas caídas, en altares de amores ilícitos.
Los actuales miembros sostienen que sólo con el juicio político podrán ser removidos; y nadie puede comprender el porqué ya no lo han hecho, que causales sobran para ello. La única defensa posible para estos impresentables, es la mala voluntad política del congreso, por ser suinos del porquerizo propio de los colorados y uno que otro liberal. Pobre argumento, si los hay para mantener a esa corte sin milagros empotrada en el otrora honorable trono de Astrea-Themis. ¿Es que no hay traseros más dignos de tales curules?
Una maldición política, heredada de la mayoría colorada convencional, es el cuoteo partidario en la “selección” de sus miembros; cuando la lógica y la ética sugieren que los jueces de la nación deben estar ajenos a toda actividad partidaria. ¿Algún ilustre leguleyo podría explicar tal despropósito? Es probable que no falte algún sofista que justifique lo absurdo de la cuestión. Es natural —en este país del absurdo digno de una novela de Franz Kafka—, que surjan idiotas titulados más afectos a la astucia que a la inteligencia, capaces de justificar lo injustificable con rebuscada verba plagada de arcaicos latinajos.
Las disparatadas sentencias emitidas por esta corte suprema, son suficiente argumento para removerla sin dilación… si Lugo tuviera sus atributos varoniles bien puestos y su alianza patética funcionara sin óxido en sus engranajes. Bastaría que buenos abogados que realmente deseen la victoria de la justicia impulsen una reforma constitucional que, en este caso puntual al menos, no se debe actuar con paños tibios. Sin justicia no habrá ni libertad ni igualdad ante la ley.
Hay que darle un sumario corte a la corte ¡ya!. Estos escombros del viejo régimen no sirven para otra cosa que perpetuar las antiguas mañas de dictaduras perimidas, en las que el inefable don Cretildo esgrimía leyes como la 209 y la 297 contra la ciudadanía desde la fiscalía general, dejando a este otro: Rubén Candia Amarilla como heredero universal de la infamia.
Y para derribar este templo de la injusticia que es el poder judicial, repito, sólo se necesitan valor y patriotismo. El resto se nos dará por añadiduras.
¿Quién está más plenty to whom?
scatters letters on paper: Chester Swann *.
Luque, November 23, 2008.
The recent statement by President Lugo told reporters about their state of personal fill the security problems, and few multilateral claims overwhelm her recent government, inspired me to share some thoughts.
He told the media that he must follow the law and do not overdo it or half a millimeter. What I wonder is why not stuck to the law to impeach "the" Court and so many crooks, cheats, burners and other documents that are going to cases table, just by the press? By not doing so missed a great chance to get rid of that trash, unless you do not know who they replaced. If only limited
, Lugo, to comply with and enforce the laws, would come out quickly from this impasse that we impose the Reds dishonest, not just left. The hope of most was that the new government would undo the political mafias entrenched in public administration "applying the law." Clear that this was due to have a credible judiciary and prosecutors jealous of their duty. So far very few of them are doing good point. Several were challenged with chicanes to separate them process, to the satisfaction of the present Court and deadlines are being extended to the borders of impunity.
I can, by dint of good knowledge of the city environment, ensure that your fill Lugo is minimal compared to ours, if it's any consolation at this juncture. I think he's in his hands and his will speed up the process and regain the lost legality. Obviously Lugo is being advised by his enemies of confidence or worse, if anything could be worse than that. Should have known that the warmth would not help in this fight against crooks and only a healthy crop severity achieved good results.
to give the impression that he is increasingly just, just accompanied by his poverettos abandoned the countryside and urban political base, which now wants to fly with wings of their own. If today expeditious decisions-even painful-to be supported by the public, and even the decent and liberal patriots red, that there is no doubt. But you should take now and not wait for this conference with two smelly septic tanks do it for him.
Lugo has to recognize that is clinging to a hot nail and surrounded by those who have sworn to destroy it, by depriving them of their privileges. Not in vain Galaverna Delo Na and others of that ilk have vowed to regain power, "a vote-shots or bullets" if se frunce por ahí. Y ésos, están allí nomás, esperando sus metidas de pata, sus vacilaciones, sus traspiés y el fracaso final. Nunca se fueron del todo y aguardan su oportunidad de retornar a sus fuentes de riquezas malhabidas.
Un presidente está para hacer. No para esperar que otros lo hagan por él. La responsabilidad es sólo suya y, si teme caer mal o bien a tirios y troyanos, la historia lo recordará por lo que pudo haber hecho y dudó en hacerlo… cuando tuvo la ley en la mano.
Cien días pasan volando
Cronometra calendarios atrasados: Chester Swann*.
Luque, November 25, 2008.
Much ink is spilled in the press for the first hundred days post colorado government of Fernando Lugo, President picturesque if any, in this land where all theories are buried without honors in the cemetery of oblivion. Valga this introduction on this issue, as inconsequential as it may be the untimely accounts require someone who is just starting to walk. No one did, at least that I know of a survey of sixty-eight (from Morínigo) years of the Colorado eternal, as they still call it the exegetes, but worry about the hundred days of poor results, as if God were omnipotent Lugo ... or emissary of Lucifer for some ultra-conservative.
But here on earth, no one is omnipotent, let alone God, although he has served as an intermediary ever lost out there in a corner of Paraguay. So lost that even God could have forgotten that there are poor, forgotten until the devil.
hundred days, after 22,165 days of uninterrupted Colorado government, is almost nothing. Just one minute of this new century, but spurred on, this minute, a long and delayed impatience only now beginning to overwhelm the channel of resignation. It seems that the long silence and slack jaws recently to encourage an accelerated review process was never home, rather than on paper.
Institutions in this country has gone to fourth or fifth seat to the greed for the plunder of resources and funds from the treasury, for quite some time. If they had used these resources with patriotism and wisdom, our country would not have needed to beg Taiwanese checkbooks or usurious loans for "development" of the IMF worthy. Now we have to put everything in order to control untidiness bygone numbers and know what lies ahead for this, that the future is still unknown to be solved.
hundred days fly without a ticket or passport coastal air, and so fast that the timetables mockery of the memory. And what were endless esos años de coloradismo! ¡Tan lentos, que parecían pasos de caracol cojitranco en muletillas, a ritmo cansino de siestas caniculares! Hasta parecía que el tiempo se detuvo en el Paraguay, entre el paleolítico inferior y el político sub inferior. Y que conste que no tengo nada personal contra los colorados, que después de todo se limitaron a imitar a sus antecesores; ésos, que creían tener sangre azul y crearon guerras civiles cual si nunca hubieran conocido la civilización.
La política paraguaya, desde sus espurios orígenes coloniales, estuvo signada con el estigma del dolo, la traición y la tortuosidad de sus métodos conspiraticios. Hasta daría la impresión de que eran más Machiavelli disciples of Rousseau. Finally, March 1, 2006, showed a spark at the end of the dark tunnel of despair in the person of a popular bishop.
That bishop has just been anointed president, after wrath of war with the Vatican, the apostolic nuncio of the devil and the CEP, and if you have not filled accumulated expectations, at least retains the confidence of the majority. What can we expect from this government, formed with many professionals in the wrong vocation and no experience in the labyrinth of intrigue Florentine? Perhaps honesty incipient and little more ... but that bit is just what this country was missing.
police on suspicion ...
inspects the lens of suspicion: Chester Swann *.
Luque, November 26, 2008.
The surprise eruption of fiscal Giuzzio and party, escorted by bouncers of the agencies FOPE Central Headquarters of the National Police, drew attention for being the first time this has happened in our long history of administrative setbacks.
never any civil authority questioned the police, although it knew of the shenanigans that occurred there, which were secret aloud. Since I can remember from the days when Brítez general ran the institution with an iron fist, the police drove robacoches gangs, robbers, drug dealers and sales of "security" thugs known border. Even the "fat" had its own crime unit covered by his father concessive. Nor
General Sanchez, as by Rodriguez after the coup, had crippled fingers, filling the institution of ghostly agents, after collecting in payroll, were diluted in the rarefied air surrounding the mysterious institution. There were no prosecutors or judges who dared to prosecute those soldiers who made and unmade at will, since that would benefit his pockets insatiable.
Sorprendió a la opinión pública que fiscales y un ministro del interior allanaran a una institución verticalista, militarizada y jerárquica como ésa. Y mucho más, que lacraran oficinas allanadas en busca de “irregularidades”; aunque la opinión pública sabe que en el gobierno, en todas sus dependencias, lo irregular es la norma y no la excepción. Al menos los colorados nunca se preocuparon en disimularlo, en la errónea creencia de ser eternos en sus cargos y a salvo de toda justicia humana.
La policía, ésa policía, conformada por garroteros vocacionales robotizados por la obsecuencia indebida, maestros de la brutalidad, poco aptos para las artes marciales, las ciencias human and the proper use of intelligent deduction, should disappear. It should be thrown unceremoniously to all those who began their careers as watchdogs of the dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner. It will be much easier to create a new institution, healthy, honest and intelligent, with college graduates (law, forensics, management, psychology, etc..) Unrelated to the black arts of old hierarchies officers under suspicious echelons, where seniority premium competition. You better sanearla through deep surgical amputations summary, rather than change to mere "fuse" to not change anything.
The police (and other state institutions), is corroded by the gangrene of corruption, because it manages money rather than ideals. Is devoured by the cancer of greed that has overtaken the antibodies of patriotism and selfless service to society. The ambition of having, has abandoned the ideal of being and what is left is a remnant of old tyrannies not removed to the police where he has had to do the dirty work of repressing, torturing and murdering dissidents. Is it the police that we deserve, after long suffering of living in the darkness of fear? We need a new police
, educated for freedom and social responsibility, a reliable and patriotic institution honeys scorns false corruption, and easy profit prebendarismo outside the law. We need a police identified with society, not merely praetorian or murderers hired to serve the highest bidder. We need an ideal police uniform and not just trigger-happy gunmen.
is put in a nutshell: we need a smart and effective police, more repressive preventive function, that is the right arm of justice, rather than hidden arm of the underworld.
Yasyretã engineering and high corruption
Boost la cota de las sospechas ciudadanas: Chester Swann.
Luque, 28 de noviembre de 2008.
Si bien muchos estamos ajenos a los manejos internos de las binacionales —por razones bien conocidas del “secreto de estado”—, la prensa nos da cada tanto alguna que otra información… después de llenarnos durante años de propaganda, tendenciosa, costosa e innecesaria de esas entidades, en páginas y pantallas de TV.
Sería redundante citar los hechos, ahora investigados por los nuevos administradores, ya que la prensa se encarga de desnudar cifras y frases. Todas colindantes con las picardías de quienes usaron y abusaron de las obras no ejecutadas, productos sobrefacturados, indemnizaciones falsas y cientos de ítems más.
La descripción menemista de “monumento a la corrupción” va quedando corta y apretada como ropa vieja. Cabría mejor “corrupción monumental” planificada y avalada por ingenieros de ambas márgenes del Paraná. Ingenieros hábiles, por cierto, en el arte de multiplicar beneficios personales y maleficios colectivos. Lo sorprendente es que hubieran dejado tantas huellas de la infamia, como si se consideraran indestructibles e inexpugnables a contralores y fiscales.
Este ciudadano —con el escepticismo amotinado por la experiencia y las esperanzas rendidas a la decepción—, poco espera de las autoridades judiciales actuales. Son las same as they were during the time that the irregularities were standard, so that soon await his diligence and zeal rectifier. Almost all similar attempts at Itaipu, chicanes were ridiculous challenges to prosecutors and little is expected of lawlessness in Bernal. The "collectors" of ports, were soon released, despite the overwhelming evidence of felonies and no tax consequences of interventions.
As arsonists recent evidence, it is known that hardly set foot behind bars was freed from dust and straw as good guys. The justice authorities, are clearly part of the corruption and fraud, but do not hesitate to convict innocent or bagatelarios chicken thieves.
Lugo will have very hard in this period, if you insist on keeping payrolls who have shown sufficient merit to be removed and dishonorably discharged their duties, but "not to step on the law" in his expressions ... or annoy rogue unions of public bodies. You should know that will sabotage and banana peels to any initiative of administrative transparency and honesty. And leave unpunished the old camanduleros untouched, is stepping on the law, though not encouraged to take the bull by the horns. If not now depart
who are under scrutiny and testing, tomorrow afternoon and the announced changes be an expression of good intentions, those who paved the roads that lead to hell. Only citizens that will suffer the consequences of this hell. The other, the engineers of corruption, and bought the fresh chip paradise and furious spot.
hundred days in fits and starts
think groping and Fillers: Chester Swann.
Luque, December 2, 2008.
Today, between 09 and 12 am was held at the Granados Park hotel postinero if any, an assessment of DNIC on the first hundred days of this government, under the leadership of an NGO represented by Alejandro Vial Saavedra, who elaborated on orders, surveys, strengths and weaknesses to address. Among the positive, Vial Saavedra said, highlighted the fight against corruption, but its downside was the impunity fostered by legal chicanery and power where justice shines ... for his absence.
I calls attention financing AVINA Foundation, funded by a Swiss company, maker of the carcinogenic asbestos cement roofs "Eternit" very challenged by serious environmentalists. Also, the NED (National Endowment for Democracy, which is a national out of this nation, but acts as if it were native), a sort of arm of the CIA and diplomatic arm USAID. Well, sometimes when the charity is great ... the saints are suspicious, and is some of those entities whose generosity tends to arouse suspicion, which usually finance subsidiaries or alleged democracies united in allegiance to the transnationals. Ie democracies politically correct.
And no one is against this mysterious and mythical thing called "democracy", or against traditional political parties, but against penetrations Silent companies suspected of contaminating soil and consciences to earn easy money. Anyway, I listened carefully to the speaker, looking sideways through a beautiful and quiet lady that the deaf sign language, conveyed in the words of the silence.
The materials distributed to the spectators were quite illustrative. You had to have faith that this administration at least tried to do things, that that was the message. Doubt would be considered subjective, a product of bad emotions contained long frustrated or impatient.
But I still think that Lugo could do things better, dismantling the current judiciary to have a free hand to reorganize the institutions. The rest would come in addition, that impunity is not colored product chicanero lawyers only, but a heavy structure designed to offend discretion from power ... or acquittal which cherubim out of it pristine. Evidently
DNIC and their sponsors have good intentions, as they pave the road to hell. I would have liked, if only for a few hours, being the conformist citizen, credulous and mediated, just to think that Lugo was the right thing in less than three months, but not play more than a glancing blow inherited structures. Unfortunately, my skepticism won largely acquired, and though I were to analyze figures, graphs cakes diagnosis and monitoring of media and opinions, not draw conclusions favorable to the new government.
Mainly because the colors were not ousted from power and remain there, stuck in the congress, judiciary, and wherever authorities can continue to steal without being guilty.
only thing that has changed is that now they are on probation and must do so if they steal openly and without pride parade before. Leopard, they say.
between the XXI Century Bolivarian Socialism
and waning of the twentieth century native barbarism. Duda
with certainty: Chester Swann.
Luque, December 4, 2008.
angry and media voices are raised in angry spirals into the ether, and flood with ink blackened the pages of the means of mass distraction, because of alleged interference by Venezuela to bring our country to UNASUR, as if Chavez was catching souls Belzebuth to hell with fishing pole. And notice that I'm not exaggerating, our conservative "liberals" still thrive in medieval inquisitorial mind, but pretend to live in this century and democracy.
And these apocalyptic preaching of the prophets are widely desert alimentadas por los Grondona, los Montaner, los Oppenheimer, los de la “fundación Libertad”, los alfadiabéticos de acero oxidable, los mitristas Vargas Peña, los Jaeggli y otros próceres de la “libre” empresa. Y de seguro engolosinados con dólares de algún generoso cártel aceitero del Norte o de alguna petroquímica especializada en agentes naranjas y semillas cancerígenas de torcido abolengo.
Pareciera que la orientación lateral algo zurda, es cierto —de muchos países del otrora humillado Sur— provocara la alarma de quienes siempre se creyeron dueños de un supuesto backyard (patio trasero, para los desinformados de siempre). Algunos gobiernos de aparente left-wing tendency, such as Chile, Brazil and Uruguay to just raise bump up there for its warmth little something radical and trends decaffeinated. But it is not ignore the fact that Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina and Guatemala are claiming sovereignty to transnational Big Business, after decades of being owned resources, a very low price of coffee and bananas United Fruit & CIA.
While Lugo is the darling of Washington ... at least for now, is no less true that the ideological pendularity alarm triggers the "intelligentsia" neoliberal Creole, which has unleashed a media campaign and apocalyptic "warnings." But I wonder if Chavez is more vicious and cruel that George "Widiot" Bush, who on cadavers harvested in the world, won by a landslide. Not to mention the clandestine torture chambers of the benemérica "Company" or cages Guantanamera! The number of death sentences in Texas, during his time as governor, rather than the shot in Cuba in fifty years, for crimes committed by Batista's men.
And this type of impossible not to believe that the new king of the empire will brown better or humane as that goes. Perhaps even more intelligent and friendly, yes, but no less hard and predator than any hawk Republican. In addition, a good Christian and even a pastor, but I hope this is not Roger Kimball and Billy Graham and Jimmy Swaggart, far right and fascists if any.
The so-called "axis of evil" going on unusual alarm red lights, as if the Bolivarian thought you were going to lose sleep to the north brothers ... or appetite. Nothing more wrong. Even Castro was never a threat to the United States, but remains as a Johnnie Walker camper either. In addition, we must recognize that Chavez is not Venezuela, and Lugo has radical paste. I sincerely believe that the well-fed media campaign is the product of angurria dollars of donations by boreal (NED, USAID), which for ideological reasons unconfirmed.
We're not in a cold war and not a time of dirty wars, such as those launched against Jacobo Arbenz, Juan Bosch, Juan José Torres, Rene Barrientos, Omar Torrijos, João Goulart or Salvador Allende. Even the dreaded aggiornamiento leftists have to opt for social democracy, while the corporations continue their evil tricks of very old and are not likely to change predators, resources, that's what it is and nothing else.
South America has many resources, and to issue guidelines and impose their world view in the new century ... if no nos dejamos engañar de nuevo por la “democrática” prédica de los antiguos dueños del patio trasero, que se resisten a ser desalojados con todo y Doctrina Monroe.
¿Pacto de gobernabilidad…
…o contubernio masónico-político?
Escribe la letra chica de las planchas: Chester Swann*.
Luque, 5 de diciembre de 2008.
El presidente del congreso, Enrique González Quintana, propuso hacer una reprise del famoso Pacto de Gobernabilidad, que diera una frágil y efímera legitimidad al fraudulento gobierno de Juan Carlos Wasmosy, que no fue otra cosa que un enjuague among Masons, in the Temple of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay near Columbus Palma. The purpose of this pact was to integrate a custom cut of political parties, but the Reds did finally dismissing his opponents.
I'm not going to talk about that pact, whose poor results were just the impunity of some white-collar thieves, embroidered aprons and symbolic degrees, and the emergence of the H:. Bro. (Honorable brothers sheet to use) in the judiciary, to comfort and peace of those who were willing to plunder the country free from the rigors of the law.
And the results are in full view of all: the insolence and injustice prevailing in Paraguay, because of that fleeting conspiracy, which now want to revive, expanded but not corrected, the brothers returned to the attack damaged in order to maintain a status quo and a package cuoteo supporter of the court, prosecutor and tried. Evidently, they calculate where to pull the shoe and know that a possible constitutional reform can be cut with the existing legacy privileges and impunity.
UH Pictured are seen and Tito Gonzalez Quintana Saguier mingling amiably, as opening the umbrella before an impending constitutional reform and renewal-not only of the court, but of all the national political rules, "that will shattered many privileges y fueros que han causado esta dèbàcle política, desde el siglo XIX a la fecha.
Es cierto que el Gran Arquitecto permanece indiferente en su Empíreo metafísico, ya que al menos allí no se sufren los efectos de esta oscura sociedad que se proclama de filántropos y filósofos, pero la integran la flor y nata de los empresarios de frontera, jueces venales, fiscales complacientes y ministros corruptos, además de algunos que otros ciudadanos intachables… que sirven de pantalla al resto. Dada la exigüidad de este espacio, me es imposible transcribir la extensa lista de personalidades honestas y canallas que integran esta sospechosa fraternidad, que constituye una suerte de estado dentro del estado.
Fui criado among Masons, for he had uncles, grandparents and their known during my childhood and youth, but were other times when the brotherhood preferred quality over quantity and the black balls were lavished generously to those who, for unclear reasons, wishing to be part of the lodges and had reluctantly to accept them.
Now any abogadito cheat, speculator trader, smuggler, police or military to receive initiations and trout lodges and cliques are illegal there, where there is the most dissolute and promiscuous corporate cronyism, which Discepolian bazaar. It is in this bazaar, which infects those who thrive justice, ethics and foster impunity offenders.
If we look at the sitting on the bench in the most outrageous, his lawyers, judges and prosecutors find Lodges whole shaking hands behind the curtains, freezing records hot, warm or giving dictámentes acquitted the "brothers" in trouble . And not to change just a handshake, but generous handouts to Big Chest and the Grand Masters.
At least, comparing a long list (whose demographics will have increased since then), proporcionádame by a former senior secretary and chancellor of the order, I find increasing evidence of such collusion, but honest brothers, who also any, to settle in his dissent or disagreement plates. Masonic courts do not work, like any court or corporate supporter, against members damaged.
What will bring the venerable brothers with this new "governance pact" to try to revive it now? Over insurance business as usual and no surprise that we know who we are cured of terror. And I, hereby, remember these "venerable? brothers, that the initiative came true. There is no lodge in exchange for "contributions", but austere behavior, refine them in the alchemy of transmutation vital.