Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Allergic Reation To Eye Brow Waxing

Corruption sum ... and still subtracting


corruption Exorcist: Chester Swann * .

Each day or half day and not to exaggerate, a rabbit jumps over phosphates that pays a few and bleed the treasury, which is the country with impunity. No big fish internship has been in jail and confiscate their property. jails were made for the common man and not for the wicked and traitors against the country, as you can see. Impunity is one of the first steps towards global feudalism. This has been calculated for half of this century ... if people do not learn and their governments stick to the global cause.

political leaders prefer to hush up the cases involving its own members as swineherd's pigs, but the Paraguayans tienen buena memoria hoy por hoy. Les será difícil olvidar a los delincuentes de maletín y corbata que nos acogotan en el día a día. También los internismos partidarios son catalizadores de la impunidad, ya que los sospechosos de corrupción son aportantes a las cajas partidarias, una condición sine qua non para las indulgencias y la impunidad.

Sin embargo, al soslayar a las leyes, al encajonar expedientes en juicios, al hacer caso omiso de la constitución, al simple “traslado” de infieles… se está subvirtiendo al estado y a los valores ciudadanos. Sabemos que Fernando Lugo es el presidente del Paraguay, pero i9gnoramos Who "sent" and direct to whom they govern. Usually a corrupt structure of many years like a scalded cat fight to stay in social cyst. presidents go, remain corrupt. Is this what they call representative democracy?

If this is a democracy, where the offender has a blank check to commit crimes through political parties, someone is misrepresenting the script. Nothing hurts both victims of a crime or systematic theft, such as lack of justice and punishment of the wicked. And we must be alert, especially en nuestras memorias, para saber quiénes son nuestros enemigos y los enemigos del Paraguay. Y que ésos estén seguros de que, aunque la justicia los blanqueara, nuestras memorias lo teñirán con bleque y plumas, a ellos y a sus familias que disfrutan de lo robado.

Si fuera inevitable ser intolerantes, debemos serlo con los impunes disfrazados de funcionarios, policías, militares, parlamentarios, magistrados, sacerdotes o todos los que no han rendido cuenta de sus acciones. ¡Ecce homo con éstos!

Terrasilfor Facial Warts Review

Pedro Aranda A

Words, like seeds on earth, spring to express the experiences we fertilize. They all know their roots and, in concert about relationships which pollinate with other vine life.
recently celebrated the magical harvest of grapes in our desert. Irrigated with water coming piped hundreds of miles from highland sources. Our vines are hardy daughters thread of water, sun and sweet loving care. They claim that life transcends our standards, is irresistible, that life at sea and the desert is to awaken and discover in them their horizons unsuspected, especially today, when the crisis plaguing us everywhere, and the future is obscure .
In the vid looks the joy of living, to transport in fellowship, to solemnize instances of predicted in his wrinkles how dense the sweetness of life ... The vine gets the privilege superlative of being chosen by Christ to identify their blood with his juice. Vid
and life come together in health, life calls to pound, to sense their environment and recreate it, its essence is empathize. Life between Noctiluca and fireflies flashing but is rich in infinite diversity. Also relies, is included in its sunsets, and, as seems to disappear is to be reborn. They know very well the vines in their pruning as human beings who find their fulfillment when it will start taking off their clothes, possessions.
Gen Corporation Our experience is as challenging as the miner. We worship the earth because we are born of it, live it and return to the silence of their roots and salt. Called Gen who wish to undertake way back home. A land that lands us to grow from within, to live with fruits and flowers, roses and thorns, including wind and webs, and the complex human diversity. Vid and life is good health!. Join our thanks .... March 2009