Statements to the Press: Approaches to Education. Pedro Aranda
About the launch of my self-help text "Studying for awakening," Guidelines for learning and undertaken. Antofagasta, July 30, 2009.
EDUCATORS ARE NOT THAT FEW subscribe The following definition:
"Education is no longer defined in relation to a specific content which is to assimilate, but is conceived in his truth, as a process of a person who, through the diversity of learning experiences to express, to communicate, to question the world and reach more and more to human fulfillment. "
Catholic University in conjunction with the University of Santiago, Concepción and Technique Federico Santa Maria have created a new supplementary admission that respond to the metacognitive attributes that make a successful student and in other countries and apply. It should be noted that the pilot tests have been conducted since the two years with some schools in Santiago Their questionnaires tend to measure the awareness of learning, social skills and proactivity. Students must also report extracurricular activities during high school. The trials of these tests have given their feasibility and their socio-economic gap has been reduced by 60%. If education
back to its essence, its origin persons may be ethical to take the big leap that we all desire. The principles of UNESCO for education in the world are learning to know, learn to do, learning to live with others and learning to be.
A. Einstein said: "The moral problem of our time is the optimization of the media with a confusion of ends." (Not for nothing that people feel neglected by such optimization, this gap valued as others, creating a climate of irritability, exasperation section).
Recently, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released the International Study of Teaching and Learning in which teachers were consulted in 24 countries on school life. 60% of teachers ensures that students constantly disrupt class, 40% say they always say rude, and 35% of them see how their students verbally bully other students frequently. In England it was decided to bring parents to court to commit them to provide the necessary support to their children who engage in antisocial behaviors.
Educational authorities say a teacher assessed as excellent, does not guarantee that students learn with him. Not enough to be learned if you can not teach what you know. Despite this there is the obsession that the teacher should already have a Masters. Part of the marketing of colleges and universities is how many masters and doctors have. It is obvious that knowledge has changed the lives and becoming more "comfortable" but not in their power to of humans living a life of keeping with the general harmony that reigns in all nature.
If we focus and basically agree on what is required for a person to learn well, for a teacher to teach well, we would have half the problems are solved. And of course the subjects reingienaríamos suffocating.
constantly inform us who have reached the highest pedestals either by their knowledge and / or their skills, and show their big empty abruptly within themselves. What was missing in their human formation processes?: While the roots tell why the trees are what they are, however it is possible for humans to complement developing their thinking skills, internalizing, connecting with the wisdom that leads to the creation. Western culture should take a large dose of the East. The cell phone, the Internet brings us into contact with any part of the world, but also the intelligence of our consciousness discover the answers we seek in our lives more intimately.
do not know why we have not given the evidence that children, teens learn more than 100% in their schools, are home to an endless wealth of teaching and learning. There are few examples of small groups of students who have escaped abroad and have received important awards for their experiences, their research. The schools support the validity of a fruitful and pedagogy, which in turn can not be more practical.
Within civil society only education is commendable and sacred mission to convert people to people, to give sustainability to human existence and our planet. If today our society is darkened with thick clouds, and we have a wounded world of pollution is precisely because the way to be wrong people.
students today, despite the adversities they face, find it unavoidable to rescue their ability to learn to be responsible, learn to stand on its own, to realize if you learn or not learn (independent of the notes obtained), to learn from their mistakes - they are a source of learning - of being responsible for their behavior. All lead to teach him to fish, not give them fish. It is seen that in a significant number of young parents have abdicated their responsibility for their children to be responsible. And the polling exercise on students "take charge" of their own learning.
The mentality of "Formula One": reward the fastest or "agile." It emphasizes that we must be brief and precise, that is efficient. Being competitive is an imperative requirement. This is a cancer on the spirit of education is precisely the opposite. Mature, process, assimilate, understand, learn together, learn from the dialogue, learn and discover synergies. It is inconceivable to give just a few days to read a book and evacuate in a presentation or an evaluation. Robotize learning goes against the nature of any process of maturation that requires humans. The brain, which has created the computer, not computer. Aggression in all areas is going too far as the pressure, harassment by the manifold results ahoguíos emotional causes. If the attentions
utilities, commercial and business seeking greater customization and promote differentiation, "education" per se "should not be personalizing and increasingly assume the distinctions?. Valga
remember: the outside world refuses interior subjectivity. The changes are external, the transformation from within. Nothing out there that can not be transformed from within. One thing is the change in attitudes which are short. Another is the paradigm shifts that are sustained over time. The external world belongs to others, inside mine. Therefore, paradoxically "THE INWARD IS OUT." THROW Is recreated. "NO GOAL, THE WAY AND THE GOAL IS THE SAME, SO GIVE EACH STEP COMPLETELY"
universal law: the cosmos is unity and we are in union with the cosmos. This principle is central to educate an orienting towards human fulfillment. My proposal
textbook "Study to wake up." "Guidance for undertaking and undertaken" just provides simple paradigms and methodologies that will lead us to be people who live with commitment to their learning, and above all learn to discover the truth, goodness and beauty in themselves, in nature, in society. Aranda Pedro Astudillo
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