Chapter Two:
In the previous chapter I gave you different perceptions, situations that affect
more in some than others in our quality of life as a student.
In this chapter I share my writing about what our eyes are for
us, just as an "intermediate" to enter the core chapters:
see the sap of the study and practice to assimilate.
For the ve - vi nas - vir
blood flows to see and vol - see:
Through my eyes I see beyond the horizon and mountains.
For these see-windows can also look inside me.
For them I am born to the deepest tunes.
My body is subjected to the laws of space, time. But my eyes aladan
my being and extend into the augers.
From "a glance" vi-Sitan me heaven, earth,
step re-view hundreds faces. Everything created is offering to my eyes. Our panoramic
we resemble the Creator, seeing everything at once,
watching the game of life: always the same and never equal.
my mirror I confirm that I am the same, but different. Every moment is a gift of life.
I can believe that I live because I spent yesterday morning, but believing is not live.
Real life is found in the here and now, every blink. I reveals its boundless generosity. I see human evolution converging or marginalizing it.
Every moment is a clarion call to hear the heartbeat of life.
My eyes give me autonomy, I see, I who see. I look forward and affixes my responsibility. Clean my glasses, even with my tears. After rain clears and everything seems closer. Clear my eyes and the darkness gives way to me ... As we see, we, and our fruits will say what we saw.
babble eyes soul: Clear the hidden feelings and invisible.
not age as my body. Sow the mind and heart.
And those barred from the light, know that the substance if it is visible for your heart.
In the Rainbow of Life, each pupil is the seed of that puff creator. For these seeds
seers to recreates the cosmos is arranged.
When fired from his body, migrates to the stars shine.
But the decline there is in the eye:
When sucked, dazzled by the virtual mute.
When we look at that camera. We are looking to not fall down and work. We look
letters unread. See for routine blasting. The sunset is seen:
people without dignity, a tree without its truth, see the bread without it,
things without its beauties.
The atrophied eyes look just what you see but, reality
refuses to be eclipsed.
eyes are as beautiful as heaven, but not all shine with gratitude and admiration to have the gift of seeing.
And the sun goes
because "out of sight, heart and mind."
blood flows to see and vol - see:
Through my eyes I see beyond the horizon and mountains.
For these see-windows can also look inside me.
For them I am born to the deepest tunes.
My body is subjected to the laws of space, time. But my eyes aladan
my being and extend into the augers.
From "a glance" vi-Sitan me heaven, earth,
step re-view hundreds faces. Everything created is offering to my eyes. Our panoramic
we resemble the Creator, seeing everything at once,
watching the game of life: always the same and never equal.
my mirror I confirm that I am the same, but different. Every moment is a gift of life.
I can believe that I live because I spent yesterday morning, but believing is not live.
Real life is found in the here and now, every blink. I reveals its boundless generosity. I see human evolution converging or marginalizing it.
Every moment is a clarion call to hear the heartbeat of life.
My eyes give me autonomy, I see, I who see. I look forward and affixes my responsibility. Clean my glasses, even with my tears. After rain clears and everything seems closer. Clear my eyes and the darkness gives way to me ... As we see, we, and our fruits will say what we saw.
babble eyes soul: Clear the hidden feelings and invisible.
not age as my body. Sow the mind and heart.
And those barred from the light, know that the substance if it is visible for your heart.
In the Rainbow of Life, each pupil is the seed of that puff creator. For these seeds
seers to recreates the cosmos is arranged.
When fired from his body, migrates to the stars shine.
But the decline there is in the eye:
When sucked, dazzled by the virtual mute.
When we look at that camera. We are looking to not fall down and work. We look
letters unread. See for routine blasting. The sunset is seen:
people without dignity, a tree without its truth, see the bread without it,
things without its beauties.
The atrophied eyes look just what you see but, reality
refuses to be eclipsed.
eyes are as beautiful as heaven, but not all shine with gratitude and admiration to have the gift of seeing.
And the sun goes
because "out of sight, heart and mind."
Come and see ...
eyes move your feet. See and be cross. Is it because seeing is open to the horizons?. I remember those looks inviting me to take my first steps. The looks on doors and windows open tunings: how nice to see you, to see them. Skip the "love at first sight."
At the other extreme, the lapidary sentence: "I do not want to see more." And between them, looks pilgrims, wandering ... . The land which the eye moves the universe.
moves in the shuffle of looks, with eyes awake consciousness.
To extricate appeal: "Let's take a high-mindedness."
Climbing the Common Good, go. We return to our source: let us, let us look in the eyes silent, long ... .
is to immerse and emerge View:
If the wonders and mysteries of the sea, earth and human beings live in its depths then I close my eyes and see with all my heart.
We enter the magic of the world
play with the internal currents of the soul. With my own colors redesign reality.
is the only scenario where I am, the script, the protagonist, the director. Dive
to renew, to grow.
Louise Hay says, viewing the falls and prayers for his bowels, he washed his cancer. The reign also symbiosis between cells and vision. Decision
Impossible? :
If the modern world we have within our hands,
what remains to be seen?
long time ago "The Little Prince said, because men have no friends.
it because the friendship is there no roles to play, not make judgments,
not compete?. Only friendship shared visions and experiences.
need silence, not just absence of noise, times without
times to see the realities and their costumes, to deshipnotizarnos.
"We love the evidence, but we show evidence."
The evidence is the source for those who hunger and thirst for truth, justice
. Encounter with the fullness of love lost. Rewarding
rest of the investigator. The evidence is the deployment of all that is displayed by itself as Mother Nature. Transparency dethroned appearances. Dilute the arguments and explanations.
The splendor of the vision: the egg to the light of consciousness
evidence of inextinguishable light.
rounds eyes:
- Her figure haunts us everywhere:
From the eye of the needle to the eye of the sea. Of the bolts to the portholes.
From the eye of the potato to the eagle. Optical fiber to the Trinity. Magic Eye
the blindfold of justice. The clinical eye of the storm.
eyelets dress and undress. Our see-tir
enviste life as presence, dressed in poverty,
of ceremonies, authoritative and transparent dress your outlook on life.
- And in the rounds of situations:
So easy to "see the speck in your neighbor's eye."
Ven-der: what looks good, come-on.
can cost you a pretty penny.
is better than cure pre-view.
Four eyes are better than one.
An enterprise: is not a shared vision?.
A wink is not more noticeable is the key?.
And, for a total delivery: is it blindly?.
Genesis: God
By deploying its creation account in Genesis:
"... And God saw that it was good ...". Her eyes
suns and moon,
"we, too could not give more light to the world?.
give birth the vision to see revival!
From the ocean of your eyes, I also see.
We all are one,
That our universe is a fabric visible and invisible ... This belly
us: we lose sight?
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