I do not know if they go to the other, but one sometimes misses the blog that you have left, but remember, think it over twice to write again proposed. How so? simple, one misses the time in which he wrote and read with pleasure, but now, when wanting to return to writing, it is a flat, and annoying to begin to talk more of the same. In my case, was adrift this blog for over a year, at which point I wanted to write something more than once, but declined the idea for several reasons. End up talking about what I was doing in the meantime was the first thing I braked, too cacariƩ (sic) the issue of college. Only me just say that I was working, striving to achieve something that did not even end.
Nor do I delete my page, I prefer to keep a written record of some things I've done, keep well my impression of things happening around me. I do not know if I gain much, but there will continue.
For now, here I'll be writing very occasionally, with no pretensions of any kind, either admiration or prizes, or anything else that concerns you type something, and above all, read and learn something new.